
Log file rollover when logging to file using Google toolbox for Mac

I'm using Google toolbox for Mac's GTMLogger to do logging to file in the app I'm working on. I'm trying to decide how to do log file rollover when the file gets large enough. Ideally I would like something like log4net's immediate rollover when the log file hits 1 mb with max 11 log files at any one time, but I don't see any built-in ...

Match first word of a phrase in a String.

I am using the GTMRegex class from the Google toolbox for mac (in a Cocoa / Objective-C) app: I need to do a match and replace of a 3 word phrase in a string. I know the 2nd and 3rd words of the phrase, but the first word is unknown. So, if I had: lorem BIFF BAM BOO ipsem and lorem B...

How to unit test asynchronous APIs?

Hi all. I have installed Google Toolbox for Mac ( into Xcode and followed the instructions to set up unit testing found here ( It all works great, and I can test my synchronous methods on all my objects absolutely fin...

Google Toolbox For Mac with Core Data on iPhone results in error

I have set up my project for using Google Toolbox for Mac as described on official wiki. And everything is working as expected. For core data usage I have created a 'database' class that uses for final application SQLite storage (this is done based on Xcode template code). For unit tests I have created separate init method for 'databas...

Does a Category applied to NSString also apply to NSCFString via the "toll-free bridge"?

We're integrating a library into an iPhone app which appears to use the google toolbox for iPhone internally. The google toolbox adds a method gtm_stringBySanitizingAndEscapingForXML to NSString. The problem is, whenever we attempt to make a call to this library we get [NSCFString gtm_stringBySanitizingAndEscapingForXML]: unrecognized ...

iPhone: How can I use gcov?

I'm trying to use gcov on iPhone Project and followed Apple's instruction described here, but it doesn't work. When I build and go configured project, .gcda file is created for each object file. But no executed lines are recorded to .gcda files. (CoverStory shows all coverages are 0%) I just added a simple class to template project as...

Error compiling for unit test using google toolbox for mac

Hi my application runs fine but when I try to run the unit tests I am getting this error... 2010-10-19 00:27:49.919 AssignmentUnitTest[27988:903] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSURL initFileURLWithPath:]: nil string parameter' Irony is I have searched the whole project & I ...