
Getting error on opening excel file from eclipse

I am getting following error on Cannot create the in-place editor This is probably because there is no OLE editor registered against the type of file you were trying to open. Failed to create Ole Client. result = -2147417851 I have MS office 2007,and the excel file is stored as "save as 2003 version". ...

How do I delete a signature from an Excel document using Office automation

Hello, I have a signed Excel workbook and I want to delete the signature from it. The problem is that when I try to delete the signature there's a prompt for confirming the deletion and I want the process to be fully automatic. Here's a code sample, the prompt appears when the last line executes: Dim source As String = "c:\temp\signed.x...

How to wrap images into a Excel Add-in 2003

hi, I'm having a excel add-in with several menu items. Each menu item embedded with a image. I'm loading picture to menu item using LoadPicture function where I gave the absolute path to image location. In order to make the add-in distributable I need to provide a relative path. Appropriate anyone can suggest me how to do this. Thank ...

Analysis Services with excel as front end - is it possible to get the nicer UI that powerpivot provides.

I have been looking into PowerPivot and concluded that for "self service BI" and ahoc buidling of cubes it has its uses. In particular I like the enhanced UI that you get from using PowerPivot rather than just using a PivotTable hooked up to an analysis services datasource. However it seems that hooking up PowerPivot to an existing anal...

Generate data in Excel using Macros?

I need to create a table with the following structure: Applicant | Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 | Test 5 | Test 6 | 1 | A | C | D | E | F | B | 2 | C | B | A | E | D | F | 3 | C | A | F | E | B | D | .... | ...

Embedding HSSF(excel) into HSLF(ppt) using apache poi

I want to embed the excel sheet into presentation(PPT) using apache poi. how can we do this? If anyones knows, please help me. ...

Translate a Excel Range to a row/col

Hi, I have looked all over but can't find an answer to this... Quite simply put I have a VSTO Excel 2007 project that I want to be able to translate a cell (e.g. "A1") to integers row 1, column 1. Does anybody know of a built in method for this or do I have to write my own parser? ...

Excel embedded in a php page

I have a client who wants to be able to embed an Excel document (one that is currently sitting on the same server as the HTML document) like how you would embed a Flash app on a page. I'm correct in assuming this is not possible, right? Please confirm/deny so we can hopefully move on from this because he seems to think this is possible...

Insert table into cell (excel)

I need one cell that will contains sum of all items from another table. Is it possible to place that table into cell so I can expand and collapse table when I needed from that one cell? ...

Excel Import how would you do it?

Ok i have a Excel import written. It uses excel automation to go through all the records and get the job done. BUt how would you do it if you had to do it? Would you use SSIS? Would You use a Dataconnection? I am really confused as to the best way to get this done properly. So that it doesn't slow down the actual application for the o...

How to use jet engine to read data from excel in vb.

Hi all, how can I create a connection to excel file and view the result in vb. I am using visual studio 2008, I have been trying to look for answers around but could not find one that teaches step by step.And what references do I need to use? Thanks in advance. Regards Jason ...

connection string reading data from excel in asp.net

Hello, I am trying to read data from excel file in asp.net. I have added the connection string to webConfig file: <add name="xls" connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=HPM_DB.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0"/> But it shows me an errormessage when I run this query: string query = "Select * from [IO_Definiti...

How to paste formula from visual basic to excel In relative

In visual basic code works as below MyWorksheet.Range("A1:D1").Formula = "A1B2" In excel it shows in A1 as A1B2 B1 as A1B2 C1 as A1B2 D1 as A1B2 what i want do A1 as A1B2 B1 as A1B3 C1 as A2B4 D1 as A2B5 Thanks in Advance ...

Problem with format a single excel column with OLE automation using Delphi

Dear All, I have piece of code which I use to format a range of cells in Excel. It works fine in Excel 2007 but when the range is only 1 column wide and it is Excel 2003 instead of 2007, I'll get an error saying the I am assigning invalid value for a border's line style. ** valuables such as "xlInsideHorizontal", I have declared them a...

Weird Excel Formatting

Recently a new co-op was hired at our company and has been tasked to run a report. The report queries the database and returns a resultset and from there procedes to create the spreadsheets. Depending on the number of days selected a different number of reports are generated but I do not believe that is relavent to the question. Basicall...

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'.

hi i am oracle DB. i am uploading keywords into the DB. but i am getting the error java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLE...

Microsoft Excel: Programmatically create a hidden named range.

I am told that the Excel object model permits a Range that is not a part of any sheet, yet contains a set of cells and is denoted by a name in the workbook. Can anyone explain to me how these fit into the Excel object model and how one would go about creating such a thing programatically (either in VBA or .NET source code). Thanks. ...

npoi export from datatable

I have an asp.net website that will generate some excel files with 7-8 sheets of data. The best solution so far seems to be NPOI, this can create excel files without installing excel on the server, and has a nice API simillar to the excel interop. However i can't find a way to dump an entire datatable in excel similar to CopyFromRecords...

excel vba: setting the formula to equal A or B if not found A

i have a vba line of code like this: ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=LOOKUP(""ETG_C"",RC[-10],RC[-8])" i would like to know how is it possible to have the activecell formula be something else in the case that it does not find ETG_C for example: =if(not(LOOKUP(""ETG_C"",RC[-10],RC[-8]))) then =LOOKUP(""something_else"",RC[-10],RC[-8]) ...

translating LOOKUP from VBA into excel formula

i have a formula that looks like this in VBA: ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=LOOKUP(""ETG_C"",RC[-10],RC[-8])" what would be the exact equivalent of this if i simply input it into the worksheet? ...