
Best tools to create valid XML files from an Excel file

I need to create a script that extracts some data from a complex Excel 2003 file (with multiple sheets and different tables inside a single sheet) and produces different XML files that need to be validated against a given XSD file. My preferred language is Python; to create and validate XML files i would go with lxml. What do you sugges...

Search for dates in excel

Hello, I have dates in an excel field of these formats, 01-jan-10, 02/02/05. I formated the cells to 03-mar-2010. I did a find such as 03-mar-2010 does not turn up any result. Any reason to why. Thanks Jean ...

Excel RTD server, repeated formulas won't update

I have an RTD server that feeds Excel with stock market data, and the problem I'm having is that when I open second Excel document, cells that have identical RTD functions as some cells in first document, they won't get updated. Actually, Excel will not call ConnectData() in RTD server for them, it just displays initial values. If I hit ...

How to manipulate another cell when excel is in edit mode

Hi, I'm writing a RTD server in c++. it works fine, but I noticed that when excel cell is in edit mode RTD cells does not get updated. I would like to know whether there is a way to update RTD cells even when the excel is edit mode. I know that I can use Excel COM object to directly write any value to a cell.(with out using RTD). But I...

How to link ms excel 2003 to ms access 2003

I have office 2003, and i have develop a database from ms access 2003. What i want is to link ms excel and ms access so as when am updating either of them both will be updated ...

How to check whether a excel file is write protected or not in C#?

Hi, I'm developing a sample application in which I have to open an excel file and check whether the file is write protected or not. The code is using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.Office.Core; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fileNameAndPath = @"D:\Sample\Sample1.xls"; // the above exc...

DataGrid In Java Struts Web Application

Hi After scouring the web I have edited my question from the one below to what it is now. Ok I seem to understand that I don't need all the capabilities of excel right now. I think i am satisfied having a data grid to display data. Basically i am working on Struts 2 and I wat my jsp page to have an excel like feel and hence looks like e...

Display continuous dates in Pivot Chart

I have a set of data in a pivot table with date times and events. I've made a pivot chart with this data, and grouped the data by day and year, then display a count of events for each day. So, my horizontal axis goes from 19 March 2007 to 11 May 2010, and my vertical axis is numeric, going from zero to 140. For some days, I have zero ev...

Query with UDF works in Access but gives Undefined function in expression (Err 3085) in Excel

I have an Access table with a date/time field. I wanted to make a composite Key field out of the date/time field and 3 other text fields in the same format as the matching Key field in another database. So I concatenated the 3 text fields and wrote a User-Defined-Function in a Module to output the date field as a string in the format "Y...

adodb: what does createparameter do?

in plain english can you please explain to me what does this line mean: Cmd.Parameters.Append _ Cmd.CreateParameter("datapath", adChar, adParamInput, 100) i then have a line that writes data to the datapath column: Cmd.Parameters("datapath").Value = "abc" but i do not understand the purpose of the first line? what is adChar and...

vba: funny notation with #??

what does this mean? if CDbl(Trim(Range("M" & r).Text)) > 0# then... what does the # do?? and what does cdbl do? ...

Connecting Excel to Mysql Update PROBLEM

i am connecting to a mysql table through vba in excel and i am updating it: Set cn = New ADODB.Connection cn.Open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};" & _ "SERVER=localhost;" & _ "DATABASE=employees;" & _ "USER=root;" & _ "PASSWORD=M1llen;" & _ "Option=3" 'lets get the batch info ' ' open a recordset Set rs = New ADODB....

Range subtraction in the Excel Object Model

When using Excel Interop libraries from .NET, I can find a Range object representing the cell offset from Range X by calling something like. Range Y = X.Range[2,3]; But what should I do to perform the inverse operation, ie: I have two Range objects, A and B, and I would like to find out by how many rows/columns B is offset from A. D...

what does rs.Fields(0) mean? (ADODB) VBA

dim rs As ADODB.Recordset ... ... ... capture_id = rs.Fields(0) what does .Fields(0) mean? ...

problem with parsing string from excel file

hi, i have ruby code to parse data in excel file using Parseexcel gem. I need to save 2 columns in that file into a Hash, here is my code: worksheet.each { |row| if row != nil key = row.at(1).to_s.strip value = row.at(0).to_s.strip if !parts.has_key?(key) and key.length > 0 parts[key] = value end end } ho...

How to overwrite an excel application without prompting the users..

Can anyone help me on how can I overwrite the excel file without prompting the users in VB.Net.. I have try this code but It doesn't work.. Dim xlsApp As New Excel.Application Dim xlsBook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlsSheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim dir As String = Application.StartupPath & "\Template\SampleTemplate.xls" xlsBook = GetObject(di...

Parcing formula to put in to excel cell using C# and SpreadSheetGear?

Hey can any body suggest that how to store excel formula as string, and parse this formula in c# to put it in to dynamically created excel sheet. ...

Why this with Excel sheet reading?

I am reading the Excel sheet from C# interop services cell by cell. Whereas my Excel sheet has Date cells. It generates some double values, I am converting them in date by: double dbl = Convert.ToDouble(((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[iRowindex, colIndex_q17]).Value2); string strDate3 = DateTime.Fro...

Using an excel as database : How to supply network security

Hi, I have published a small website and I'm using an excel file as a database. The problem is that the excel file could be easily downloaded if its path is known ! (e.g. www.mysite.com/myexcel.xls -> opens a "save as" window) What can I do, to protect my data. Kind regards. ...

Want to read exact values from excel sheet in C#.

Hi , I am reading the excel sheet by interop services.eXcel sheet have some values like 1.520 ok? but while i reading it by interop service by following line : drRow[dtSourceEXLData.Columns[constants.Width]] = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[iRowindex, colIndex_q8]).Value2.ToString(); it is giving me value as 1.52, but i want exact one ,...