
How to overlay graphics on Windows games?

I want my program to be able to launch any Windows game, and while the user is playing it, intermittently display some text or pictures in some part of the game window. The game may be in windowed or full-screen mode. From what I have been able to figure out from online resources, this could be done using a graphics library that supports...

Learning OpenGL ES 2.0, Coming From 2D

My new job has me moving from a 2D graphics environment (old job) to a 3D environment using OpenGL ES 2.0. I'm looking for hints, book suggestions, awesome tutorials, and possible test environments or OpenGL ES 2.0 emulators to help me make the jump. I have basic familiarity with OpenGL ES 1.X's fixed function pipeline, but I'm complete...

Help with connected outlines

I'm making a vector drawing application. I use this algorithm to generate outlines. This algorthm works well, except it does not close the outline as seen here: I'm not sure what I should do to ensure that it always closes the outline. I tried inserting the last vertex at position[0] in the std::vector but this did not help. DOUBLEPO...

Rounding the start and end of an outline

I use the following algorithm to generate polygon outlines: void OGLSHAPE::GenerateLinePoly(std::vector<DOUBLEPOINT> &input, int width) { OutlineVec.clear(); if(input.size() < 2) { return; } if(connected) { input.push_back(input[0]); input.push_back(input[1]); } float w = width...

Finding the vector between 2 vectors (2D)

Lets say for example I have the following 2 vectors: *B *A The vector I would want would be C *C *B *A What I'm trying to do is generate square outlines. I use 2d slurp: where v0 would be A and v2 would be B. Right now I use sslerp2D to make round edges but I also want regular square edges hence why I want to...

How do vector applications skew polygons?

I know how to move, rotate, and scale, but how does skewing work? what would I have to do to a set of verticies to skew them? Thanks ...

Distorting a polygon (Like Photoshop's distort) (Perspective Transformation)

In Photoshop there is a tool that allows the selection to be "Distorted". This allows easy shadow creation among other things. How could this sort of distortion be applied for a polygon (a bunch of points)? Thanks ...

Plane To Intersect with Terrain Algorithm

I have a terrain, which is represented by elements and coordinates ( they are just a list of mesh), and I have a plane. How to find the intersection between the plane and the terrain? Should I just break the plane up into a list of lines, and then use ray casting technique or other technique to compute the list of intersection, and join...

glGenFramebuffersOES vs glGenFramebuffers?

I am starting out with OpenGL ES. The example code that I am reading has a lot of functions whose names end in OES. What does the OES suffix mean? The non-OES counterparts have man pages but I cannot find any documentation on the *OES functions. Would it be okay to use the non-OES man pages as a reference? ...

How do I attach a bitmap to an AggPas image?

I'm trying to use AggPas but find the documentation to lack code examples of attaching it to a bitmap. I have this code: procedure DrawScene(); var ObjLength,LineLength,Filllength,Obj,lin,angle,i:integer; Npoints : array[0..1] of Tpoint; VG: Tagg2d; DOB:Tobject; Objmap,wholemap:TBitmap; begin wholemap := TBitmap.Create; w...

Perspective and Bilinear transformations

I'm making a vector drawing application and noticed that Anti Grain Geometry have an example that does exactly what I want. then below there is an example on perspective for Win32. I don't understand their cpp file. Based on this example. If I have a bunch of verticies to form an object, like thei...

I need a strategy for developing graphics for a Cocos2d-iPhone project.

My little game project is a physics based platform jobbie created with Chipmunk (via SpaceManager) in Cocos2d. I wanted something a little different to the a-typical tile mapped level design, so I'm creating levels as SVG files in Illustrator, which I then parse to create the landscape, platforms, spawn points etc etc. It's working pre...

linux command line graphics display

What I'm trying to accomplish: On Ubuntu 10.04 I'd like to display a small notification image in the corner of the screen and have the image fade out. I'd like to do it from the command line for use with bash scripts. Similar to "notify-send", "zenity", or "dialog" except it displays images as well. What I've found so far: ImageMagi...

AggPas Delphi Drawing Transparencies

What im trying to do I have a drawing procedure (it works) it draws to a bitmap "OBJmap" it then puts OBJmap into Wholemap,, this all works but there is a issue,, it seems to treat the undefined parts of objmap as white even though objmap and wholemap is set as PF32Bit. and hence when it puts objmap into wholemap i get a white box behin...

Android: What is the starting point for animations?

I am at a stage where I can understand and write a decent Android application. At this stage, I am still not comfortable with SurfaceHolder, Canvas, View invalidate() etc. I don't have a CS background so I must've missed these from a CS Graphics course or something. Starting directly with Android seemed like a bad idea because there ar...

RichTextBox syntax highlighting in real time--Disabling the repaint

I'm creating a function that takes a RichTextBox and has access to a list of keywords & 'badwords'. I need to highlight any keywords & badwords I find in the RichTextBox while the user is typing, which means the function is called every time an editing key is released. I've written this function, but the words and cursor in the box fli...

layering views for drawing an image

Still stucked with this stuff... My main view consists of a 2 UIWebView. Since I need to display vector gragphics (svg) image so I embed it to the UIWebView. When the user touches I'll draw/display an indicator image (this comes from an image file perhaps). My problem now, how I should impl...

Data visualization / analytics / dashboard in ASP.NET (NOT Google analytics integration)

I need to create an ASP.NET site which can display graphs, charts, statistics for a dashboard type application pulling data from a backend data source. I am trying to locate either: (a) open-source modules that I can use / build up on (b) tutorials which teach the above (c) existing modules (preferably low-cost) that work well. I d...

Apply Post Render Effect to SpriteBatch in XNA

Is there a way, in the XNA framework, to render your 2D scene using the typical SpriteBatch method and then, after that frame is rendered, apply effect to the whole image? For example, blurring, sepia or even making the whole thing look like an old time movie film, with grain, dust, lines, etc? ...

Linear Gradient Brush Fade WPF

I have a brush that colors the background of a header. I like the way the brush looks but would like it to fade to transparent in the bottom third. Any ideas how to do this? <LinearGradientBrush x:Key="HeaderBackgroundBrush" EndPoint=".5,1" StartPoint="1,0"> <GradientStop Color="#006699" Offset="1"/> <GradientStop Color="#8...