
Assigning hotkeys to buttons on forms created for excel vba

Hello, I have created a macro for excel which will pop up form that contains button and text field. Is there a way to assign hotkeys such as 'ctrl+Enter' or 'F12' to the buttons? The hotkey should work regardless of which field or button the focus is on. (so far I have managed to create buttons/fields_Keydowns to check MSForms.ReturnIn...

How to use getActiveObject("Excel.Application")

I need to finish an application in C#. Now I want to get a function that control a Excel file to get data. I used getActiveObject("Excel.Application"), but this returns nothing. And more, I can't use Excel.Application in VS2008 , and Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application is instead of it. So is there another way to get what I want? ...

write special characters into excel table by python package pyExcelerator/xlwt

Task: I generate formated excel tables from csv-files by using the python package pyExcelerator (comparable with xlwt). I need to be able to write less-than-or-equal-to (≤) and greater-than-or-equal-to (≥) signs. So far: I can save my table as csv-files with UTF-8 encoding, so that I can view the special characters in my text editor, by...

ASP.NET w-s ... consuming from Excel ?

We have a web-service within an existing ASP.NET website which works fine when accessed via other ASP.NET bits. I'd like to get Excel 2007 and 2003 to call the w-s and refresh part of a worksheet with the results using VBA. Ideally I'd like a vanilla version of Excel to be able to do this (ie without the client having to install extra b...

Get the content of a sharepoint folder with Excel VBA

Usually I use this piece of code to retrieve the content of a folder in VBA. But this doesn't work in the case of a sharepoint. How can I do ? Dim folder As folder Dim f As File Dim fs As New FileSystemObject Set folder = fs.GetFolder("//sharepoint.address/path/to/folder") For Each f In folder.Files 'Do something Next f EDIT (af...

.net c# excel colomn autoFit

hi. i m working an excel object by c#. i want to autofit colunms. but like this: i want that columns width is 5 bigger than autofit mehod set. but how can i do this. how can i know width that autofit method set. ...

Excel formula to get ranking position

I have a table of people with points. The more points, the higher your position. If you have the same points you are equal first, second etc.    | A           | B             | C 1 | name    | position | points 2 | person1 | 1             | 10 3 | person2 | 2             | 9 4 | person3 | 2             | 9 5 | person4 | 2             |...

reading excel file from browser in the jsp

I am new to Jsp. I am developing the tool for testing usage, and have succeeded to open the excel file in the browser from the jsp application. However, i am not able to modify or edit the opened excel sheet. Please help how to modify the excel in the browser. ...

.net c# changing excel cell format

i m writing a record to excel such as 1/6 but excel shows this as a date. how can i change excel cell type by c# ...

How do I access SQLite from VBA?

I have an Excel workbook that has some adodb code that queries a local access database. I want to do the same for SQLite as I believe that will provide better performance. How do I do that? Can I connect to an SQLite file using adodb or odbc? I need something simple that I can deploy so that if i can minimize unnecessary configuration a...

Set Excel ODBC paramater based on user input

I have an Excel 2007 ODBC connection defined and I need to allow users to specify two of the paramaters each time the query is run. Something along the lines of SELECT * FROM table WHERE tdate between ? AND ? With the user specifying the date range each time the query is run. Any ideas? Thanks, David ...

Excel sheet is not opening in ASP.NET application after deploying.

HI, I have deployed an Asp.Net 2.0 application in IIS.In this, I have folder(uploads) which contains a temp file.In the page, i have once button(Display),when i click on the display button, the excel sheet should be opened.This is happening in local but not after deploying in IIS. It showing the error message like "Microsoft Office Excel...

Return a User Defined Data Type in an Excel Cell

I've searched the web and I've searched the questions here on stackoverflow, but I haven't been able to find a solution. Here is what I'd like to do: Suppose I have the following code in a class module named "MyClass" Option Explicit Dim var1 as integer Sub Initialize(v as integer) var1 = v End Sub Function GetVar1() GetVar1 ...

How to set the hyperlink to the A1 cell of each seat in Excel VBA?

As a state of the seats of Excel ... There are plural seats. The first seat name is "list" The other seats get possible to move in hyperlink from the list sheet. the seat name are "example1", the "example2" . Please teach VBA setting hyperlink to "list" sheet to the A1 cell of each seat ...

VB.NET equivalent of optional Range argument in VBA function

I have an Excel VBA function that takes a number of optional parameters, including an optional Range: Function DazBeta(A As Range, Z As Range, _ B As Integer, _ Optional Freq As Integer = 1, _ Optional c As Double = 0, _ Optional r As Range, _ Optional Pct As Boolean = True, _ Optional Lab...

Read password protected excel file using OLEDB in C#

Hello, In my c# application I am using OLEDB connection string "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\test.xls;Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;ReadOnly=true;IMEX=1\"" to read Excel files. In order to read a password protected file I tried adding password field in connection string but was unable to read file. I want to ...

Import Open Excel File in Sql Server

Hi, I am running into an issue, while I import an excel file into sql server 2005 using OpenRowSet, it works fine when excel file is closed, If excel file is open it gives an error message. I have an excel file which is being updated 8 to 10 times in a minute by a third party software, I have to import this excel file into sql server 200...

Retrieving the Version of the Excel Library Programmatically

Is there a way to programatically retrieve the version of the Excel Interop Libraries being utilized with C#? I know I could probably look in the registry to figure out the installed instance of Microsoft Office, but I was curious if the Excel Libraries contain this information. I know this information is contained in Visual Studio w...

making a Macro that exports chosen columns to a new file

What kind of Macro can be created that exports chosen columns to another new file? for example exports columns A, B, C to a new file with a few new extra lines on top? this would be a Button on page. ...

is it possible to write data to AccessDB from Excel macro?

is it possible to write data to AccessDB from Excel macro, how? I have a small MBD file where I want to import data from excel sheet? ...