creating custom search webpage using google engine
i want to create a search webpage which should display the google results page as well as results from our intranet webpage. can i design it using google custom search engine? ...
i want to create a search webpage which should display the google results page as well as results from our intranet webpage. can i design it using google custom search engine? ...
I'm using a autosuggestion for adresses through google maps API that I want to be as fast as possible. Currently, I have added a 10ms delay to my script in order to avoid being banned for to many requests, is this necessary. How many requests can be made without getting banned? Ps, i'd love some appropriate tags for this, I really can'...
Hello, this is driving me nuts and causing me to pull so much hair, I actually ran out of hair and started hurting random people. I have a UI design in which the WebView is supposed to be to the north, vertically of course, and a bar or line of buttons at the south. So the majority of the design is the WebView, and at the bottom some of...
Google App Inventor has some information in their documentation for setting up a sample TinyWebDB webservice using python or app engine, however, I'm trying to use php. Is this possible? I've followed directions posted here but all I get is the error: Communication with the web service encountered a protocol exception I display...
Hi , GAE XMPP documentation states that is not possible to set status message for an app ( ). On other hand, I've vark IM client has status message set. Obviously it is not hosted on GAE, but it is possible to set status message for app. I hav...
do you know how google recovers the description of a website in their search results? is it the meta-description? the first paragraph? ...
can someone to some resources for google analytics.i.e,where it can be used what all it can track..Also what does the following code does <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analyt...
I apply this script to my blog but apostrophes are converted to '. How can I make the translation to ignore those characters? Help/Thanks! <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <scrip...
Possible Duplicate: How import contact from yahoo/gmail/hotmail using php script I want to import contacts from GMail, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, etc.. I'm using php, are there any tools for this? ...
We plan to use gtalk for creating chat bot. My question is Whether the gtalk have any limitations on number of contacts or number of messages per minute/hour/day? ...
We are currently using Google Analytics in our website. But we have found some issues for larger date range. So we would like to know if there is any paid support/service from Google for Analytics. If there are any, please let me know. Thanks. ...
Hi, I need to scrape/parse some search engines related data for a given domain name(site). I need Google Page Rank (only for the domain name, not each pages). Number of indexed results/pages (google, bing). Number of Backlinks (google, bing, yahoo). Traffic Rank (alexa). Site thumbnail. Could you provide me some pointers on where...
Does anyone know how to get a csv url file and convert it to a json object so that I can use google charting tools in js? ...
When the width of the brower is changed, the image's width or height is also changed dynamically, anyone knows how to do it? And I found the image's max height of each rows is not the same. Thank you very much. ...
Consider the following error related to a token issue in Google Docs. How can this be resolved? Error connecting with login URI ...
Hi, I am using wordpress for my site. My site needs to add google analytics, favicon, meta keywords, meta descriptions. I searched plugin for this. I found different plugins for each. Can anyone suggest me a plugin which can add google analytis, favicon, metakeywords and meta description? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advanc...
Hi, I'm trying to use Watin to parse google search results. However watin is unable to find elements i the Google Search Result page. When I view the source it's because the page is generated off javascript so the search results are not sent over the wire in html. However when I open up Firebug (in Firefox) I am able to parse the ht...
Seems that you can't modify the "From" header...always map to [email protected] or [email protected]. Also, keeps adding a CC header to the sender. Is this normal? ...
Hello, Looking for the source of some classes from the AppEngine Java SDK, namely (mentioned here). So I've downloaded where I expected to find the source code of the class, instead I got zip: maxim@maxim-desktop:~/Desktop/sources$...
i am upgrading my code to the google map API v3, i was using an overlay to apply my own style but now i was trying to use the styled maps which are much faster. i am getting pretty well getting the appearance i like, the only thing i can't do is to set the color for the water feature only inside the landscape. which means basically the ...