
Conversion tool for MS-Excel spreadsheets with macros and VB to Oracle?

Our users have created MS-Excel spreadsheets which over time have evolved into fairly complex applications. They run their part of the business with them. But, never having been exposed to software development discipline, these spreadsheets are brittle, single point of failure, solutions. Our development group uses Oracle primarily wi...

Compare double in VBA precision problem

I have trouble comparing 2 double in Excel VBA suppose that I have the following code Dim a as double Dim b as double a = 0.15 b = 0.01 After a few manipulations on b, b is now equal to 0.6 however the imprecision related to the double data type gives me headache because if a = b then //this will never trigger end if Do you know...

ASP.Net web server control that generates HTML and Excel

I am developing a web application that contains a great deal of reporting. The reports are fairly basic, but some have multiple datasets or embedded charts. One of the key requirements is that each report can be exported to Excel. The Excel version of the report is disconnected and should look the same (or very similar) to the web rep...

How do I programatically interface an Excel spreadsheet?

I have a request for some contract work from an organization that uses Excel as a database and wants to do some work on the Excel data via a real database. (Yeah, I know, never mind...) The client has an Excel sheet that they use internally to keep track of some government programmes. The data from this Excel sheet used to be manually i...

How to add "Select Data Source" to my Excel appliation?

I need the "Select Data Source" dialog added to my application so that the user can manually select a range (or ranges) in Excel and the range is pasted in my text box. This functionality is everywhere in Excel (most notably when selecting a range for a chart). How can I easily do this? ...

How do I Refresh Excel whilst Debugging

If I am debugging (in this case a Visual Studio assembly called by Excel) and the code updates the Excel worksheet, how do I get Excel to redraw the current sheet / window whilst paused in the debugger? ...

Calling a Webservice from VBA using SOAP

I'm trying to call a web service in an Excel Macro: Set objHTTP = New MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest objHTTP.Open "post", "https://www.server.com/EIDEServer/EIDEService.asmx" objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml" objHTTP.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", "PutSchedule" objHTTP.send strXML And I get back the following response: <?xm...

Reset Excel "Find and Replace" dialog box parameters

How do I programmatically reset the Excel "Find and Replace" dialog box parameters to defaults ("Find what", "Replace with", "Within", "Search", "Look in", "Match case", "Match entire cell contents")? I am using "Application.FindFormat.Clear" and "Application.ReplaceFormat.Clear" to reset find and replace cell formats. Interestingly, a...

Strange error when creating Excel files with Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer

Here's the code. Not much to it. <?php include("Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php"); $xls = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer(); $sheet = $xls->addWorksheet('At a Glance'); $colNames = array('Foo', 'Bar'); $sheet->writeRow(0, 0, $colNames, $colHeadingFormat); for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++) { $row = array( "foo $i", "bar $i"); $sheet->wri...

What causes Excel export from SQL Server Reporting Services to produce an abnormally large file?

We have are relatively simple Reporting Services report that our users commonly export to Excel. I've noticed that the files produced by the Excel export seem unusually large. If I open one of these files and just click save, without making any changes, the file size reduces to about half of it's previous size. Has anyone else run into t...

Where is a reliable registry key to find install location of Excel 2007?

Where is a reliable registry key to find install location of Excel 2007? ...

Trap the Worksheet Unprotect event in Excel

I have a protected Excel worksheet, without a password. What I'd like to do is trap the event that a user unprotects the worksheet, so that I can generate a message (and nag 'em!). I can setup event checking for the application, for when new workbooks are opened, etc., but not for Unprotect. Does anyone have an idea? ...

Excel built-in dialogs

Does anybody know how to call the import data built-in dialog excel from a macro (vba). I've tried Application.Dialogs.Item(...).Show but I can´t find the right dialog. Thanks in advance. ...

Access table to Excel

I have a Table in Access 2007 with 11,000 rows and about 20 columns. I want to create a form button that export the table to a Excel sheet. Code need to be VBA Any Ideas?? ...

How to I attach to a VSTO Excel Application Process to Debug?

I've got a Excel VSTO 2005 application I need to debug, I've tried attaching to the process EXCEL.EXE in Visual Studio 2005 to no avail. Does anyone know what to do in order to debug managed code running in a VSTO Excel Application? ...

Excel 2007 Hangs When Closing via .NET

I have a Visual Basic .NET program which needs to open and close an Excel spreadsheet. Opening and reading the spreadsheet work fine, but trying to close the Excel 2007 application causes it to hang. It seems to close, but if you look in the task manager the application is still running. The code that I'm using to close it is wbkData...

What's the best interactive Analysis and Plotting Tool for software testing?

My realtime app generates a data log: 100 words of data @10Khz. I need to analyze it and produce some plots of the results. There are intermediate calculations involved - I need to take some differences, averages, etc. Excel would work fine, except for: the 32000 item limit on graph data series is too small - that's only 3 seconds...

Excel cannot enable references / missing functions

I have a working excel workbook that has VBA code and macros to help in data input. I use a calendar to capture dates and read data out of cells. The application works 100% on my machine (application developed in 2007 but saved as a .XLS – 97/2000 for compatibility in the office). When I give the file to other people, the calendar contro...

VBA SQL Query Table Error problem

Gentlemen, I am trying to pull data from an ACD call data system, Nortel Contact Center 6.0 to be exact, and if you use that particular system what I am trying to capture is the daily call by call data. However when I use this code (sCW is a common word string that equals "eCallByCallStat" and sDate is dDate = Format(Month(deffDate)...

Excel automation. Need to get the previous selection when selection changes

I'm working on an import (from Excel) dialog that uses automation to allow the user to select ranges of cells for import. When the range is selected, I'm using the event sink to catch the event and hilight the first row and first column. I need to have a way to unhilight the previous selection's first row and column. I don't think it'...