
Grails Acegi plugin lost password

I'm looking for an implementation of a password retrieval procedure using the Acegi plugin for Grails...Google is failing me... ...

Grail or Ruby on rails for an highly interactive event based web application ?

With Java and Perl background, I have narrowed down the web framework choices to Grail or RoR. The web application is a highly interactive content management app ran on private cloud. One vision is to make all the widgets on the web pages to be event driven: click, double click, right click, keyboard shortcuts, etc. Does either fram...

Writing binary content directly to the client bypassing the Grails view layer

The following action is meant to write the binary content of bytes directly to the client completely bypassing the Grails view layer: def actionName = { byte[] bytes = ... ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream() out.write(bytes) out.flush() out.close() return false } I was under the impression that return fa...

Grails WAR file version

I would like to printout the grails war file version on my main page template, so when I deploy a WAR file, it become easy to recognize which version of the app is running on which server and so on. Where to set it and how to print it out in a gsp tag? ...

Grails YUI performance

Using the grails YUI plugin I've noticed that my gui tags are replaced with some javascript code that is inserted in the HTML page. Is this behavior contradicts the Yahoo rule of Making JavaScript and CSS External? ( In other words, how do I separate the script code from the HTML page i...

Run code in Hibernate Filters

I have a fairly sophisticated security mechanism that I implemented using Apache Shiro (formerly JSecurity). In order to know the exact visibility rules for an object, I need to run some code (i.e. lookup user's roles, permissions, groups, etc). I'd like to run queries that tell me objects that the current user is authorized to see. ...

Is it possible to deploy a new .war application without stopping the application?

Hey, I'm new to Grails, and I'm wondering about deployment. Once a .war is deployed to production, how can I update the application without downtime? ...

"Overloading" standard GORM CRUD methods

Wanna do the following: BootStrap { def init = {servletContext -> ........ = {-> delegate.extraSave() //////// how to call original save() here? } } ......... } P.S. MyDomainClass#extraSave is defined as public void extraSave(){.....} ...

Grails overrides my css styles when a layout is applied.

I have a page with components that renders correctly before applying a layout. However when I include that meta tag It changes my tabs and buttons to underlined text I took out all references to other .css files out of the main.gsp and it still changes the appearance. What is causing this behavior? (grails version 1.1.1) ...

Bulk insert of composite Domain Objects

Have domain objects: Profile and ProfileProperty. ProfileProperty static belongsTo=Profile and profile static hasMany=[profileProperties:ProfileProperty]. Each Profile has dozen profileProperties. Need to bulk insert profiles with properties. Idea was to have Profile#extraProps of type of java.util.Map, marked as static transient =['ext...

Grails Plugin: Getting all command object classes

In a plugin, I need to iterate over all domain and command object classes to apply some meta-magic to them. Getting the domain classes isn't a problem, however command objects are not that easy to get hold of, since they don't seem to be considered Grails artefacts. After browsing the docs, I came up with the following code: def doWithD...

Configuring Grails to mail all exceptions generated in the production environment

Question: How do I configure Grails to send an e-mail with all log4j error messages (including exceptions) generated in the production environment? Worth noting: This question pertains to Grails 1.1, the solution for Grails 1.0 is described here. ...

Ajax call to parent window after form submission

Hi all, Pardon the complicated title. Here's my situation: I'm working on a Grails app, and using jQuery for some of the more complex UI stuff. The way the system is set up, I have an item, which can have various files (user-supplied) associated with it. On my Item/show view, there is a link to add a file. This link pops up a jQuer...

Grails: Dependency injection in regular groovy class

Let's say that I've got a BarService under grails-app/services and regular Groovy class 'Foo' like this under src/groovy. class Foo { def barService } Are there any way to turn this into a Spring bean programmatically at runtime? Just to clarify, I want to get a reference to BarService injected into the barService field. def fooIns...

How to maintain state in a web app - as HTTP is stateless

I am new in building web apps and just begun learning and setting up Grails. I am planning to build an app which has a flow of 4 to 5 pages. Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, how is the state between the pages maintained usually. I am curious what is the accepted standard here, should I create session scoped objects and use them betwee...

grails gorm with multiple data sources

I am working on an application using grails to bridge the gap - supporting legacy POJO code, adding things like better session management. the current implementation relies on 3 database connections 1. hibernate hsql memory based for session management 2. oracle 10g connection to legacy database 3. oracle 10g connection to separate data...

REST authentication internal project (iPhone to grails app) using 2 legged oauth?

Hi, I'm creating an iPhone project, and will be communicating with a server via REST. I will be sending push notifications, initiated from another service. I would like to authenticate all communication from the iPhone to my server (e.g., synchronising notifications with the server as the push request is not guaranteed to go through) ...

Grails OC4J trouble deploying to - any help appreciated

I've got a Grails app that's deployed successfully on a stand-alone OC4J instance, but when I try and deploy it to the full version via the GUI I get this problem: [Nov 5, 2009 10:50:41 AM] Binding diploma-1.0.1 web-module for application diploma to site default-web-site under context root diploma [Nov 5, 2009 10:50:48 AM] Operation fai...

Urlmapping for camel case with more than one meaningful step

As we know, grails automatically maps MyController to [root]/my as expected, but if I have MyAnotherController it gets mapped to [root]/myAnother. I would like to get it mapped automatically to [root]/my/another. Is there a way to do this without putting additional URL mapping directives to conf/UrlMappings.groovy? ...

Comparing ASP.NET MVC and Grails for a new project.

Greetings, everyone. I consider myself to be an intermediate developer, but, to be candid, probably closer to novice than expert. In any case, I have more experience with C# and the .NET platform, but my current job has me working almost exclusively with Java. This in itself is sort of a problem, but I'm dealing with it fine and I'm not...