
Moving data from Sql Server to Excel via a Web Service

My users want data from my application in Excel. The data resides in a SQL Server database but I don't want the users to have direct access to the database, I would rather provide them a web service to get the data. What is the best way to move data from SQL Server to Excel via a web service? ...

Reliable real values generator for Excel for Office 2007 and Vista SP1

Dear all, can you please tell me which add-in you are using to generate real/integer values in Excel 2007 (running on Vista SP1)? I have tried a couple of them and particularly Random Generator from AbleBits.com but there are some problems with entering lowest and highest values there. I guess this is due to Office 2007 & Vista configu...

'License expired' error when dynamically generating Excel docs in ASP.NET

Anyone familiar with error below? When I run my webapp to generate a dynamic excel doc from my local machine it works fine but when the same piece of code is invoked on the server I get the below error. It seems like it's a permissions issues since it works on my machine but not the server but I don't know where to start in order to pinp...

Finding if a TextBox/Label caption fits in the control

The scenario is trying to adjust font size to get a nice graphic arrangement, or trying to decide where to break a caption/subtitle. a) In XL VBA is there a way to find out whether a text on a textbox, or caption on a label, still fits the control? b) Is there a way to know where was the text/caption broken on multiline control? ...

Is Visual Studio Tools for Applications part of Office 2007?

The VSTO bit I understand. Visual Studio has the project templates to get you started with creating nice .NET based add-ins. But where is VSTA? I installed the SDK but it seems to be gears towards adding extensibility to your own applications. I had thought that VSTA was like the new VBA for Office 2007. Infopath 2007 seems to be VST...

VBA Excel macro writing an input integer into a cell.

I am writing a quick application myself - first project, however I am trying to find the VBA code for writing the result of an input string to a named cell in Excel. For example, a input box asks the question "Which job number would you like to add to the list?"... the user would then enter a reference number such as "FX1234356". The m...

How to make a reference to a cell of another sheet, when the sheet name is the value of a cell?

Hi, In excel 2007, I have a formula in a cell like the following: =COUNTIFS('2008-10-31'!$C:$C;">="&'$A7) Now I want to make the name of the sheet ('2008-10-31') be dependent on the value of some cell (say A1). Something like: =COUNTIFS(A1!$C:$C;">="&'$A7) // error Is there is way to do this? Or do I have to write a VBA-Macro for...

How password protection of Excel VBA code works?

This question is related to my previous one. Can you explain or give a link to an explanation of how Excel VBA code password protection actually works in versions prior to 2007, and what is the difference in 2007? Does it actually encrypt the code and how Excel executes the code if it is encrypted? How password removal software for exce...

CoCreateInstance fails for class Microsoft_Office Excel Worksheet. 0x80040514 "Class not registered"

A sample I'm working on calls CoCreateInstance for class Microsoft_Office Excel Worksheet. It fails with HRESULT of 0x80040514 ("Class not registered"). Other Excel classes (Excel.Application) are registered on the system, but not the one for Worksheet .....Is it possible to register this class? Update: I'm using Microsoft's DSOFram...

import data from a webpage to excel

I'm in need of a macro that will enter data into a webpage search field and than copy the results to excel. ...

Memory leak in Excel

I have a macro in excel which calls a few other functions in vba. The problem is that there seem to be a lot of circular references and memory is not freed up. I am trying to explicitly free up memory by setting objects to nothing, but still cannot plug it. Morever, even after the macro stops running, the memory is not freed up. I have t...

How to insert the symbol 'Infinite' in Excel programmatically?

Hi, How can I create the "Infinite" symbol in an excel sheet programmatically? Preferably from Java...but other tips are also welcome. Thx. ...

Efficient method to enumerate cells in an Excel workbook using c#

What is the most efficient way to enumerate every cell in every sheet in a workbook? The method below seems to work reasonably for a workbook with ~130,000 cells. On my machine it took ~26 seconds to open the file and ~5 seconds to enumerate the cells . However I'm no Excel expert and wanted to validate this code snippet with the wider ...

how to insert value into a cell in Excel sheet using asp.net

How to insert data into a particular cell in a Excel Work sheet in Asp.net ...

Excel VBA SVN Client / Integration

Can anyone recommend an SVN client for use in Excel with VBA (code modules only). Ideally, I would also like SVN to ignore case when diffing prior to committing changes so as to avoid excessive churn in the repository (VBA has an annoying habit of changing the case of variables all over the project). ...

Wrap rows in Excel

Let's say there is a report to compare charges with adjustments that outputs to excel, such that each row has the following fields: Account Number charge date Original item number Adjusted Item number Original Qty Adjusted Qty Original amount Adjusted amount Original Post date Adjusted Post date I need to help a user create a view in...

How do I create a toolbar in an XLA document?

How do I create a toolbar for Excel using an XLA document? ...

Get Data From An Uploaded Excel File Without Saving to File System

I have a requirement to allow a user of this ASP.NET web application to upload a specifically formatted Excel spreadsheet, fill arrays with data from the spreadsheet, and bind the arrays to a Oracle stored procedure for validation and insertion into the database. I must be able to read the data from the Excel spreadsheet without being a...

Excel VBA: Identify invalid characters in text based cell

I recently inherited a VBA macro that needs to have validation logic added to it. I need to be able to determine if any characters in a text based cell are non ASCII characters (i.e. have a binary value > 0x7F). The cells may contain some carriage control values (particularly linefeeds) that need to be retained (so the CLEAN function d...

String manipulation with Excel - how to remove part of a string if another part is there?

I've done some Googling, and can't find anything, though maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places. I'm also not very adept at VBA, but I'm sure I can figure it out with the right pointers :) I have a string I'm building that's a concatenation of various cells, based on various conditions. I hit these in order. =IF(A405<>A404,G405,G40...