
Events on animations in expression blend 2 silverlight

Hi, I have just created a simple animation. Lets say that in one frame I have an image of the world. I would like to create an event when a certain country is chosen. How can I allow for the event to be triggered by clicking on one particular country in an image? e.g. just displaying the name of the country, etc Thank you Extra info: ...

Animating removed item in Listbox

I have some Listboxes in my app bound to ObservableCollections, and i would like to animate an item if it's being removed. I already found a question about animating added items by using the FrameworkElement.Loaded event, but of course that doesn't work the same way with the Unloaded event. Is there any way to do this in a way that ca...

expression blend coloured regions

Hi, I am working with expression blend and c# to create a silverlight site. I would like to create a map of the world which has many regions. on clicking on the region the colour changes. I have already created the regions. Does anyone know how to do that? Thanks ...

WPF - Databind slider value to StoryBoard?

Hi, I'm trying to create a sound volume control and for that I've created a storyboard which is animating the volume visually. And I've put this inside an common slider control. And I want to databind the value of the slider directly to the storyboards timeline position. If the slider is value 0, then the storyboard should be at 00:00 et...

Why can't I add a XML datasource in Expression Blend 3?

I'm using Expression Blend 3 I click on "add live datasource", "add new xml datasource" copy in a URL but the OK button remains blank adding a local XML datasource file works fine How can I add a URL datasource in expression blend 3? does this work for anyone else? The problem is on every Expression Blend 3 I install on any comput...

Anybody know where the "Convert Brush to Resource" button went in Expression Blend 3?

Does anyone know where they put the "plus brush" in Blend 3 so that you can copy a brush into the resources? Answer: Stumbled onto it an hour later: ...

Error about UserControl not supported in WPF in Expression Blend 2

I've created a test Silverlight 2 app in Visual Studio, just copying the Tim Heuer video, but when I go to open it in Blend I get this error UserControl is not supported in a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) project This is the XAML code <UserControl x:Class="MyFirstApp.Page" xmlns="

Is it possible to create XBAP applications with Expression Blend 3 only?

I want to create an XBAP application with blend, but when click on File New Project it asks me if I want to create: Silverlight 3 Application + Website --or-- WPF Application Is there a way to create XBAPs from Expression Blend 3 or does this require Visual Studio? ...

How to go to the next level integrating animations in WPF applications with Blend / VS2008?

I have been able to create little animations with the storyline in Blend. And I have been able to copy in the isolated storylines and triggers into existing projects in visual studio to spruce them up on the edges a little bit. But after adding too many animations, they start to conflict or cancel each other out, etc., or I can make a ...

What are your strategies for using Expression Blend on complex, decoupled WPF applications?

I've been doing WPF applications with the MVVM pattern using Visual Studio, coding C# and XAML mostly by hand. Now I've gotten up to speed with Expression Blend so that I can click together WPF applications quickly just using the GUI, which is very nice, much more control of the layout than fiddling around with all the XAML elements 80%...

How can I use Expression Blend to edit a DataTemplate created in Visual Studio?

For those of you using Expression Blend as well as Visual Studio in your real projects, please help me understand how you use Blend and Visual Studio in your everyday development/design tasks, here is a real scenario: I created the following simple WPF application in Visual Studio. It shows a list of customer objects with a DataTemplate...

Does expression blend 2 support CRUD from/to/by animation?

It seems that blend 2 only support CRUD key-frame animations via its UI. From/to/by animations must be done via editing Xaml, is my assumption correct? ...

How can I create a DataTemplate with Expression Blend 3?

I'm currently experimenting with Expression Blend 3 MIX09 version with the idea to use it primarily for an MVVM structured site with databinding, being able to view live data as I design. So far I've been very impressed and have to say that Blend 3's generated XAML is not as bad as people say it is. I got the following two examples worki...

Is there a way to check if WPF is currently executing in design mode or not?

Does anyone know of some global state variable that is available so that I can check if the code is currently executing in design mode (e.g. in Blend or Visual Studio) or not? It would look something like this: //pseudo code: if (Application.Current.ExecutingStatus == ExecutingStatus.DesignMode) { ... } The reason I need this i...

Silverlight Project -Expression Blend

Is there a way to apply bitmapeffects within a silverlight web project. ...

What is the advantage of setting DataContext in code instead of XAML?

There seem to be two main ways to define DataContext in WPF: either in code like this: App.xaml.cs (taken from the WPF MVVM Toolkit template): public partial class App : Application { private void OnStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { // Create the ViewModel and expose it using the View's DataContext ...

UserControl doesn't show up in blend.

Hi! I use WPF UserControls to design some part of my application. I'm using blend 2.5 for the graphical part. But when I have a user control into any content, it won't show up in blend and a, exception will be raised, saying that the resource couldn't be located. My application is localized, I moved my localized DLL into Blend folder. ...

Is it possible to add more than one effect to a Label in Blend?

I'd like to have a label with a blur effect and a drop shadow effect. ...

Silverlight color resources using A="" R="" G="" B="" cause exception in app

When defining a color resource in a Silverlight app using the syntax A="" R="" G="" B="" (any order of parameters) an exception is caused, even though the application will compile fine and display properly in Blend. Example: <UserControl.Resources> <Color x:Key="BlackBG" A="255" R="35" G="35" B="35"/> </UserControl.Resources> Th...

IXAmlTypeResolver.Resolve failing in Blend

I'm attempting to do some type resolution inside of a WPF Markup Extension using the same namespace:StaticType.Property syntax that StaticExtension uses. The extension works fine at runtime and also in the Visual Studio designer, but it fails in Expression Blend. After some debugging I figured out that the failure occurs in a call to IXa...