
Google Map v2: how to retrieve existing google markers from google Gmap2 object

I hope the title is clear. I would like to retrieve the existing google markers from my Gmap2 object. Is there any method for this? ...

Google Translate found translation or returned a phonetic result?

Hi, I'm using the Google Translate API. In some languages, if there is no matching translation, the service returns the same word I sent. This way I know there was no translation. The problem is with languages where the result is a phonetic word. It happens with languages that have different letters from English. How can I know for ...

How do you use Google Command Line to download all slides from a google presentation in png?

I have been able to download google docs using something like this - google docs get --title "Shopping list" output.png or google docs get --title "Shopping list" output format=png Even though Shopping list has 2 slides, i only get the first one. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong here? ...

Custom Google Search with 'search web' and search 'my site' radio buttons.

I have some experience setting up Google CSEs. I have a request to set up a CSE with an option to 'search the web' or just search the site. I thought it would be very simple, but iver yet to find an example or tutorial. Can anyone point me in the right direction and or give me an example of a Google CSE that has a radio button (any but...

how to integrate google calendar in my app

how to integrate #google #calendar in my app with full function ;mutli level management CRUD ect ;any suggestions ??? my app built in codeigniter (php framework) there is other solutions easy to integrate in my application thanks in advance ...

Why is Google putting new content straight into its Supplemental Index?

We have had problems with our web pages being put into Google's Supplemental Index. We have recently corrected what we believe were all the problems that might have caused this. However, Google still seems to be taking new content and putting it straight into its Supplemental Pages index. Have we incurred some sort of Supplemental Penalt...

Download plugins by javascript on Chrome, Safari

Dear all, I have implemented the plugin by NPAPI for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, but there is a issue for me is how to download the plugin by JavaScript on Chrome, Safari? I know the .xpi is a extension for Firefox, and I can write the script for downloading the xpi from server and Firefox will equip a xpi to Firefox extension folder. ...

[Gmap V3] Close infoWindow when new opens?

new google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { infowindow.close(map, marker); //the code is not working.., marker); }) ...

Google Test Fixtures

I'm trying to understand how the Google Test Fixtures work. Say I have the following code: class PhraseTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: virtual void SetUp() { phraseClass * myPhrase1 = new createPhrase("1234567890"); phraseClass * myPhrase2 = new createPhrase("1234567890"); } ...

How to get unique identifier from OpenID / Google?

For OpenID, when authenticated against Google, the authenticated URL that is returned is different across different browsers, IP addys, &c. How does one obtain a unique user identifier from Google's OpenID implementation? Login on one computer and I can get the following: ...

Convert data into pdf using google docs for iphone

Hi Everyone, I am really struck in a problem. I have an iphone application where i need to convert my data in pdf and excel format using google docs. By spending some time on R&D i came to know that i will have to send my data in HTML format. Other than that i came across nothing. Please provide me clue how to implement it. Some sample ...

Google's username policies vs Facebook, Twitter and others...

I have a question I've been trying to understand for awhile now. Google has terrible username policies for accounts and services. You are unable to change your username, recover a deleted account or link usernames to various accounts. It's not possible to do anything. These issues have comes up numerous times with accounts that I manage ...

How can I replace the Compass image of MyLocationOverlay?

I want to use my image to replace the Compass image of MyLocationOverlay, how can i implement? ...

How to open marker info window outside of Google Map

Can anybody help. I have below code and it's working fine but I would like to open info window outside of Google Map. Example: <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='infoopen("1")'>Marker 1</a> JavaScript code: var infowindow; var map; var mapDrawn = false; var hotels = []; var markers = []; Site.gmapInit = function(centerX, centerY,...

Access Gmail Imap xoauth with google federated login access token

I am trying to implement google authentication on my site using the google federated login approach which combines openid and oauth together. I want to use the oauth access token generated via the above flow to access the gmail imap using oauth :

Postini - What happens to email sent to users not set up in postini

I am setting up Postini to help scan my email for spam. You pay by the user. Say I set up three users in Postini (jed, sales, and info). Say I have those three accounts and a forth email account (support) set up on my mail server. What happens if I try to send mail to that account not set up in Postini (support)? 1) I have tried this an...

Multiple Google Analytics Tags on a Page

We have a large network of sites and want to upgrade to the new Google Analytics asynchronous tags. Often, our clients will place their GA tags after ours, and since we have a reset function on ours, they seem to play nice. Is there anything special that needs to be done to place multiple asynchronous tags on a page, like the reset fro...

Using document.write to load Google Libraries JavaScript API

I'm trying to use document.write() to load the Google Libraries JavaScript API. The following works (the alert pops up) in every browser other than IE. Please note that I replaced my actual API key with "MY_API_KEY" in the example below and that the script tag is broken into two strings to keep the browser from having parsing errors. ...

Google checkout integration with .NET

Hi all, I'm trying to use server to server XML API for google checkout with 3.5. I'm getting the following error when I try and post my URL "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request." even though I'm sure I've followed their instructions to the letter. My code is below... help anyone? public void DoWebRequest...

Google Maps and Street View display problem

This problem was already discussed in this thread I did implement the solution but it didn't work. In brief, I have two DIVs, one for Google Maps and the other is for Street View. They are synced, you move the first, the latter also change the position. Now I implement tabs, I made them myself and didn't use jQuery UI. It doesn't work. ...