
Excel 2003 - ADDRESS() function issues

I finally thought I had found a way to acutally use excel productively but the code that I followed does not appear to work. I'm thinking that the code is very limited and can't do what I want but I thought I'd ask to confirm - maybe it is my function that is the problem. I want to calculate the sum of a row of values for the previous ...

How to copy a formatted cell in Excel to a table cell in Word using .NET?

I'm attempting to copy cells, one at a time, from an Excel 2003 (or 2007) spreadsheet to a Word 2003 (or 2007) table. I'd like the code to be version-agnostic, and so am using late binding. The formatting of the contents of the Excel cell, such as color, underline, strike-through, needs to be preserved. My approach is to use a Word doc a...

Get the Default datatype for excel column using VSTO

Is there a way to get the default datatype assigned by excel to its columns using VSTO c#. ...

Check whether Excel file is Password protected

I am trying to open an Excel (xlsm) file via VBA. It may or may not be protected with a (known) password. I am using this code: On Error Resume Next Workbooks.Open filename, Password:=user_entered_pw opened = (Err.Number=0) On Error Goto 0 Now, this works fine if the workbook has a password. But if it is unprotected, it can NOT be ope...

Excel VBA: Passing a collection from a class to a module issue

Hello, I have been trying to return a collection from a property within a class to a routine in a normal module. The issue I am experiencing is that the collection is getting populated correctly within the property in the class (FetchAll) but when I pass the collection back to the module (Test) all the entries are populated with the las...

Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer data output is damaged

I use Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer to generate .xls file and it works fine until I have to deal with a large amount of data. On certain stage it just writes some nonsense chars and quits filling certain columns. However some columns are field up to the end (generally numeric data) I'm not quite sure how the xls document is formed: row by ro...

I need to Loop an a formula with the Offset function until the cell is blank

I need to Loop the formula below until Column "B" which contains dates is empty. I am stuck and I just can't seem to write the VBA Code to do the Loop until there is no more Dates in Column "B". The formula is smoothing out the yields by using those dates that have a yield. I hope anyone would be able to help me. Thanks in advance ...

Excel formula question

I'm trying to convert an excel formula that I found to a more easily understood formula. Below is the formula I'm trying to interpret. What is ei?? =3*ei/2-27*ei^3/32 ...

How to insert subtotals in an Excel footer?

Hello: How I can include subtotals amounts at the bottom/footer of each page of an excel sheet? ...

Similar Application to GemBox for word

Hi all, I'm using GemBox for my project now. Currently my module requires only excel which is why I've tried and really like using this application. Talk to my PM about the possibility of purchasing it but they wanted something similar that might work for word documents as well as just excel so that others might use it as it is more comm...

Excel: disable "Error in loading DLL" message

Hello, I am building a data validation system (to check entries in cells) that is referring to a dynamically built named range. Sometimes the range does not exist and I have the "Error in loading DLL message".. is there a way to disable it? Thanks. ...

Problem with Workbook Events and reading Table Objects

Hi, I am working on an excel workbook add-in where I'm supposed to add a menu item to the ribbon which I already done. I have to enable this menu item when the user clicks on the table object in the worksheet. Can anyone please tell me what event should I use to achieve this and how to find out of the current cell is part if a table ob...

how to export asp.net MVC detail view data to an excel file?

how to export asp.net mvc view data to an excel file ? Actually my view page contain many viewdata types. i am using for each loop with these datatype to displaying data on the view page. my requirement is that i want to export this displayed data into excel file.how to do that? thanks ...

SSIS Dataflow From Excel Empty Rows

Hi All, I am using SSIS Dataflow to import data into SQL2008. My data source is an excel file. The dataflow is working, however it seems that it is importing empty rows from the Excel file. I don't understand why this is happening. For example i have data in rows 1 to rows 100,000. But when the data flow task runs it might say it i...

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ListObject vs Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ListObject

I need to access the Selected Event of all the listobjects in all the worksheets of my workbook but when I access worksheet.listobject, that object apparently belongs to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ListObject and so doesn't have any events where as the table list object belongs to Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ListObject. And I read ...

Is it OK to allow users to query an OLTP SQL Server database with excel?

I have a SQL Server 2005 database used by several applications. Some users wish to query the database directly from excel. I can understand this, because it is a useful tool for ad hoc queries and then getting the data in a format that's easily transmitted and manipulated by other users. My question is: Does Excel (say 2003/2007) do i...

Excel file reading with 2007 office connection string.

Actually in my system having 2007 office then i am reading the 2003 .xls file with using the 2007 connection string string ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + Filename + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;\""; data is not reading. But if the first row first column data length is lessthen 255 the...

Export sheet from Excel to CSV

I am creating a spread sheet to help ease the entry of data into one of our systems. They are entering inventory items into this spread sheet to calculate the unit cost of the item (item cost + tax + S&H). The software we purchased cannot do this. Aan invoice can have one or more lines (duh!) and I calculate the final unit cost. This is...

Merge Multple Worksheets From Multple Workbooks

Hi, I have found multiple posts on merging data but I am still running into some problems. I have multiple files with multiple sheets. Example 2007-01.xls...2007-12.xls in each of these files are daily data on sheets labeled 01, 02, 03 ..... There are other sheets in the file so I can't just loop through all worksheets. I need to combin...

WHERE IN Query with two recordsets in Access VBA

Hi All, My first post here, so i hope this is the right area. I am currently trying to compare 2 recordsets, one of which has come from an Excel named range, and the other from a table in the Access database. The code for each is: Set existingUserIDs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Username FROM UserData") Set IDsToImport = exceldb.OpenReco...