
Image/"most resembling pixel" search optimization?

The situation: Let's say I have an image A, say, 512x512 pixels, and image B, 5x5 or 7x7 pixels. Both images are 24bit rgb, and B have 1bit alpha mask (so each pixel is either completely transparent or completely solid). I need to find within image A a pixel which (with its' neighbors) most closely resembles image B, OR the pixel that...

any good class for generating graphs and pie charts

hi! I'm working on a project which includes generating pie and bar graph charts on the fly with user inputs. Can anyone suggest me some good libraries to do that? It can be any like jquery, css, php class or anything free.. And i'm going to use it mainly offline. Thanks :) ...

Automatic tracking algorithm

Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a simple tracking routine to track some points on a movie. Essentially I have a series of 100-frames-long movies, showing some bright spots on dark background. I have ~100-150 spots per frame, and they move over the course of the movie. I would like to track them, so I'm looking for some efficient (but ...

OpenGL graphics editor...implementation of eraser tool

i'm writing a menu-based OpenGL graphics editor.It is pretty basic. Every time i choose a new option in the pop-down menu, the older drawing disappears,this doesn't allow me to use the eraser tool...could anybody tell me how to solve this problem?thanx ...

Crystal Reports and WMF image

I have a problem with inserting a vector graphics (WMF) into report (Crystal Reports v10.5 from Visual Studio 2008). The image is static, inserted by choosing "Insert Picture" during report design in VS. The problem is that it displays differently (size and aspect ratio) on machines with different operating systems and screen resolutio...

draw text using coregraphics in iphone

Hi How to draw text on imageview using coregraphics in iphone ...

Saving System.Drawing.Graphics to a png or bmp

I have a Graphics object that I've drawn on the screen and I need to save it to a png or bmp file. Graphics doesn't seem to support that directly, but it must be possible somehow. What are the steps? ...

Vector graphics in silverlight

Hi Folks, I am new to Silverlight. Just created my first application that shows deepzoom images. Looking for some pointers how to display vector graphics in Silverligth. The graphics are all in 2D and is a series of lines (x1y1, x2y2), points (xy), basic shapes. The data is available in ASCII text files. What is the way(s) to read ...

Spinning a 3D model in C#

How do I take a 3D model that I created in 3D Studio Max and put it into my Winform C# program and make it spin? I'd prefer not to use DirectX if possible. I don't want anything complex. I simply want my model to rotate along the X axis. Thats it. Thanks ...

Direct video card access

Guys, I am trying to write a class in C# that can be used as a direct replacement for the C# Bitmap class. What I want to do instead though is perform all graphic functions done on the bitmap using the power of the video card. From what I understand, functions such as DrawLine or DrawArc or DrawText are primitive functions that use simpl...

Calling "other" ImageMagick commands through Imagick?

Hi, I'm using the Imagick PHP wrapper for ImageMagick. I've noticed there are some ImageMagick commands that are not available in the Imagick wrapper, such as autolevel and normalize. How should I go about calling these? Couldn't find anything in Imagick. Are there disadvantages to calling the ImageMagick commands directly through the ...

JPanel background image

This is my code, it indeed finds the image so that is not my concern, my concern is how to make that image be the background of the panel. I'm trying to work with Graphics but i doesnt work, any ideas?? please?? try { imgURL = MAINWINDOW.class.getResource(imagen); Image imgFondo = javax.imageio.Imag...

.GIF re edit! Can't figure it out!! That is the photo.. I am trying to cut around it so its a little smaller and make him walk the opposite direction. The reason I am doing this is for a VBulletin forum signature since it marquees left to right. I have tried editing the animation in Photoshop and I flipped the canva...

How does an unsharp mask work?

I've been playing around with image processing lately, and I'd like to know how the unsharp mask algorithm works. I'm looking at the source code for Gimp and it's implementation, but so far I'm still in the dark about how it actually works. I need to implement it for a project I'm working on, but I'd like to actually understand the alg...

Android 2D graphic library

I can not figure out the android 2D graphic library. Is it SGL, Skia or subset of OpenGL ...

Coordinates in distorted grid

I have a grid in a 2D system like the one in the before image where all points A,B,C,D,A',B',C',D' are given (meaning I know the respective x- and y-coordinates). I need to calculate the x- and y-coordinates of A(new), B(new), C(new) and D(new) when the grid is distorted (so that A' is moved to A'(new), B' is moved to B'(new), C' is mov...

VB.NET custom user control graphics rotation

Hi, this is my first question on here. I'm trying to build a dial control as a custom user control in VB.NET. I'm using VS2008. so far I have managed to rotate image using graphics.rotatetransform . however, this rotate everything. Now I have a Bitmap for the dial which should stay stable and another Bitmap for the needle which I need...

Are we Delphi, VCL or Pascal programmers?

In terms of naming: Are we Delphi, VCL or Pascal programmers? ...

OpenGL fast texture drawing with vertex buffer objects. Is this the way to do it?

Hello. I am making a 2D game with OpenGL. I would like to speed up my texture drawing by using VBOs. Currently I am using the immediate mode. I am generating my own coordinates when I rotate and scale a texture. I also have the functionality of rounding the corners of a texture, using the polygon primitive to draw those. I was thinking...

Creating a variable-width stroke in Cairo

stroke() in Cairo applies a stroke of a single specified width to a line path. I'd like to draw a path with a varying width (thinner when the user was drawing faster, thicker when slower). Is this possible in Cairo? ...