
Maven dependency management

Our project has a dependency like <dependency> <groupId>apollo.components.cots</groupId> <artifactId>cots-wfs</artifactId> </dependency> And as far as I understand, maven2 will get the latest artifact for cots-wfs, say <version>2.3-20101111.000000-13</version> The problem is, when we branch the project, the dependency sta...

Advice on Debugging a UIAppFonts Issue on iPad

I recently found this post which seems to describe the same problem I am having with adding my own ttf. My app freezes. However, a few things about the post confuse me, and I'd love to get some help deciphering it. The post is here: The relevant passages that I'm trying to u...

C++ - Window Message loop is freezing

I have this class here that I made based on another one I had. It is supposed to handle the whole creating windows and stuff, but it seems to be getting into a hang now. The older version used to work fine, I don't know WHAT I may have forgotten to add to this one that might be causing it to hang like this. This is the message loop: ...

Understanding what files in the TCL are required for distributing frozen Python Tkinter apps

I'm trying to figure out which files in Python's (Python 2.6/Python 2.7) tcl folder are required in order to distribute frozen Python Tkinter apps using Py2exe or similar. The quick and dirty way to do this (using pyexe as an example) is to follow the 2nd example on the following page and then xcopy your python's tcl folder to your dis...

Debugging ideas for a blocked Windows Message loop

I have a longstanding C# .NET 3.5 application 'freeze' which I am at a loss with. There are two C# executables. One has a full UI, the other runs as a tray app. They both communicate via WCF to a third service app, also running in the tray. Randomly the UI thread of main Winforms app will deadlock. Mysteriously if I quit the tray app t...

Freeze in Python?

I have programmed in Python for a while, and just recently started using Ruby at work. The languages are very similar. However, I just came across a Ruby feature that I don't know how to replicate in Python. It's Ruby's freeze method. irb(main):001:0> a = [1,2,3] => [1, 2, 3] irb(main):002:0> a[1] = 'chicken' => "chicken" irb(main):003:...

UIViewController freezed during update.

Hi there, my main UIViewController should check for some data updates when it loads, if any update is found an opaque subview is added to show progress and so on. Let's say that the method is called checkUpdates, so in my app delegate i do the following: [window addSubview:viewController.view]; [window makeKeyAndVisible]; [viewControl...

SDL program freezes

I'm writing a simple program for testing mouse. It compiles fine, but doesn't work. When I launch it, the window freezes. What am I doing wrong? #include <SDL/SDL.h> #undef main int main() { if (SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) return 1; SDL_Surface* Scr; if ((Scr = SDL_SetVideoMode (300, 200, 32, 0)) == 0) ...

Visual Studio 2010 hangs on loading web.config

I have a weird situation: Visual Studio 2010 will hang up indefinitely on me when opening certain websites. It prompts me for my credentials and loads up much of the project tree, and then just hangs at the "Preparing Solution..." dialog, which just then never goes away. In every case, the status bar of VS says that it is currently loadi...

GUI frozen while i update my ObservableCollection

I have a WPF application that displays an ObservableCollection. It's about 182 rows, and the object (let's call it PositionLight) inside the collection has about 70 properties to display. All calculation to input data in these properties are made in a second thread which will recalc everything every 20 secondes, and will send a List to ...

Android Beginner Problems

So I've got everything set up correctly and working for Android development in Eclipse, and have run into a few problems: I had to disable autocomplete because it froze every time the window would pop up. I've seen a few Internet discussions about this issue, but no definitive solution. I can't drag and drop buttons, etc. from the Vie...

C++ Executable Freezes at Runtime

I wrote a simple console program for the use of testing some key classes in a library I'm building. Now, the code builds correctly with no errors. But, after executing the code, I found that the application stops working after calling the Index method at a certain point in the code. I tried debugging a few different ways to get more info...