Best migration plugin in grails?
I come to grails from rails. I need a database migration tool similar to the rails migration. I need to keep always updated the database (schema and data) for the webapp that i ship. Any hint? ...
I come to grails from rails. I need a database migration tool similar to the rails migration. I need to keep always updated the database (schema and data) for the webapp that i ship. Any hint? ...
There is a way to create javadoc for a grails project? (It makes sense?) ...
I have been learning OSGi and also a little about Groovy recently but am very new to both. I know Groovy is part of the Grails framework and that Grails is good for rapid development. One of the most desirable features in OSGi is class loader management and I believe this is probably still an issue with Grails (correct me if wrong). S...
Hi I'm fighting to get the following mapping working in Grails 1.3.1 and MySQL: class Login { int id String email static mappings = { table 'my_table' id column: "Mgr_id" version: false } } No matter what I do the queries that are being issued refer to "schema.login" table instead of "schema....
Hi, I was getting issue wen using new Sql method in grails . import groovy.sql.Sql def datasource def organization_config = new Sql(dataSource) def orgs = organization_config.rows("select o.organizationId, from organization o ") session.setAttribute("org_results", orgs); The application is running but getting these...
In a unix environment, I want the .grails folder to go somewhere other than the default location, and I want to set this from the command line... I believe the command should be something like: grails -Duser.home=/x/y/z run-app but this doesn't seem to be working. What's the correct way to do this? ...
So I've done some reading on grails, mainly on object and the relationships, etc, so I get how to create domain classes and controllers and how they work and everything, but the connection I haven't made yet is how you can take that and design a working HTML interface and useable website with that. Can anyone suggest some further reading...
i have installed autobase following the how to on the wiki but i get the following traceback when i try to create a migration: Error executing script CreateMigration: startup failed: CreateMigration: 2: unable to resolve class @ line 2,...
I'm just wondering if it's possible for 'createCriteria' to specify the contains group similar to CharIndex('P', Channel) <> 0 I am using eq and get exact match but what should i use in i need to get all the records which contains channel similar to IN("channel",('a','b','c','d')) def c = Load.createCriteria() def results = c { ...
Hi, is there a way to force the login to be case insensitive using acegi in grails ? I didn't find a matching entry to be set in the SecurityConfig file. Thanks ...
I installed calendar Version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT in grails and working good . But facing one Issue : When click on cancel button i was doing form reset .but the calendar field is becoming clear and not reseting to default date . <g:form url="${response}" id="program" name="program" method="post"> <calendar:datePicker name="startDate" id="s...
I am using dojo plugin for grails, but in the plugin homepage i see Note if you are using this plugin, there have been several security advisories related to the Dojo framework and it is recommended that you upgrade or follow the instructions here: .. Why? It's a better choice to put official dojo in my webapp instead us...
Hello, when I specify empty on a date field (which has time part filled in, so not null), the following message is displayed in the UI Failed to convert property value of type java.lang.String to required type org.joda.time.DateTime for property responseRequiredDate; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid form...
Hi, when I try this: log.debug("Id:" + being a long value, I get the exception: Exception Message: No signature of method: groovy.util.ConfigObject.debug() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [Id:9] Possible solutions: getAt(java.lang.String), dump(), get(java.lang.Object), get(java.lang....
I have this code in a custom taglib that calls the GrailsUI Autocomplete tag: def renderAutoComplete(uicName,isDisabled,theValue) { params.tableId = 3 // THIS ISN'T AVAILABLE TO AUTO COMPLETE ACTION out << gui.autoComplete(id:uicName,resultName:"lookUpData",controller:"lookupTable",action:"autoCompleteJSON") {} } Here's my ...
Using grails 1.2.2 with groovy 1.6.8 .. Reading a a web service and trying to process response .. Response is shown below and validates as correct xml .. (sorry for length) .. <soap:Body> <AddProductEventResponse xmlns=""> <AddProductEventResult> <xs:schema id="AddProductEventResult" xmlns=""...
In a grails GSP, I want a toolTip to be localized: <a href="..." title="localizedMessage"> As the toolTip is written in the attribute title, I can't use <g:message> here. Actually I already have a service for localized messages, but when I call it from the GSP, the service's messageSource is null, so getting that to work would be a so...
For testing purposes, I'd like to have a console where I can just enter an HQL command and see what it returns on the grails hibernate DB (in my case a MySQL DB) while it's running e.g. in the test environment. What's the best way to do that? I'm using Eclipse and already came across the JBoss Hibernate Tools, but I'm not sure how to co...
grails has some strange syntax, how is that java? is it a custom templating language that then gets compiled down to java? ...
Will groovy (grails) give you compile time checking like java? If you always specify the type, will that change things much? ...