
Excel macro to change location of .cub files used by pivot tables? (to allow .xls files that depend on .cub files to be moved)

I often use Excel with pivot tables based on .cub files for OLAP-type analysis. This is great except when you want to move the xls and you realise internally it's got a non-relative reference to the location of the .cub file. How can we cope with this - ie make it convenient to move around xls files that depend on .cub files? The best ...

Adding Date to Excel using Open XML

Hi, I would like to insert Date value to excel file using Open XML. Here is my code sample. cell.CellValue = new CellValue(value.ToString()); cell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.Date); ...

Manage spreadsheet versioning

We have a lot of VBA code in spreadsheets and a lot of time people save them to local drives. When we want to upgrade the spreadsheets we push a new version out to a shared drive but dont have any way of enforcing that people dont use the old versions of the spreadsheets. Is there some best practice here to deploy vba spreadsheets so...

Excelsheet query

How can I find the last word from any particular cell in excel sheet if cell contains multiple words or instructions? For ex- The below string is in particular cell: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\Blue hills.jpg My requirement is to search only last word in that cell i.e. Blue hills.jpg. ...

Silverlight file download for COM Interop

Is the following possible in Silverlight when a button is clicked? An Excel template is downloaded from a remote server and saved to the local machine An instance of the template is then opened on the client A macro is then executed within the new Excel document I can do everything apart from saving the template to the local machine...

How do you scale a pictureLink object in Excel 2010

In Excel 2007 it is possible to scale a pictureLink object (created with the Camera Tool) using the following VBA code. With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(sht).Pictures(name) .ShapeRange.ScaleWidth scaleValue, msoTrue .ShapeRange.ScaleHeight scaleValue, msoTrue .top = top .left = left End With This code places the picture corr...

mysql to excel generation using php

<?php // DB Connection here mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("hitnrunf_db"); $select = "SELECT * FROM jos_users "; $export = mysql_query ( $select ) or die ( "Sql error : " . mysql_error( ) ); $fields = mysql_num_fields ( $export ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $fields; $i++ ) { $header .= mysql_field_name( $export ,...

Is Infragistics.Excel V 10.1(Latest) compatible with Visual studio 2005 and .net clr 2.0?

Is Infragistics.Excel V 10.1(Latest) compatible with Visual studio 2005 and .net clr 2.0? Is there any service pack associated with Infragistics.Excel V 10.1 for fixes associated with excel macro? If so how to get that? Please help :-( ...

How to draw diagonal table borders in latex, like in excel ?

Is it possible to draw diagonal (parallelogram) cells in LaTeX: the cell content is diagonal, and the cell's originally vertical borders are also diagonal. Here is what I managed to do using the rotating package: \begin{tabular}{|r|c|c|} \hline \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ & \begin{rotate}{45}Trying to save some horizontal space\end{...

Can I export a SharePoint list to an Excel file subdivided into separate worksheets?

We have a SharePoint 2007 deployment which will have a substantially large document library. My client wants the ability to export this library to an Excel spreadsheet, but specifically wants the ability to divide the spreadsheet into several worksheets based on a specific field. Is this possible to accomplish in WSS 3.0, through the obj...

Opening a huge .csv file with Excel Interop

I have an application that write huge .csv files about the size ranging from 1 GB to 2 GB. I need to color code the file and save it as .xlsx. So I have tried using Excel Interop and it works great for small files, but when I try to open a 1.3 GB .csv file with Excel, I get an Hresult error. Any ideas as to how I could accomplish this...

MS Excel - Macros for consolidating values from multiple sheets into a single sheet

Hi everyone... Consider i have 4 workbooks with the following structure... 1. Main.xlsx Name Jan Feb Mar A B C 2. Jan.xlsx Name Jan A 3.3 B 6.4 C 5.3 3. Feb.xlsx Name Feb A 1.3 B 3.4 C 5.5 4. Mar.xls...

pivots using pyExcelerator/xlrd

How can I go about creating a worksheet (within an excel workbook) with a pivot table using python libs like pyExcelerator / xlrd? I need to generate a daily report that has a pivot table to summarize data on other sheets. One option would be to have a blank template that I copy and populate with the data. In this case, is there a way to...

SQL Server 2005 Import from Excel

I'd like to know what my best option would be to import data from an excel file on a weekly or monthly basis. At first, I thought I would use SSIS, but after much struggle with seemingly simple tasks, I'm starting to rethink my plan. Would it be better/easier to just write the SQL by hand or use the services of an SSIS package? The ba...

How to distribute an offline cube for excel

I have the following scenario. A cube created in SSAS 2008. I can connected to this cube via Excel. I can create an offline cube file. I can connect to this offline cube file. Now, say I want to email this excel file along with the cube file so that another user can view it. I run into the problem that the connection path the offline c...

ruby parseexecel gem - array not implemented

I am trying to work with two worksheets at the same time. So I have code require 'parseexcel' #Open the excel file passed in from the commandline workbook = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel.parse(ARGV[0]) workbook2 = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel.parse(ARGV[1]) #Get the first worksheet worksheet = workbook.worksheet(0) worksheet2 = workbook2.worksh...

Unable to use Excel's Run() command

I have a C++ application that communicates with Excel via OLE. One of the things it can do is to send Excel 4-style macros to Excel. This macro language is old, but still works for me. Unfortunately, I have a user who is having trouble with some of the macros being sent. When I send the macro SAVE.AS("myfile.xls") it executes correctly. ...

how to convert excel values into buckets

i have a set of data in excel and in one column is a estimate (number of weeks) i want an excel formula to bucket it into Small Medium Large where if the value is 0 - 10 then put it Small. If the value is 10 - 20 put it in Medium, etc . . . if there any elegant way of doing it besides having nested if statements all put together? ...

Excel Template with Normal Curve or Bell Curve

Hi Guys, I am looking for an excel template where in I fill in some random set of number in a column which in turn will give me a Mean, Standard Deviation and also a Normal Distribution or Bell Curve Graph. Thanks in Advance. ...

Use a named range in an excel worksheet to propagate a listbox

So I have a number of namedRanges in an excel worksheet. I would like to use these to fill in comboboxes on a user form in the same WorkBook. I have tried: cboMember.DataSource = Globals.Sheet1.MemberRange.Value No error is given but the combo is blank. Does anybody have any ideas? I'm trying to use VSTO for VS 2008 on an excel 200...