
Draw 2.5D or 3D Map with C# from lines.

I'm developing a turn-by-turn navigation software for Windows Mobile using C# and .NET CF. I'm able to draw a 2D maps by drawing lines. My problem is I would like to get a 2.5D map like in the picture. I tried non-affine transformation on the 2D rendered image but it is too slow for the Windows Mobile device we are targeting. Could anyon...

Right way to dispose Image/Bitmap and PictureBox

I am trying to develop a Windows Mobile 6 (in WF/C#) application. There is only one form and on the form there is only a PictureBox object. On it I draw all desired controls or whatever I want. There are two things I am doing. Drawing custom shapes and loading bitmaps from .png files. The next line locks the file when loading (which i...

Dynamically generate Triangle Lists for a Complex 3D Mesh

In my application, I have the shape and dimensions of a complex 3D solid (say a Cylinder Block) taken from user input. I need to construct vertex and index buffers for it. Since the dimensions are taken from user input, I cannot user Blender or 3D Max to manually create my model. What is the textbook method to dynamically generate such ...

Generating a beveled edge for a 2D polygon

I'm trying to programmatically generate beveled edges for geometric polygons. For example, given an array of 4 vertices defining a square, I want to generate something like this. But computing the vertices of the inner shape is baffling me. Simply creating a copy of the original shape and then scaling it down will not produce the desire...

Drawing an empty polygon given a set of points on a Map Overylay (Android 2.1)

Hi, I've set of n points and I want to draw a n-sided polygon using these points. I tried using (please see below). Path path = new Path(); Vertex currVtx; for (int j = 0; j < vertices.size(); j++) { currVtx = vertices.get(j); if (!currVtx.hasLatLong()) continue; Point currentScreenPoint = getScreenPoi...

What is faster with PictureBox? Many small redraws or complete redraw.

I have a PictureBox (WinMobile 6 WinForm) on which I draw some images. There is a background image that goes in the background and it does not change. However objects that are drawn on the picturebox are moving during the application so I need to refresh the background. Since items that are redrawn fill from 50% to 80% of the surface, t...

Merge overlapping triangles into a polygon

I've got a bunch of overlapping triangles from a 3D model projected into a 2D plane. I need to merge each island of touching triangles into a closed, non-convex polygon. The resultant polygons shouldn't have any holes in them (since the source data doesn't). Many of the source triangles share (floating point identical) edges with other...

Per-component alpha-channels with OpenGL?

Hi, I'm a complete beginner with openGL, and I'm trying to see if what I want to do is feasible before I get started. I'd like to know if it's possible to perform blending with one alpha channel per component (one for red, one for green and one for blue) with openGL? If not, what are some possible workarounds? Thanks! ...

create images clickable on jpanel

hi How i can add icon (car, earth or other) image that can be clickabel by user? i want to add them on an jpanel with overrided paint method. ...

Is there any graphics library in a higher level than OpenGL

Hello, I am looking for a graphics library for 3D reconstruction research to develop my specific viewer based on some library. OpenGL seems in a low level and I have to remake the wheel everywhere. And I also tried VTK(visualization toolkit). However, it seems too abstract that I need to master many conceptions before I start. Is the...

Generate a polygon from line.

I want to draw a line with thickness in j2me. This can easily be achieved in desktop java by setting Pen width as thickness value. However in j2me, Pen class does not support width. My idea is to generate a polygon from the line I have, that resembles the line with thickness i want to draw. In picture, on the left is what I have, a line ...

Draw a parallel line

I have x1,y1 and x2,y2 which forms a line segment. How can I get another line x3,y3 - x4,y4 which is parallel to the first line as in the picture. I can simply add n to x1 and x2 to get a parallel line but it is not what i wanted. I want the lines to be as parallel in the picture. ...

Matlab: Adding symbols to figure

Hi, Below is the user interface I have created to simulate LDPC coding and decoding The code sequence is decoded iteratively by passing values between the left and right nodes through the connections. The first thing it would be good to add in order to improve visualization is to add arrows to the connections in the direction of passi...

Is there a table of OpenGL extensions, versions, and hardware support somewhere?

I'm looking for some resource that can help me decide what OpenGL version my game needs at minimum, and what features to support through extensions. Ideally, a table of the following format: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 ... multitexture - ARB ARB core core texture_float - EXT EXT ARB ARB ... ...

c# - clear surface when resizing

Hello, I'm trying to build my own custom control for a windows forms application in C#.Net. Currently I paint some rectangles and other graphic elements using the paint event. When I now resize the app form to fit the desktop size, all elements are repainted (which is exactly the behaviour I need) but the old one's are shown in the back...

Java2d: JPanel set background color not working

I am having the below code. public VizCanvas(){ { this.setBackground(; this.setSize(400,400); } } It worked fine and displays the panel in black background. But when I implement the paint method, which does nothing, the color changes to default color i.e gray. I tried to set graphics.setColor() but...

Java2d: Translate the axes

Hi, I am developing an application using Java2d. The weird thing I noticed is, the origin is at the top left corner and positive x goes right and positive y increases down. Is there a way to move the origin bottom left? Thank you. ...

Problem draw line by Quartz 2D with alpha property < 1.0 on iPhone

Hello Everybody ! This code i use to draw in my app. So i have problem, if i draw with alpha property = 1. It is very good but if i change alpha property = 0.2 then my paint is not good. How do i make for better with alpha property = 0.2. Draw with alpha = 1: It is good Draw with alpha =...

KeyListener problem

In my apllication i am using a jpanel in which i want to add a key listener. I did it. But it doesnot work. Is it because i am using a swingworker to update the contents of the panel every second. Here is my code to update the panel RenderedImage image = ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) get())); Graphics graphics...

Java2D: Capturing an event on a Line object

I have a JPanel which has a line, circle etc..Now when I click on the line, will the event get reported as a line event or a general jframe event. I need to be able to move the line, if the user clicks on the line and moves it. Is this possible in Java2d. Thank you. ...