good example liftweb app using Google Map API?
Anyone know of any good examples of using Google Map API from within a scala liftweb app? ...
Anyone know of any good examples of using Google Map API from within a scala liftweb app? ...
Im writing a small webapp based on the idea of openspot for training proposal. When I open the map with my desktop pc everything is fine, but when I open it with my HTC Desire and add a marker the map hangs. You can find a demo here (in german) Just go to "eintragen" and set a marker. Then go hack and click on "...
I'm trying to send a POST request to my GAE app through JQuery AJAX but I get no response data back. I have a very simple servlet that simply echo the "msg" I pass in. Also overriding doOptions. @Override protected void doOptions(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { resp.setH...
What will this line block when the search engine crawls the website? Disallow: /?s ...
Viewing the html source for Googles Privacy Page the header is: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Google Privacy Center</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <h1><a href="/"><img src="//" alt="Google"></a> Privacy Center</h1> ...
Did anybody know when i make search with keyword "internetdownloadmanager" there is will be sub menu for the page of like Download Registration Internet Download Manager ... Internet Download Manager screenshot can somebody tell me how to make something like that? ...
i have problem when creating feed. it's can be read by feedreader, and also shown in firefox but failed in google. this is my feed header: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Myfeed</title> <link></link> <description>This is myfeedFeed</description> <lastBuildDate>Mon,...
I got the code for the new's doodle: The problem is, all the values in the <div id="hplogo"> is changing dynamically, but not when I copy the code in my local machine. It seems only JS + DIV, anything missing? But now able to replicate it on my local machine. Any suggestions? ...
First thing on a morning, just after I switch on my PC (Windows XP) and start my Eclipse it simply shows the splash screen and then freezes. After about 20 minutes it will then ask me which workspace to load. The problem was happening with 3.5 and 3.6 Eclipse. With the 3.6 Eclipse installation I only have the standard PDE install + Goo...
What programming language or web Framework are used for these websites ? Google Amazon MySpace Yahoo Flickr PayPal Ebay Python If you know only one of this, please comment :) !! ...
I'm using the following code to generate a circle on a map using the Google Maps v3 API: var postcode_a = new google.maps.Circle({ center: postcode_a_location, map: map, radius: 70, fillColor: "#3da5e1", fillOpacity: 0.5, strokeColor: "#2b546b", strokeWeight: 1 }); What I would like to do is place a text label in the centre of ...
If you haven't seen the current google doodle, you should check it out. Basically, it's a bunch of balls that fly from the mouse. Its coded differently in IE to other browsers. In IE, it's done with . characters, whereas other browsers use border-radius. I've found the source code within the page (included below for completeness, aft...
Hello there, this problem is bugging me: HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection)new URL(url).openConnection(); con.setRequestMethod("HEAD"); if (con.getResponseCode()!=200 ){dosomething()} Is this the correct way to set the Request Method, or is it already too late since I called URL.openConnection() and it already made the conne...
Hi, I have used robots.txt to restrict one of the folders in my site. The folder consists of the sites in under construction. Google has indexed all those sites which are in testing phase. So I used robots.txt. I first submitted the site and robots.txt is enabled. Now the status is success for the But the goog...
I signed for up this quite a few weeks back now but as of yet haven't heard anything. Has anyone been granted access yet? Found here ...
Google Map is not loading in iPhone simulator/device (Can only see the grid lines). Not sure why, but all other functionality are working perfectly, like dropping pin and showing the title and subtitle. All I can see is the grid lines and google logo in my mapView. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks ...
I've read on websites and heard on podcasts that the Google doodle is was bestowed upon the masses through the miracle of HTML5. I looking at the code and validated the source of the Google homepage page via W3C and received 35 errors. While HTML5 is certainly fine and dandy it seems the real work is being done by CSS3 and JavaScript. ...
Google Instant is a new search enhancement that shows results as you type. On the information page for Google Instant, it says "15 new technologies contribute to Google Instant functionality." What are they? ...
Any ideas on exactly how the new google instant search works? It seems to just be AJAX calls to the old search, but it's pretty hard to simplify Google that much. Anybody have speculations? EDIT: I know there is AJAX sent with each keypress, but is it predictive? Or do you think it's just a regular ol' google search? ...
Is Google Instant search using Google Wave DOM diffs or something?(or maybe they are using Etherpad based tech) for speed? does it reuse/create elements with xpath? whats the speedup? what else that's interesting is going on? ...