
Containment relationship in domain class (Grails)

Hello, I'm not sure whether it is the right terminology for this kind of relationship, so please correct me. I need to define a domain class, which maps to a table in the database. The class needs to define a hierarchy of relationships of the same type. For eg, say I need to model the below roles with the same class Admin > Manager > S...

Grails dependency issues

I'm in the process of moving a Java/Spring MVC app to Grails. I was able to get a couple of pages along with Spring Security working. However, when I added cxf-bundle-minimal as a dependency I started to get the errors below. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES :: :::...

Groovy/Grails: How do I make my datePicker blank or null by default instead of showing today's date?

That is basically my question. It is showing me today's date and not a blank or null or '' date, even if I put null or '' it runs perfectly but keeps showing me today's date, not a blank dropdown box. So I want to change the default to being blank when the gsp loads, not with today's date. Thanks -Fernando ...

Grails on google app engine

Hello, What is the current status of grails and google app engine deployment. I am new to app engine but wonder worth exploring it. Some specific qns are the latest plugin, which has high user rating, has any restrictions? or it work seamlessly with all gorm features is there any issue with high startup time for grails applicatio...

Grails: Edit and Delete links not working

Hi, I created an extra column and added icons at the end of the list for editing and deleting an event. Here is what I have <g:form value="${}"> <g:hiddenField name="id" value="${}" /> <span class="simple"><g:actionSubmit class="editar" action="edit" value="${message(c...

How to invoke non default target in grails gant script

I have a gant script A with two targets t1 - default target t2 - another target Even when I run grails A t2 the default target is run? How can I run the non-default target? I have tried grails A --target='t2' etc. but doesn't work. ...

Grails and multithread process

Hi, I have a grails app and I need to trigger an cpu-intensive process. I'm thinking in creating a service that spawns multiple threads that do the same calculations but with random data to compare the results later on. Is it safe to do it this way ? Any recommendations / experiences ? Thanks. ...

Grails Webflow not auto-reloading

Hey all- I'm working on some web flows for a Grails app we're building. I'm (slowly) getting the hang of the webflows themselves, but progress is severely limited due to the fact that changes to the webflow controller are not auto-reloading in Tomcat on save; basically, I need to bounce the app every time I make a change. As you can im...

GORM inheritance issue

I'm blocked on this GORM inheritance problem I have and id appreciate some fresh eyes to have a look over this problem. (Im using Grails 1.3.2) I have a base abstract class... abstract class MaintenanceSchedule { static belongsTo = [ maintenanceTask:MaintenanceTask ] } and I want to extend it like so... class OneOffSchedule exte...

Hooking into Grails event in order to inject properties and methods without beeing af Plugin

Hi, I have some custom groovy classes in my Grails project, and I would like to inject a logger and some other stuff into the class, like it works in a Service class or Controller class. The code in the "target" class would in this way have direct access to logging without further ado. How would it be possible to write scripts to hook...

Grails - how to convert the text in an input field into a java date object using a taglib

I am trying to design my own custom set of tags using grails and i am having problems converting my date text into a Date object using the grails taglib. I have only succeeded in rendering already existing dates into a chosen format, but when i try to change the date and save it again, i run into problems ...

Grails layouts not applied on a 404 UrlMapping

In a Grails 1.3.1 app, I want 404 errors to cause the render the main index action of the "list" controller. This controller uses a conventional layout file in the layouts directory (views/layouts/list.gsp), which then uses the included snippet for that action (views/list/index.gsp). When this action is accessed normally (http://loca...

Grails with Jquery

Are Grails and Jquery tightly coupled ? If Yes , Are GWT and Grails tightly coupled ? Also what is the best UI framework for Grails in terms of low CPU utilization and best rendering of UI. ...

Spring security plugin not throwing events

Hi, I am in the process of migrating to spring security plugin from acegi plugin.Currently working on grails environment. I am facing a weird issue as my authentication success event and authentication bad credentials event does not throw at all.I added println statements in the callback in config.groovy and also through listeners.Howeve...

Errors in springsource using grails

Hi guys, I am using Springsource Tool Suite as editor for grails project. The problem is at places i get an error message with a red cross saying Groovy:unable to resolve classes. But when I run the applicatios from command prompt (grails run-app), there are no errors and the application works fine. It's bit annoying to see those errors ...

How do I receive messages in Flex via GraniteDS from dynamically created JMS topics?

I have Java programs running on various machines (A) that should send messages via server (B) to Flex clients running on other machines (C). The server is running a Grails (Java) application on Tomcat with standalone ApacheMQ and the whole setup is currently working nicely using GraniteDS to communicate between Grails and Flex. (The way ...

How to change the default setting of a domain field in Grails to be nullable

I want any field to be nullable in default. ...

Which tools to use for Grails Development

I've recently started using Grails and I have the following questions about the available tools for development on the framework: I tried using maven with the a project, but that wasn't working so I switched to the in-built ant/ivy system. It works fine and is easy to use, but I'm curious if down the road there may be problems - i.e. d...

how to stop endless redirect after successful login

My grails app is using Spring Security (Acegi). Users can login on /login. after this is successful it redirects to /. if someone now tries get back to the URL /login the browser says "endless redirect, the request could never be ended". in the login controller, action login which shows the login view there is some code if (isLoggedIn...

How to get grails datasource createdb property in bootstrap

I'd like to make my Bootstrap dependant on the createdb property in the grails DataSource.groovy file. When the setting is 'create', new Master Data should be generated, if the setting is 'update', none. I've found GrailsDataSource in the Grails API which also has a method getCreateDb, but I don't know how to access it from the Bootstra...