
Converting latitude and longitude to decimal values

I have GPS information presented in the form: 36°57'9" N 110°4'21" W I can use the javascript functions of Chris Veness to convert degrees, minutes and seconds to numeric degrees, but first need to parse the GPS info into the individual latitude and longitude strings (with NSEW suffixes). I have read related posts on stackoverflow, but...

Make GeoKit play nicely with my Address class

My Address class has a geocode class method that returns an array of address objects derived from geocoding the method's parameter (if the geocoding results in an exact match, the array will have one element). One annoying part about writing this method is translating the GeoKit address objects to my address objects (e.g., "street_addre...

Google geocoding service returns response for fake address

I'm using the google geocoding service to validate that a city name (plus region and country) that has been entered in our system exists, and to get the lat/long. However, I'm finding that it seems to 'guess' if you make a typo, and returns an response even if you made an error. For instance, a request for "Beverton, Ontario, Canada"...

How to do reverse geocoding using google maps on the iPhone

hi i am making an application in which i am showing current location on google map through web services. now i want to show the latitude, longitude, address , building & floor type when we click on current location on google. i don't know how to do it. if anybody has any solution so tell me. ...

What datatype to use when storing latitude and longitude data in SQL databases?

When storing latitude or longitude data in an ANSI SQL compliant database, what datatype would be most appropriate? Should float be used, or decimal, or ...? I'm aware that Oracle, MySql, and SQL Server have added some special datatypes specifically for handling geo data, but I'm interested in how you would store the information in a "p...

Location Search - Google Maps

Does anyone have any suggestions on implementing a location search similar to that provided by google maps. Correctly parsing different geographic user inputs. Some examples would be City, State, Country City, State, Zipcode City, Zipcode I lot of directory sites use auto complete to avoid incorrect user input and aren't as intelli...

search address on google map api

hello i rewrite the message for better understandnig how can i search for address only using google map api. if i will search for adderss i dont want google give a bussiness with the same name of the address ( i don't want to get bussiness at all) thanks for your help. ...

Google Maps API Geocode Synchronously

I was wondering if its possible to geocode something using googlemaps api synchronously so instead of waiting for a callback function to be called, it would wait for a value to be returned. Has anyone found a way to do something like this. P.S.: I'm using version 3 of the api ...

Floating point calculations with latitudes and longitudes of varying precisions

Background: I receive a long and lat as parameters to a web service. They are typically up to 6 decimal places. When a new request is received, I calculate the distance between the last recorded loc and the long/lat in the params of the request. If the distance is greater than a certain threshold of miles apart, I update the current loc....

Build custom map like

I am looking for a reference on how custom map like is built. As far as I can figure out from understanding their architecture, they are using their own map server (their visual map looks so beautiful). On geocoding and much other functionalities, they're still reliant on Google Maps API. Please post what you understand from ...

distance between 2 postcodes

I am using Google Maps API to get the distance between 2 UK postcodes. var yourPostcode = $("#YourPostcode").val(); var restaurantPostcode = $("#Postcode").val(); var point1 = GetPointFromPostcode(yourPostcode); var point2 = GetPointFromPostcode(restaurantPostcode); var distance = point1.distanceFrom(po...

New to Rails Help

I have a database query that is returning to a variable which contains an address. @terminal_address = Terminal.find(:all, :select => :full_address ,:conditions => ["id = ?" , params[:id]]) When I pass the @terminal_address to my geocoding code it errors because of how the data is being passed. If I replace the variable with an addres...

Converting Longitude & Latitude to X Y on a map with Calibration points

If i have a jpeg map with size sizeX, sizeY and some calibration points on the map (X, Y, Lon, Lat) What would be the algorithm for calculating the corresponding XY point in the map with a given Longitude / Latitude pair? ...

Google Maps Stopped working suddenly (Blank Map)

i am starting with google maps. just learning. awhile ago, it was working. now its not. everything seems to workin UI Controls, Markers/Overlay but the map is blank. google.load("jquery", "1.3.2"); google.load("maps", "2"); google.setOnLoadCallback(function() { var map = new google.maps.Map2(document.getElementById("map")); map...

Looking for Ideas: How would you start to write a geo-coder?

Because the open source geo-coders cannot begin to compare to Google's or even Yahoo's, I would like to start a project to create a good open source geo-coder. Just to clarify, a geo-coder takes some text (usually with some constraints) and returns one or more lat/lon pairs. I realize that this is a difficult and garguntuan task, so I a...

Latitude longitude API's

i have a address database and i tried to find latitude and longitude using google geocoding and yahoo API. Is there any other popular API's or programs are there.I'm using ubuntu platform. ...

Reverse Geocoding Without Web Access

I am working on an application where one of the requirements is that I be able to perform realtime reverse geocoding operations based on GPS data. In particular, I must be able to determine the state/province to which a latitude, longitude pair maps and detect when we have moved from one state/province to another. I have a couple ideas...

Insert Screenshot of just captured Geocoded image?

I am performing a GoogleMaps/VirtualEarth geocode-request and the resulting image ( showing the location on a map ) is displayed on my site. The problem is, I need part of this graphic 'captured' and displayed on the form. Is it possible to do this and add the result to the form? ...

Daily server-side caching of 10,000 Google Maps geocoder responses

I'm currently looking into methods of implementing server-side caching of roughly 10,000 Google Maps geocoder responses in a J2EE web application. Since Google limits the number of geocoding requests to 15,000 per day, I need a method to store my requests for 24 hours. The requests originate from an XML file that sits on the server, and ...

Database of US metropolitan area names?

Hello, I've been unsuccessful in trying to find a US metropolitan area (e.x. San Francisco Bay Area, South Bay, The Berkshires, Upstate New York, etc.) database that is defined by cities. Does anyone know if such a thing exists? Wikipedia has a list of "Intrastate Regions" here: