
ExtJS - EditorGridPanel rows not draggable?

I had a working grid-to-grid drag and drop configuration, but once I changed one of the grids to an EditorGridPanel, I could no longer drag from it - only to it. Once I click on the row I want to drag I get the following error: sm.isSelected is not a function if(!sm.isSelected(rowIndex) || e.hasModifier()){ ext-all-debug.js (line 45439...

ExtJS: load JSON from an external file into TreePanel

You can grab data from here. Instead of saving JSON as a separate variable within the script file, is it possible to create a file pointer, and populate a Tree with one config option? Saving JSON in a variable does the job, but it's quite cumbersome! ...

ExtJS, display script tag in text area from json obj

I want to display a script tag in plain text that is returned in a json obj. A user enters some text in a text area, the text contains <Script>. I want the user to be able to do this. The form is submitted using json back to the server for some processing, the json returned contains the <Script> tag for the text area. I want to display ...

ExtJS - saving data in multiple stores

I have a three stores (Ext.data.JsonStore) inside a subclass of Ext.Window. I would like to call save() on all of these, display a wait mask until complete, and then close the window or handle an error. Is there a way I can do this without ending up with something really messy? I was considering doing this by calling save() on the seco...

ExtJS Tabpanel and JSON data not loading?

I am using a tabpanel with two panels, where I am retrieving data through JSON. Retrieving data in the first tabpanel seems to work great, however, I can't parse the data retrieved from the JSON in the second tabpanel. Any ideas? var registrationformPanel = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ frame:true, border:true, labelWidth: 125, ...

What's the easiest way to display NULL value as empty string instead of "null" string in an ExtJS grid?

I have a server-side script (PHP) returning JSON data to populate an ExtJS Grid. This data comes from a MySQL query, containing some NULL values. When PHP encodes it into the JSON notation, it keeps the NULL intact: {"id":"33","name":"Test1","url":null,"cls":"x-tree-noicon","expanded":true} But... when this data is displayed in the ...

How can I use a Ext JsonReader to return a Master Detail record set?

Let's say I have an invoice and an invoice item. I'd like to show a list of invoices in a grid on the top and below I want to show the corresponding invoice items to the selected invoice. I have the SQL and JSON part down fine. I query the invoices, query the invoices items for all invoices returned (only 2 queries). Then I match up the ...

Extjs listView not working correct with memoryProxy

Hello, Can someone please tell me why this store is not working correctly. I have try'd with another store that is getting it's data from the server and then it is working ok. If I have the store setup like this, it does not do columnsort anymore?? What is this store missing to get it to work??? sessieView = new Ext.list.ListView({ ...

How to fire an event with ExtJS on all HTML elements of a given class

I want to simulate clicking with the mouse on all elements of a given class ("x-grid3-col-value"). I didn't manage to do this with ExtJS as the function "fireEvent" only applies to ExtJS components. How could I do? ...

extjs problem calculation of rows

i have a table Fields class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 a1       10        240       340       401 a2       12        270       340       405       a3       12        270       340       405       a4       15        270       3...

Extjs - Loading data to center region in border layout

I'm new to ExtJS and trying to experiment with the border layout. I can't seem to find a way to load ext components to the center region. Everything is contained in a viewport: new Ext.Viewport({ layout: 'border', items: [ I've set the west region with a treepanel as such: xtype: 'panel', region: 'west', width: 200, items: [...

Config sample in EXTJS

Hi all, I'm looking for sample code on how to use config in EXTJS. Can anyone help? Thanks! ...

Load default value for a comboBox extjs

how can i load a default value from my json store (remote) into a combobox , i've tried load the store before render the combo , and use setValue() i want my combo to display the first result in the store plz tell me the right way to do this and thanx ...

how to enable a submit button after validations(empty text etc.) in extjs

Hi, I have created a form in ExtJS. I am validating the text fields on the form e.g. if the fileds are empty or there are some ajax requests that are sent to the server and returs some results. The Submit button is initially disabled, and what I want is to enable the button once the validations are done(if all validations are ok). ho...

EXTJS Combo set problem

I run into an interesting problem while was using combos in input form. My form contains combos that get data from json stores. It works fine when adding new record, but when the form is opened for editing an existing record, sometimes the id appears as selected not its value (eg: there's 5 instead of "apple"). I think it tries to set th...

Searching a stable js-Tree PlugIn, jsTree or Ext-Js Tree?

Hi, Im evaluating a tree PlugIn for a Admin Interface in Intranets (Speed and Size do not matter). The Internet and a expensive search turned jsTree and the ExtJs' Libraries Tree up as the most complete ones. The differences seem rather minimal, so my questions are: Which is more stable? As jsTree is a jQuery Plugin, does ExtJs play w...

Extending a CompositeField for use in EditorGridPanels?

I've been working on creating an EditorGridPanel for use with multiple addresses, without much success. See, the thing is that the customer would like to store the address bits in separate pieces, but formatted as a standard address. So both the general textarea for address entry and the having completely discrete fields methods are bo...

ExtJS resizable column layout

Hi, I am in need of layout with resizable columns. I have a panel with 3 grid panels inside, now I am using hbox layout in the outer panel to organize them and this is ok, but I want to have a separator, like in the border layout, to resize the columns. how is it possible? ...

Hello , I am using ExtJS V 3.0 . I want to know if it is possible to resize an iframe in an ext window.

Hello, I am using EXTJS V 3.0. I am poping an Ext window that contains an IFRAME in it. I would like the IFRAME to always fit the window content area. I would also like to know what is the current IFRAME size so I can resize inner iframe objects as well. Is it possible? Thx ...

EXT Js Panel Resize

Hi I want my ext js panel to be resizable, i.e when I put my mouse over the panel it must show me the resize controls. How do I do the same ? ...