
Change font of UINavigationController title

Can I change the font of my UINavigationController? --> title ...

C++ Gdiplus::Font changing font size and family

Look this code Gdiplus::Graphics g(hDC); Gdiplus::Font *f = new Font(L"Times new roman", 16); Gdiplus::SolidBrush b(Gdiplus::Color(255,0,0,0)); g.DrawString(L"Hello", 5, f, &Gdiplus::StringFormat(), &b); // Now i want to change font styles // using f->setSize() or f->setFontFamily(). g.DrawString(L"Hello", 5, f, &Gdiplus::StringForma...

Math notation font

Is there a font that can be used for math notation? I'm thinking there isn't. If that is the case, does anyone know what the simplest route is to having nice math notation in my iPad app? Update: Thank you for all the great responses. Looking at the current replies, would people generally recommend that if what I want to do is essenti...

Why do designers use sIFR if they can use @font-face ?

Why do designers use sIFR if they can use @font-face ? What is wrong with @font-face ? @font-face { font-family: "Hacen Tehran_eot"; src: url('Hacen Tehran.eot'); } @font-face { font-family: "Hacen Tehran_ttf"; src: url('Hacen Tehran.ttf'); } p { font-family:"Hacen Tehran_eot", "Hacen Tehran_ttf", sans-serif; ...

html canvas font scaling problem , text is flickering without reason

I readed many forums, but never found some analogue case. Javascript canvas font displays in a flickering fashion. The conditions appears to be: scale of the canvas is not an integer (for example setScale(0.1,0.3)) setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); and setScale are used widely to restore setting at every draw of new objects. Windows. In linu...

Adjusting Font Size to Fit, Paint.measureText returns too small a value

I'm using the FontFitTextView that was posted in this other thread, but it isn't working exactly right for me. The measureText() call is returning a number that is obviously too small to display the string. When it runs through to find a font size that will allow the text to fit, the font size it settles on is still too big. I feel like ...

how do I change the default font for different languages in Safari on a Mac?

Hi, how do I change the default font for different languages in Safari on a Mac? Unlike Firefox, where you can specify the default sans-serif, serif, and monospace fonts for each language, in Safari you can only set the non-monospace and monospace fonts and it would be the same for all languages. Is there a way to modify this behavior? ...