
Creating JMS Queues at runtime.

I am working on an application where the app user can create / delete queues . Also , he would be able to move a message from 1 queue to another, delete a message , rearrange the messages in the queue based on some filter. One possible design is to use activemq for queues and apache camel for various other operations having integrated ...

Grails or Play! for an ex-RoR developer ?

Hello, I plan to begin learning a Java web framework (I love the Java API), I already used Rails and Django. I want something close to Java, but without all the complexity of J2EE. I've found 2 framework that could be good for me : Grails : Grails looks great, it use Groovy that is better than Java for web application (I think..), but...

Ajax call from a form rendered as Ajax response (jQuery + Grails: chaining ajax requests)

Hello, I was expecting the below scenario common, but couldn't find much help online. I have a form loaded through Ajax (say, create entity form). It is loaded through a button click (load) event $("#bt-create").click(function(){ $ ('#pid').load('/controller/vehicleModel/create3'); return fal...

In grails how to insert additional parameters (from session) in all url's

I would like to add an additional parameter in my url, the use case is the following: When user do their login they also specify a 'company' name and from that moment on, all urls should map to: /$company/$controller/$action/$id The main idea is to have the current company name available in all url's, have it bookmarkable, and not t...

Grails 1.2.x scripts not working

I am using Grails 1.2.x (Tried both 1.2.0 and 1.2.2- same behavior) I am able to create the application fine by using the command grails create-app But, when I try any command within the project- it "freezes" after printing the Base Directory I have tried grails clean, grails war, grails run-app, grails created-domain-class Grails 1....

Grails application hogging too much memory

Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x Grails 1.6.x Java 1.6.x OS CentOS 5.x (64bit) VPS Server with memory as 384M JAVA_OPTS : tried many combinations- including the following export JAVA_OPTS='-Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m' export JAVA_OPTS='-server -Xms128M -Xmx128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M' (As advised by

Which is better: Use the multi-tenant plugin or different environments?

Which solution is easier to maintain: The Multi-Tenant Plugin (, or creating a different environment ( for each instance of an application which is essentially the same (with minor changes) for each company? ...

Groovy/Grails Using WSClient to consume .net web service

I'm pretty new to both Grails/Groovy/Web services and i'm consuming a .net web service .. I have some code connects to the service using grails WS-client plugin : WebService webService def result = { def wsdl = ApplicationHolder.application.parentContext.getResource('WEB-INF/productsSoap.wsdl') def proxy = webService.getCli...

Grails- Unique constraint

How can I basically carry out a unique constraint on a string data-type field. class User{ String username String Email static hasMany = [roles:Roles] static constraints = { Email(email:true) username(unique:true) } } Is there any simple way to implement username(unique:true) or I will have to manually ...

Grails background call vie camle or background-thread

I need to improve the response time for a Grails application, so I need to use concurrent processing to separate work that can be done after the users web page is refreshed It seems like the Camel and background-thread plugins can do this for me. I tried the Camel way, but get 'Session does not exists' errors, which looks like hibernat...

Grails Unit Tests: Why does this statement fail?

I've developed in Java in the past, and now I'm trying to learn Grails/Groovy using this slightly dated tutorial. import grails.test.* class DateTagLibTests extends TagLibUnitTestCase { def dateTagLib protected void setUp() { super.setUp() dateTagLib = new DateTagLib() } protected void tearDown() { ...

Grails GORM (Hibernate) query

Hello, I'm trying to do the below sql statement in GORM select * from table1 where table1.x not in (select x from table 2 where y='something'); so, I have two tables, and needs to find the entries from table 1 which are not in table 2. In Grails def xx= table2.findByY('something') def c = table1.createCriteria() def ...

grails clean having issues

Im running grails 1.2 on win7. when i try to do grails clean it fails to remove some jars in my acegi plugin. after that failure, it complains about not finding the plugin descriptor. I am forced to remove all plugins from the disk manually and then run the app again to download them again. the particular jar in acegi is ant-contrib-...

PartialResultException when authenticating over LDAP with Acegi and Grails

I'm trying to setup our new Grails application to authenticate via LDAP. From the logs we can see that Acegi is binding to the LDAP store, then is able to find the user given the correct credentials, and finally begins searching for roles. The authentication fails due to a PartialResultException. I'm aware that the default LDAP provide...

creating a Grails application in IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.x fails to prompt for "create-app"

When I create a Grails application in IntelliJ 9 on Snow Leopard I am not prompted to create an application. IntelliJ finished the wizard and creates an empty project that is not a Grails application. I have tried two different Apple computers (MacBook Pro and Mac Pro) it does not work on either. The same steps on a Linux system resul...

Teamcity and Grails

Hi there, My current requirement is: I have to package my grails app and use teamcity for continuous build. The only problem is the build agents don't have groovy and grails installed (don't ask why) I want to package my app with Groovy and Grails directories and check in Git. So that there is no dependency on installing groovy an...

Grails: URL mapping - how to pass file extension ?

Hi. I have some folder with different files. I want to use something like this: I'm using this way to obtain path: "/excursion/$path**" (controller:"excursion", action:"sweet") But it doesn't helps with file extensions... How to disable file extensions truncating ? P.S. class ExcursionCont...

Grails unit testing domain classes with Set properties - is this safe?

I've created a domain class in Grails like this: class MyObject { static hasMany = [tags: String] // Have to declare this here, as nullable constraint does not seem to be honoured Set tags = new HashSet() static constraints = { tags(nullable: false) } } Writing unit tests to check the size and content of ...

Grails domain class object updating question

Hi, should always the "version" field be checked when updating a domain class object ? If so, is using a while with sleep an acceptable option ? ...

Auto-creating User details with Grails and LDAP

I'm using the Acegi Security plugin for Grails, and authentication via LDAP. The application logs show that on login, we can authenticate the user and get their roles via LDAP, but the login fails because the User Details cannot be found in the application's database. Is there a way to auto create and save a basic User Details domain o...