
Excel Date to String conversion

Hi I have a Date value like 01/01/2010 14:30:00 in a cell in Excel sheet. I want to convert that Date to Text and also want the Text to look exactly like Date. So a Date value of 01/01/2010 14:30:00 should look like 01/01/2010 14:30:00 but internally it should be Text. How can I do that in Excel? Thank you! Chaitanya ...

Excel VBA Userform Combobox problem

I'm having difficulties with a Combobox in a userform in an Excel document. The combobox either doesn't appear in the userform, or the combobox remains blank, and when I enter any character in it, the list of items appears, but 2 or 3 times, instead of just once. When I select an item, the chosen item doesn't appear in the box. It seem...

Django/Python: Save an HTML table to Excel

I have an HTML table that I'd like to be able to export to an Excel file. I already have an option to export the table into an IQY file, but I'd prefer something that didn't allow the user to refresh the data via Excel. I just want a feature that takes a snapshot of the table at the time the user clicks the link/button. I'd prefer it if...

Documentation for the Excel object model.

The documentation for .NET's Excel interop API at msdn.com seems rather sparse. Does anyone know of more thorough documentation elsewhere on the web? I am looking for something that would, for example, list and explain all the properties of a Worksheet object. Thanks. ...

Please suggest ways to manipulate Excel spreadsheet without using Excel object as web server does not have MS office installed

I would like to know the options to manipulate the Excel spreadsheets using ASP.NET 2.0 without using Excel object as web server does not have MS Office installed. ...

Formatting Excel Document in Qt

Hi, I am using Qt 4.5 and Windows XP. I need to create an Microsoft Excel Document that has data (some labels and values) from the Qt application. I need to format those data with some fonts,bold,italics,color, background color etc., Besides ordinary data, there will be Picture files (JPG) also. I need to add those into the Excel. I know...

Finding the last row in an Excel spreadsheet.

I'm trying to find the index of the last row in an excel spreadsheet using Apache's POI for Java. I thought this should be possible with getLastRowNum() or getPhysicalNumberOfRows() but they don't seem to give the right results. For example, I have a one line spreadsheet and these two functions return a value of 1140. Another two line...

Error accessing certain Excel sheets with Jet

I am using ASP.NET to open an Excel 2003 document hosted on the server. The excel spreadsheet, produced by a system outside of my control, has 5 named worksheets. I access the data in each sheet as follows (line breaks added for readability): string ExcelConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\sample.xls; Extended ...

How to implement Excel Solver functionality in C#?

Hi, I have an application in C#, I need to do some optimization calculations, like Excel Solver Add-in does, one option is certainly to write my own solver implementation, but I'm kind of short of time, so I'm looking into libraries that already exist that can help me with this. I've been trying the Microsoft Solver Foundation, which s...

using Excel VBA, given the daily price of 50 stocks, choose 10 stocks such that they have the minumum correlation

The high-level goal is to choose 10 stocks that have the lowest correlation among one another, out of a pool of 50, so that I can have a well-diversified portfolio. I have managed to write some VBA macro to download the past 3 years of daily price data from Yahoo finance, and then compute the 50x50 correlation matrix (using the Correl f...

How to automate export from Access 2007 to Excel 2003

I want to automate exporting the results of an Access query to Excel. My environment is: Access 2007 A database in Access 2003 format Export should be in Excel 2003 format. The query includes a Memo column that can contain up to 512 characters. So far I've tried the following: Run the query in Access, then copy/paste the result gr...

Why is Excel's 'Evaluate' method a general expression evaluator?

A few questions have come up recently involving the Application.Evaluate method callable from Excel VBA. The old XLM macro language also exposes an EVALUATE() function. Both can be quite useful. Does anyone know why the evaluator that is exposed can handle general expressions, though? My own hunch is that Excel needed to give people a w...

How do I turn off autocorrect in VBA in Excel 2007?

My VBA in Excel 2007 is going crazy and it's automatically moving my cursor all over the place. Is this supposed to be happening? Is there some way to turn this off? ...

OleDB provider for XML Spreadsheet 2003?

Hi. I'm unable to open XML spreadsheets (2003) using either the JET driver or the new Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider. I've tried both Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 and Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 with and without the "Xml" qualifier in the Extented Properties parameter. They both throw OleDbException (0x80004005): External table is not ...

Excel cell from one sheet to another sheet

Excel 07. I have two excel spreadsheets. Sheet1 has a few cells on it that I would like to be populated with a few cells from sheet2. This I want sheet1 to replicate this about 400 times for all employees in the agency. Here is the example. Sheet 1 Person name number1 number 2 number 3 Cell cell cell cell Sheet 2 In...

how can i program this ui box

in what way can this be programmed. a UI box that displays random number between min and max value for 2 seconds then shows blank for 2 seconds then shows another random numer for 2 seconds then shows blank for 10 seonds and then repeats the cycle infitely until form closed. Font of the text to be configurable. any help at all will be ...

run-time error '429' activex component can't create object

I've created a simple application .Net Class that converts an excel spreadsheet into a a pdf file. I then get a Excel 2007 application to call this dll which works fine on my development machine. However when i deploy it on to a Vista machine that has both the .net framework and excel 2007, i get this error - run-time error '429' acti...

Connecting PowerPoint and Excel

How do I connect PowerPoint and Excel such that each slide in the PowerPoint slideshow shows the next Excel cell in the cell in column A of Excel? ...

Excel tab sheet names vs. Visual Basic sheet names

It seems that Visual Basic can not reference sheets according to user-modified sheet names. The worksheet tabs can have their names changed, but it seems that Visual Basic still thinks of the worksheet names as Sheet1, etc., despite the workbook tab having been changed to something useful. I have this: TABname = rng.Worksheet.Name '...

Protecting Excel work book using SpreadsheetGear in C#.

hey What is best possible way to protect Excel work book(read only) and work sheets without using password using SpreadsheetGear dll in c#? ...