
ASP.NET GridView: How to Control the Format of a Column in Edit Mode?

Given the following GridView: <asp:GridView runat="server" ID="GridMenuItemAttributes" DataKeyNames="MenuItemAttributeID" AutoGenerateColumns="false" OnRowCommand="GridMenuItemAttributes_RowCommand" DataSourceID="DSMenuItemAttributes" OnRowEditing="GridMenuItemAttributes_RowEditing" > <Columns> <asp:BoundField HeaderText="D...

Web Part to Field control

Need to convert a web part to a field control on a Sharepoint page. Part of the problem is to migrate all the content on existing pages that use the web part to the corresponding field control. Any ideas on how to accomplish this as painlessly as possible? ...

Why do I have to do ldarg.0 before calling a field in MSIL?

I want to call a function, with as parameters a string and an Int32. The string is just a literal, the Int32 should be a field. So I thought it should be something like: .method public hidebysig instance string TestVoid() cil managed { .maxstack 1 .locals init ( [0] string CS$1$0000) L_0000: nop L_0001: ldstr "m...

SharePoint send an email to users specified in a Field

I have a SharePoint list of Issues and have set a column (called Alert) to a “Person or Group” (allowing multiple names). I would like the system to send an email to all the users listed in the Alert field, if the respective Issue is modified. How do I set the Workflow to send an email the users as specified by the data in the Alert...

Problem with protected fields in base class in c++

I have a base class, say BassClass, with some fields, which I made them protected, and some pure virtual functions. Then the derived class, say DerivedClass, like class DerivedClass : public BassClass. Shouldn't DerivedClass inherit the protected fields from BassClass? When I tried to compile the DerivedClass, the compiler complains that...

Static fields question

im trying to understand the get and set properties for fields, and run in to this issue, can somone explaine to me why i had to make the int X field Static to make this work? using System; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { public static int X = 30; public static void Main() { va...

Drupal CCK field not visible to anonymous users

I added a field to a nodetype using CCK, but when I try to view the node as an anonymous user the field is not visible. I can see it when I am logged in with my admin account. What could be the problem? ...

Singluar data-keys between application and database?

Is there a paradigm in which I can change a data-key name in one place and one place only, and have it properly be dealt with by both the application and database? I have resorted most recently to using class constants to map to database field names, but I still have to keep those aligned with the raw database keys. What I mean is, us...

Class-behaviour with private fields

I encoutered a somewhat (at least for me) strange behaviour in a library I'm building; I have this method: public class Lib { private string field = "field"; public string Field { get { return field; } } public void Add(Lib lib) { string field = DoSomething(lib); Console.WriteLine(field); } protected string DoSo...

Set or change Attribute's properties or fields at runtime in C#. Possible?

I believe there is no human way to change any attribute or field inside an Attribute apart from doing it in the constructor. That is, short of redesigning and recompiling Visual Studio yourself. There is already a similar question posted here: but I believe t...

Jquery Form field duplication

Hi there, I am new to jquery and consider myself a very novice coder at best, so please bare with me. But I think I am in need of your help! I have quite a long complicated php form, and a requirement to duplicate a set of fields. I am sure there must be a more efficient way of coding it, however I can't figure it out. There are 2 examp...

How to create calculated field in Access Database using SQL during runtime in Delphi

I am creating a table during runtime. This is how I do it: AdoCommand1.Connection:=AdoConnection1; cs:='CREATE TABLE '+edname.text+' (' + 'ID Integer IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY,' + '[Date Added] DATETIME,'+ '[Name] TEXT(255))'; ADOCommand1.CommandText:=cs; ADOCommand1.Execute; I need to add a field "age" which should be...

Label for password field

<input type="text" value="useraname" /> <input type="password" value="password" /> I'm using jQuery to make the inline labels disappear on click/focus. Password shows bulls as usual, but I wonder if its possible somehow to show "Password" label as text (instead of ••••) inside the password field? Edited to add: I want the user-typed p...

Altova MapForce - maxLength of element content validation

Hi guys I've mapped one XSD schema to another one using Altova MapForce and generated Java classes from it. So far so good, Java works nice. However I've noticed that the mapper is not validating the maximum length of strings in input XML. For example we have an element which is a type of String with following constraint : <xsd:rest...

Django display value of extra field in modelform

How do I set the value of a field (which is relevant to form, but not based directly on the same model) on a (model) form when it is displayed in the admin? Here is a simplified version of what I have (my actual app/model/etc is more complicated): A building has many rooms A room has many pieces of equipment Models: #spaces/model...

table joins in Access 2003 on date-time field

I need to join my data table to a server calendar file (has set fiscal dates, periods, etc.). I don't get any results and believe it is because my table has date/time like "11/23/2009 11:30:34AM" and the calendar file only has date/time like "11/23/2009", so the fields are not identical. current SQL reads like: From tbl_data Inner Join...

using javascript to add form fields.. but below, not to the side?

Hello. So as I click the button, the javascript adds new fields. Currently it adds the new text box to the side.. is there a way to make it add below? I guess as if there were a . Here is the code. Thanks! <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var instance = 1; function newTextBox(element) { instance++; var newI...

UItextfield auto labelling

hi, i'm having one text field, normally when touch the text field, keyboard will appear, is it any possibilities where when text field is touch one drop down list will appear to recommend value to be enter and value is selected it will appear in texr field thanks ...

Is there any widget for password entry?

I was tryin to find any class to define a password field? How can we do that? Do we have a class for that or some method to edittext? ...

Sharepoint Custom SPFieldLookup save just one value

I have write a custom field that extends SPFieldLookup. I set AllowMultipleValues = true; Here is Field Control Value: public override object Value { get { EnsureChildControls(); SPFieldLookupValueCollection vals = new SPFieldLookupValueCollection(); ICollection s = TinBaiLienQuan...