
Quick development for a 3d point cloud visualization tool

Hi guys, I've recently been tasked with the development of a multi-frame 3d point cloud visualization tool for research. The professor let me make the decisions on what tools to use for this project. Problem is, I'm pretty much new to 3D rendering and the software packages for it. I was hoping that SO could point me in the right direct...

How to limit iPhone tap gesture recognition to inside a circular image?

I'm trying to place a circular image on an iPhone view and then consume taps inside the circle but not outside of it. The problem I'm running into is that when I place a UIImageView on the screen view in Interface Builder, I seem to be constrained to a rectangular shape. I tried using an image of a circle with the area outside the circl...

Ruby graphic libraries

What's the difference between RMagic, ImageMagick, GD, etc. and which one should I use? I was looking for a thumbnail generation script and noticed that every script I found uses a different library for the same thing. ...

How could this be done?

Given the following path: How could these smooth curves be generated given that the user provides the points and that cubic bezier is used? How would the control points or bezier handles be solved for, or how could I compute these points using cubic bezier given the user points above (the red squares) ? Basically I have an algorithm to...

How to color a pixel?

I have to create a simple 2D animation without using various primitives for drawing line, circle etc for the purpose. It has to be done by manipulating pixels and implementing one of the algorithms for drawing line, circle etc by coloring pixels. I thought of using Turbo C for the purpose, but I use ubuntu. So I tried using dosbox to in...

Initialize a UIImageView object with a rectangle image which will be created by programming.

Hi, I want to create a UIImageView object and initialize it with a rectangle image that will be created by programming and NOT from a pre-created bitmap file. Thanks in advance, Sagiftw ...

Why is DirectFB not more widely used in GNU/Linux? Are there crippling limitations to it that don't exist in X11?

Hi, As far as I understand, DirectFB offers hardware acceleration for many kinds of graphics cards. Additionally, it's smaller, faster, and uses up less memory than X11. Why then, is it not more mainstream than it is now? Here's what I'm really unsure about: Do common GTK+/Qt programs need to be ported to it? On the DirectFB site, ther...

application using graphics, only displays red X's over main window and control.

the code i have that interacts with is 'clear area e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, 600, 800) 'draw sand For Each i In world e.Graphics.FillRectangle(i.getcolor, i.getx, i.gety, 1, 1) Next here are the variable areas of my two classes, along with their new functions; assume that the get lines do what you th...

How to update 2D iPhone game to be compatible w/ iPhone 4's retina display?

What are the necessary steps to update an existing OpenGL ES 1.1 based 2D iPhone game to be compatible w/ the iPhone 4's retina display? I'm still using the Texture2D class that came w/ Apple's CrashLanding (download) sample code. After reading Apple's documentation, watching the WWDC video (session 134 "Optimize Your iPhone App for t...

Tessellation transition

I want to implement tessellation transition from fine to coarse geometry and vice versa for terrain rendering which doesn't introduce discontinuities (cracks). Real-time performance is not required i.e. it can be view-independent. What do you think about the following proposal: ? Is it even possible? Have you implemented something si...

2D Rendering - From Back to Front with Different Heights

I'm wondering what the best way to render a scene made up of multiple-sized tiles, from back to front, with different heights. Like this: Important stuff starts at 2:35. Ignore the horrible narration. :P I'm using VB2008. So here's what I have right now: My graphics consist of bitmaps that...

clutter UI library wrapper

I want to use Clutter library but not in C/C++ languages. I want a more high level, maybe dynamic language for easy & speed of development to prototype some UI ideas. Also, if posible, it must have stable & complete api coverage. ...

Where can I get a big red button

Hello All, in my form on DotNetNuke, I have a register page, and I would like a big red button to click to register. I made one in paint but it looks terrible. I could try to make it with Photoshop, but I presume there is a site with thousands of button to download, can anyone recommend where to download the images? Thanks in...

How to perforate in a import 3ds object?

Hi everybody,now i want to drill a hole in the 3ds object i import,and if the mesh of the 3ds object within the hole, this part mesh will be delete,that mean if the surface of the object within the hole, this part will be delete,can anyone give me some suggestions? that is : first i import a 3ds format file,then i use a cylinder to pe...

Quickest Way to create Face and Edge objects in Sketchup

I have to render a mesh of a few thousand polygons in Google Sketchup. I find that add_face tends to get slower as the number of faces in the model increases. I believe this to be due to some edge detection algorithm that Sketchup is running behind the scenes. Hopefully, there should be some way to suppress this edge detection or other p...

How to graph these events pulled from the database over time?

I'm trying to plot data from a database over time. The data represents events taken by several entities (light bulbs). For example: Light A was turned on on July 10 12:00 it flickered at 13:45 flickered again at 19:29 flickered again on July 11 2:00 then turned itself off on July 12 20:00 Lights B, C, and D all have similar patterns...

How to determine if iPad user taps within an irregular shaped image?

I've hooked up a UITapGestureRecognizer to a UIImageView containing the image I'd like to display on an iPad screen and am able to consume the user taps just fine. However, my image is that of a hand on a table and I'd like to know if the user has tapped on the hand or on the table part of the image. I can get the x,y coordinates of th...

Java making a drawCircle method calling drawOval

I need to make a drawCircle method that looks like public void drawCircle(int x, int y, int radius) that draws a circle with that center and radius. The drawCircle method needs to call drawOval. I am not sure how I can call drawOval from my drawCircle method without passing Graphics to it. Is this possible? Heres what I have: ...

General formula to generate a cubic bezier elliptical arc?

How could I implement in C a simple way to generate the 2 missing control points for an elliptic arc given a start and end point? I don't need fancy error estimation, just something that can take points A and D and generate the control points B and C for the elliptical arc where I can then use the cubic bezier interpolation algorithm to ...

error message: expected ')' before 'NSRect'

I am having a strange error in the program. However, I do not find any syntax error. The error is: expected ')' before 'NSRect'. How can I get rid of it? I get those errors in line 1 and 2. I also tried importing Foundation/NSGraphics.h. It did not work. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface MyQuartzView : NSObject { } - (id)i...