
How can I read an Excel file using Zend framework?

How can I read an Excel file using Zend framework? ...

How do I map XML sequences to Excel columns?

I'm new to XML. What I have is a load of XML from Adobe Illustrator which I'm trying to map excel data onto. I have sequences in the original data which look like this <Market_Pie> <datanumDataColumns="5"> <values> <row> <valuekey="name"></value> <value>503.931</value> <value>268.301</value> <value>285.561</value> <value>152.037</value>...

Need help setting up an Excel database with userform and listbox.

I have an Excel database template that I am making; it has 4 sheets. The first sheet is the “Front page” it is the only sheet that I want anyone to see, I don’t want access to the other sheets with the data on them. The first sheet has a button that brings up a userform with a search box and a listbox. The next three sheets have the sa...

Hyperlink to an Excel Cell

Quick Summary How can I create a hyperlink to a specific cell in Excel that will work from Firefox, or achieve the same result in javascript? Detailed Description I have an excel spreadsheet that users enter data into. This spreadsheet is then used to generate some diagrams in SVG. The diagrams are displayed in Firefox (though this ...

How to pull data and export to excel within an ajax framework.

Hi, I have a very specific problem and i'm looking for input on a good way to approach it. edit:(simplified question) Essentially I have been working on a remote monitoring system for retail kiosks. I am operating within a framework that is entirely dependent on AJAX. I have been using XML to pass data between the clientside/serve...

Custom Database integration with MOSS 2007

Hopefully someone has been down this road before and can offer some sound advice as far as which direction I should take. I am currently involved in a project in which we will be utilizing a custom database to store data extracted from excel files based on pre-established templates (to maintain consistency). We currently have a process (...

Apache POI Excel Row & Column Indexing

I'm using Apache POI to create a large Excel spreadsheet that is extremely formula heavy for a client that may later modify the code of my program with new formulas. The big issue that I'm running in to is dealing with the fact that the POI workbooks are 0-indexed for their rows and columns, while the Excel formulas deal with the documen...

Excel AutoFill problem

Hi, I'm having problems with a VBA script. The function fills in a sheet with some formulas. It works fine most of the time, however when I run it on a larger data set... it crashes with: Run-time error '1004': AutoFill method of Range class failed The debugger points to the last AutoFill call. When I look at the sheet, it seems that t...

Excel: parse text as formula

I would like to have part of an excel formula be dynamic, other than a cell reference. For instance, suppose that in column A (cells A1:A99) I have a bunch of numbers, and I want to know how many of those numbers are greater than 50. If I wanted this calculation to be static, I could simply use one of the following: =COUNTIF($A$1:$A$9...

Webservice returned xml value into Excel

Hi, I connect to a web service, and it returns a IXMLDOMNodeList type variable. It looks as though the node list's item(0) contains the schema, and item(1) contains all the table data. How can I transfer this data into the excel spreadsheet? This is what it returns when I debug.print results.item(0).xml (results is the results of t...

PasteSpecial in Vb.NET with Excel doesn't havee any effect?

Why this doesn't have any effect? Dim targetRange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range Dim sourceRange As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range = exlTargetApp.Worksheets(" Recognition 1, 2, 3").Range("M69:N69") sourceRange.Select() sourceRange.Copy() targetRange = exlTar...

No value given for one or more required parameters.

Hi i am trying to update a excel file using the oledb connections. But i am getting the following error: "No value given for one or more required parameters." This is my code: String sConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + Server.MapPath(@"TempUploads\" + hdnExcelName.Value) + ";Extended Properties='Ex...

[Excel] How can you retrieve a signature of function usable in Excel in VBA or a DLL ?

Hello, When you type a function and press CTRL + SHIFT + A, you get a completion in Excel for the rest of the arguments. For example, try to type, =SUM(, then press CTRL + SHIFT + A, and you will get the following: =sum(number1,number2,...) My question is: how do you retrieve this signature from either VBA or a XLL, such as you can i...

VBA "ThisWorkbook.Close" Does not close this workbook!

I'm Writing a VBA macro in excel that is supposed to open "fileB.xls" and then close immediately after it opens. Since we will be talking about 3 excel files I'll call the first one fileA. The code for the buttons on the userform for file A look like the following. Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() 'Code for Button in FileA ' ...

Large jasper report to Excel causes a corrupt file

I'm using jasperreports 3.5.3 for generating a large (but simple) report. Only a table with strings. When I list a big enough selection the generated file is corrupt. Excel alerts the user and some data is corrupted. But if I filter the data to show some rows including the offending one it's generated normally. Does someone have experi...

How to call sheet-specific macro from one Excel workbook in another?

I'm trying to call an Excel macro that's in another workbook. It's a sheet-specific macro, but the syntax given by Microsoft documentation and researching on the web, only gives a way to access a macro by workbook only. That syntax is: Application.Run ("testworkbook.xls!macroname") What I need to do is have a sheet reference in ther...

how do i multiply two cells by their names?

if one cell is called ALEX and the other is called ALEXALEX (instead of A1 and A2)., how do i multiply them such that i just enter a formula like C1 = AlEX * ALEXALEX instead of A1*A2? ...

php-excel-reader not displaying format of empty cells

I'm working on a little app that takes Excel spreadsheets that display tournament brackets, and then output the excel data and formatting into xml. I'm using Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader h(ttp://code.google.com/p/php-excel-reader/) to retrieve the data from the tournament bracket spreadsheets. The only problem is that any cell will no valu...

Language/framework to write Excel spreadsheets, webbased

I need to make a webpage (from scratch) that will interrogate a SQLite database (with a predetermined query) to produce an Excel compatible spreadsheet. I need to find a lightweight solution to implement this, but don't know where to look and what is recommended. The page itself will be fairly vanilla, only takes two dates as input, and...

Write Queries on Excel sheet in c#

I want to update specific row of excel sheet from my asp.net application. I m able to read excel, but how can i update the records.Can i write Update query . How . please send me code: string strQuery = "UPDATE [Sheet1$] SET Child Name=" + "\"" + strDataToUpdate[0] + "\","; strQuery = strQuery + "Pickup Point Name=" + "...