
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Memory Usage

Hi; I'm trying to create a multi-sheet excel document, and thus far I'd been doing it in PHP - but using PHPExcel was eating up 70MB of RAM for about 60,000 spreadsheet cells total. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel and if it has problems with creating very large documents. I'd just give it a shot bu...

Formula in all cells in a column

Hi, Simple question: I want to create a formula which, in column Cn, will compute the values of An * Bn. example column C1 = column A1 * column B1 column C2 = column A2 * column B2 column C3 = column A3 * column B3 ...etc all the way down to column Cn = column An * column Bn Thanks ...

How can I find out if a cell in Excel contains a number/text or a formula?

What I like to do is conditionally format cells depending on whether the cell contains a formula (something starting with "=") or not. Is this feasible in Excel 2007? ...

Password Protected Excel File

I have an excel spreadsheet that is password-protected. I need to open this spreadsheet and read the data from it. I've been attempting to use the POI API to no avail. A Java solution would be preferred but any ideas would be helpful. Edit: Yes, I have the password. The file is password protected in excel; a password must be entered to...

excel formula to subtract number of days from a date

is there a way in Excel to have a formula that does something like this: = 12/20/2010 - 180 which would take a certain date (12/20/2010 in this case) and subtract 180 days . . ...

Populate a value in MS Excel

Hello, I have a Excel spreadsheet and I have 3 columns. column A, column B, Column C. In column B if there is a value 1 then in Column C it should populate as True and if in column B value is 0 then in C it should be False. How do I do this in MS Excel ...

Excel.Range to String conversion in C#

Using .NET's Office interop libraries, does anybody know the best way to convert back and forth between strings (eg "A57", "$L$2:$M:$3") and corresponding objects of type Excel.Range? Bonus points if it also works with "named ranges". ...

Importing a spreadsheet, but having trouble.

I have a form that allows a user to import a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is generally static when it comes to column headers, but now the users want to be able to include an optional column (called Notes). My code crashes when I try to read the column from the spreadsheet if it doesn't exist. Dim objCommand As New OleDbComma...

.NET Excel Interop - Why aren't my Footers displaying in my printed output file?

I'm working with C# and Office 2007's Excel Interop API. I'm opening an Excel file, applying some formatting and then sending it to the printer. I've got a problem, though. The Footer text doesn't appear to be printing. If I check the PageSetup.RightFooter property, I can see the expected Page Number in the Footer. That Page Number does...

Excel Matching problem with logic expression

(I understand Excel is only borderline programming) I have a block of data that represents the steps in a process and the possible errors: ProcessStep Status FeesPaid OK FormRecvd OK RoleAssigned OK CheckedIn Not Checked In. ReadyToStart Not Ready for Start I want to find the first Status that is not "OK". I have a...

Stop VBA Evaluate from calling target function twice

I am having trouble getting VBA's Evaluate() function to only execute once; it seems to always run twice. For instance, consider the trivial example below. If we run the RunEval() subroutine, it will call the EvalTest() function twice. This can be seen by the two different random numbers that get printed in the immediate window. The beha...

Formatting when copying SQL data and pasting in Excel

I want to copy a sql result set and paste it in Excel. But the data I paste in to the spreadsheet doesn't want to recognize Excel formatting. So if I change a column to currency, it doesn't do anything. But...if I double click on a cell, THEN it applies the currency format. But only to that cell. How can I make it automatically reco...

Excel VBA: how to insert a new row into a range and copy formulas

Hi There I have a named range like the following covering A2:D3 ITEM PRICE QTY SUBTOTAL 1 10 3 30 1 5 2 10 TOTAL: 40 I am looking for some VBA code to insert a new row into the range copying the formulas not values. Any tips/links greatly appreciated. ...

OleDB Jet - Float issues in reading excel data

When I read a sheet into a DataTable using the OleDbDataReader, floating point numbers loose their precision. I tried forcing OleDb to read the excel data as string, but although the data is now contained in a DataRow with each Column defined as System.String it looses precision (18.125 -> 18.124962832). Any idea how to avoid this beh...

APPLE SCRIPT microsoft excel cells back ground color

Using applescript how can i change the color of "cells ranging from A3 to E3" to light grey color. I still want the font to be in black color. ...

I cannot open .xlsx file

I want to open an xlsx file, I have tried the below code,but neither does it open nor does it thrown any error. Can anyone throw any light upon it string path = "C:\\examples\\file1.xlsx"; string connString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + path + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES\";"); Ole...

Count number of arguments to Excel formula in VBA

I need to use VBA to determine the number of arguments passed to an Excel formula. For instance, suppose a cell contains the formula =MyFunc($A$1, "xyz", SUM(1,2,COUNT(C1:C12)), IF(B1>2,1,0)). Then the counter function should return 4. Does VBA contain any built-in functions for this, or does someone have an example of a regular expressi...

Use SSIS to populate Excel workbook generated using OOXML

We are trying to generate MS Excel workbook using OOXML and populate data using SSIS. We are able to generate Workbook and sheets, also able to create columns and insert data in the Header cell. We can also populate data using SSIS. But the Sheet (DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet) and all cells (DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadshee...

VBA Public Function to Excel

Dear sir , I have create below function Option Explicit Public Function fyi(x As Double, f As String) As String Application.Volatile Dim data As Double Dim post(5) post(1) = "Ribu " post(2) = "Juta " post(3) = "Milyar " post(4) = "Trilyun " post(5) = "Ribu Trilyun " Dim part As String Dim text As String Dim cond A...

How to copy data from another workbook and paste onto related group rows?

Hi there, How do I copy data from all the workbooks in the folder onto workbook 1 into it's corresponding row groups? The attached images shows the sample worksheet is the file I want to paste data into (main template) and wb2 sample is a sample of one of the worksheets in the folder that I want to copy data from. As you can see, the ...