
Blend 3 - Keyboard Shortcut to switch between design and xaml views?

As I'm not more of a developer than a designer I like to hand code my xaml rather than using draggy-droppy stuff. Since silverlight 3 - the design preview in VS2008 has disappeared. It wasn't that great but at least I got a visual representation of my markup without having to run the application. So I installed Blend 3 and I'd still li...

Is it possible to apply Blend behavior using style or template?

I'm very happy with my small collection of Blend behaviors, actions and triggers - they are easy to use and powerful. But I still can't figure out how to avoid applying them on per element basis. For example, if I have a behavior as such: <Rectangle> <i:Interaction.Behaviors> <il:MouseDragElementBehavior/> </i:Interactio...

Is MVVM an alternative to Expression Blend?

I'm sure this is a Noob question, but I've never worked with WPF before. Is MVVM an alternative to Expression Blend? ...

Blend 3 for ASP.Net?

I've seen a great video (Mix09) of how easy it is to quickly sketch a web site using Blend 3 and specifically Sketch Flow. What I don't dig is how to mobilize this for ASP.Net. Blend lets you "create websites and applications based on Silverlight 3" but how do you use Blend's output with ASP.Net? ...

Making default control template editable in Expression blend

I created my own ContentCOntrol in XAML, e.x.: <ContentControl x:Class="server.ui.DiamondButton"> <ContentControl.Template> <ControlTemplate TargetType="src:DiamondButton"> <...> </ControlTemplate> </ContentControl.Template> </ContentControl> This sets the default template and generally works great....

Anyone managed to use Expression Blend for productive Designer & Developer Collaboration?

I'm an MVC fan from way back and used Maverick.Net for my web sites long before ASP.Net MVC came along. One of the utopian goals I had for MVC was that I'd be able to break the horrible practice of designers doing their thing in Dreamweaver and emailing over the HTML to the developer who had to spend time fiddling around with it to massa...

WPF User control or Template? How would i create a Template using Blend?

Hi, How would i create a window template using Blend? My application will be sharing many pages with the same layout. One of my major concerns is what will happen when i need to make a change to the template. Will this update all of the pages automatically? Should i just use a usercontrol and add it to everypage? ...

Blend 3 in design time can't find my converters/Resources .(WPF)

Hi all I'm having troubles using Blend with my visual studio solution. In Runtime, and compile time everything is just fine. As you can see in the picture, Blend urges me to Build the project, but it does not change the situation, even after a successful build, rebuild, clean & build, it is still the same, the UI is blocked from the d...

Making a DataTemplate blendable

How can I make a Datatemplate for a ViewModel blendable (designable in expression blend). When I go to resources and try to edit the DataTemplate directly all I see on the Drawingborad is a blank rectangle. This is because the DataTemplate is not bound to anything. Of course I can create a UserControl and create some designtime data in c...

move wpf behaviors APIs to .NET 4.0

Currently the whole behavior framework and APIs only come with expression blend (and its SDK) but I noticed that a crucial part of it resides in the namespace System.Windows.Interactivity. Does this mean that in a future version of the .NET framework, maybe even 4.0, behaviors will be part of the .NET Framework itsleft and do not require...

How do I bind to this custom dependency property?

I have a DependencyProperty in my custom UserControl that looks like this: public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnWidthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ColumnWidth", typeof(int), typeof(CallBoard), new PropertyMetadata(150)); public int ColumnWidth { get { return (int)GetValue(ColumnWidthProperty); } s...

Why does Blend add [d:LayoutOverrides="Height"] and should I care?

Quite often when coming back to Visual Studio from Expression Blend 3, I see that Blend has helpfully added a "d:LayoutOverrides" property to my XAML. Growing up with ASP.NET designers, I naturally distrust anything I wouldn't type myself, so remove them as soon as I see them. I know that "d:" properties are designer-only and don't imp...

How do you format XAML in Expression Blend?

Does anyone know how to "format xaml" in Expression Blend similar to the option "Format Document" in Visual Studio? ...

MS Expression Blend: Sketchflow - Populating a sub datagrid with data upon selecting a specific row of a master datagrid!?

Hello! I've recently started using Expression Sketchflow to prototype some user interface designs. I currently have a master datagrid at the top of the page, which I would like to allow the user when selecting a particular grid row to see a sub-datagrid below be populated with specific data relevant to that specific row of master data. ...

Using Expression Blend Sketchflow - Relevance To Silverlight Programming Implementation?!

Hello, I have recently been programming Web based applications using Silverlight & Ria Services. I have been made aware of the ability to incorporate the use of Expression Blend Sketchflow into my development cycle as a way of producing quick prototypes to show clients when using an agile methodology. I have found it hard to make use of ...

Generating sample XML data for Blend from Entity Framework data model?

In working with MS Expression Blend, you can import sample data from an XML file to use to test your XAML and bindings in design mode. My data model is fully defined in XML using the Entity Framework. Is there any reasonable way to use that model, either directly or indirectly, as the source for the Blend sample data? It seems like th...

WPF - Managing styles and avoiding messy resource dictionaries

Hi, I've spent hours working on an application design in WPF and created a whole bunch of different styles along the way. But I noticed that I actually had just edited the styles in the SimpleStyles.xaml file and not a custom dictionary. So, I started right clicking all controls I could find and selected "edit a copy" and created a copy...

How to work with silverlight 3.0 with visual studio 2008?

How to work with silverlight 3.0 with visual studio 2008? Which version or service packs of visual studio should be installed to work with silverlight? I installed silverlight toolkit july 2009 release but controls are not visible in visual studio 2008 RTM i.e. installed in my PC? ...

System.OutOfMemoryException when using MediaElement in Silverlight 3

Hi, I'm trying to build a simple Silverlight 3 MediaPlayer using the MediaElement tag: <Border Margin="8,8,0,8" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" CornerRadius="7">+ <MediaElement x:Name="FighterPilot" Source="http://localhost/repository/FighterPilot.wmv" Stretch="Fill"/> </Border> This works very we...

How to make Visual Studio 2008 to load dynamically generated testpage from http://localhost/

Hi, I'm developing a small web application using Microsoft Silverlight 3. I'm using Microsoft Expressin Blend 3 for UI development and Visual Studio 2008 for "code-behind". When debugging the project from Blen 3, it all works well. The Silverlight is automatically embedded into an TestPage and loaded from http://localhost/TestPage....