
PowerShell and WPF GUI freeze

I have a PowerShell function to look in a directory for zip files, extract it, and rename the files. The function also changes the status bar item to update what file it is on. I noticed that when this runs the GUI would freeze. How can I get the function run and update the GUI without it freezing? ...

My GUI is frozen

Hi all, I have something I can't understand: my Swing GUI contains a 'play' and 'pause' button. I have also a static variable that defines 'ON' and 'OFF' states. (The main program generates the GUI). By cliking on 'play' I change the state of my static variable to 'ON' and I launch a time-consuming process in a thread that also modifies...

Debugging in visual studio 2008 freezes entire system

Any time i try to debug in visual studio 2008 my entire system will freeze whenever a breakpoint is hit. I can move the mouse around and that remains responsive but nothing i click on does anything, I can bring up the task manager but can't do anything with it and i am able to lock/unlock the machine. I tried a fix that i found via go...

How to freeze/grayish window in pygtk?

I want main window to "gray, freeze, stop working", when some other window is opened. Is there some default way to do it? Pretty much the same as gtk.Dialog is working. EDIT: Currently I'm just replacing all contents by a text line, but I guess there should be better way. ...

Desktop and application menu freezes after ImpersonateLoggedOnUser

Hi. I use the following to elevate the rights of a c++ windows application: LogonUser() LoadUserProfile() ImpersonateLoggedOnUser() The functions do their work and there is no error. But as soon as I want to interact with my application again (clicking on a menu like "File" "Edit", and even right clicking on the desktop) the applicati...

Method call inside Actor freezes in Scala

I have the following code. If I comment the call to "foo()" inside the actor's body, the code works fine. But if "foo()" is activated... my code freezes! Anyone kwnows why? import scala.actors.Actor._ object Main extends Application{ def foo() = { println("I'm on foo") } def testActor() = { val target = self ...

Firefox [npapi] plugin development - firefox freeze when calling a method

Hi, I'm trying to learn how to write a Firefox plugin. I downloaded the npruntime example from Mozilla compiled it and ran it. Getting properties from the plugin worked well but when I tried to call a method, Firefox freezed. I thought maybe something is wrong with the example, so I wrote my own basic scriptable plugin that has one prop...

Button works in simulator for not in App

I have a few different views in my App, all of which are viewed by tapping different buttons. All the buttons work on the simulator, but when I run the app on the device only one button does not work. I went over and over my code and re coded that one button and re-connected it in IB to make sure that i did not mess something dumb up, ...

How to make jQuery load() not freeze the page?

When using jquery's load function, the page freezes until it has loaded. How can I get around that? I have a script that makes all links load through ajax, into a div in the page. I also made it so that it would make another div reload (the navigator). Whilst this is going on, another script refreshes every now and then, reloading ano...

what to do when windows goes in dreaded 100% cpu usage zombie mode

Hi, happens to me occasionally: I start my program in visual studio and due to some bug my program goes into 100% cpu usage and basically freezes windows completely. Only by utter patience requesting the task manager (takes forever to come up and paint itself) I can kill my process. Do others encounter this too sometimes? Is there a ...

jquery load freezing the page

$(document).ready(function(){ $("a[href*='http://']:not([href*='"+location.hostname+"'])").attr("target","_blank"); $("a[target!='_blank'][target!='_top']").click(function(){ $("#actualcontent").load($(this).attr("href")); $("#nav").load('nav.php'); window.location.hash=$(this).attr("href"); return false; }); }); This c...

VB6 Outlook 2003 Client Application

Hi, I have a Visual Basic 6 application that uses a timer to poll Outlook 2003 for incoming messages using the msoutl.olb automation object library. Lets call the application MailPoler. Based on the messages certain operations gets performed blah blah... MailPoler runs "very smoothly" and I have ensured that the error handler captures...

Java thread: 'join' froze my program

Hi all, My program looked like this: class Prog { BufferedImage offscreen; KindOfDatabase db; MyThread thread; class MyThread extends Thread { volatile boolean abort=false; long lastUpdated; public void run() { try { KindOfCursor c = db.iterator(); while(c.getNext()) ...

visual studio copy to clipboard IDE freezes

this is really frustrating me. this problem occurs when I have a particularly large .cs file (one i'm working on at the moment has 6000 lines and many anonymous types). I will copy a line or a part of text, and sometimes after copying several things to the clipboard, or sometimes even after the first copy, vs CPU usage shoots up to 50% ...

Rational Application Developer freezes when opening XML files

When I try to edit an XML file in the XML Editor of Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software version 7.5.4, the program becomes unresponsive. title bar has "(Not Responding)" appended to it menu bar disappears cursor switches to hourglass window can be dragged and it gets repainted normally window can be minimized and rest...

Detailed explanation about Python's "freeze"

Is there anywhere a detailed explanation about Python's "freeze" thing? I saw the PyPi page, but I don't think it's comprehensive enough. ...

how to freeze a label in flex?

I want to have the title of my application to be freezed, that is, even if I scroll down the page, I want the label name to be in focus, at the top always.. Is that possible? Now if I scroll down , the screen name disappears. Instead, can it be freezed like freezing columns or rows in excel? ...

Visual C# GUI stops responding when process.WaitForExit(); is used

I am creating a GUI application using Visual C# 2005 (net framework 2). I use the following code to start a process: Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("app.exe"); process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = ""; process.StartInfo.Arguments = "some arguments"; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); I wa...

How to avoid a thread freezing when Main Application is Busy

Hi, I'm having a bit of a problem. I want to display a progress form that just shows an animation on a when the main application preforms heavy operations. I've done this in a thread and it works fine when the user isn't preforming any operations. But it just stops when my main application is busy. I'm not able to put Application.Pro...

Python freezes after computer sleep/hibernate

I have a python script that is running in the background with pythonw. If I close my laptop, it goes into sleep mode. and when I open my laptop, my program has little functionality and freezes after a couple of seconds. Is there any way that my script can tell if my computer is going into sleep mode, so that it can lie dormant and restar...