
What is the best way to find and replace "!= null" code with andand?

I refactor my code and I am looking for a solution to grep my source files for something like if ( user && && < 128 ) ... in order to replace it later with ruby's andand or groovy's ?. operator (safe navigation operator). ...

Groovy: best/performant way of loading dynamic scripts

I'm implementing a program which utilizes Groovy as scripting engine offering users the possibility i.e. to automate tasks. Hence scripts have to be loaded on demand, which I achieve with the following code: // short version, try/catch and error handling skipped String[] roots = new String[] { "data" }; Binding binding = new Binding(); ...

image uploading in grails

hi, I am new to grails.I am doing web application that uploads the image from client side and it stores that in server. My Gsp code is: <g:uploadForm action="saveImage"> <input type="file" name="image"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </g:uploadForm> My saveImage action in controller is: def saveImage={ def file = request.get...

Groovy/Grails SimpleTemplateEngine Freezes

I'm using Grails to send a large number of HTML emails. I use the SimpleTemplateEngine to create my email bodies in this fashion: def ccIdToEmailMap = [:] def emailTemplateFile = Utilities.retrieveFile("email${File.separator}emailTemplate.gtpl") def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine() def clientContacts = ClientContact.list() for(...

Alternate groovysh.profile script

Is there a way to override the location of the groovysh.profile / groovysh.rc file on the command line? e.g. GROOVYSH_RC=one_time_groovysh_rc groovysh Thanks. ...

How to invoke groovy with 'java' from command line

I have to ship some groovy code to some users that have only java installed (no grooy, no $groovy_home, etc). I'm trying to invoke groovy from the commandline but I'm having no luck. Here's my bat file: java -classpath .;lib;bin;bin-groovy introspector.AclCollector And here's my exception: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClass...

Groovy syntax explanation/resources

I started dabbling in groovy yesterday. There's an example on the groovy website that I understand but I would like to know more about why it works the way it does. What's confusing me is who[1..-1]. Is this like saying who[1..who.length()-1]? I can't find any documentation on this syntax. Are there any good groovy tutorials out ther...

How do I redirect output to stderr in groovy?

I'm looking for a way to redirect output in a groovy script to stderr: catch(Exception e) { println "Want this to go to stderr" } ...

How can I intercept property accesses in Groovy with ProxyMetaClass?

The ProxyMetaClass and Iterceptor classes for intercepting arbitrary Groovy method calls is well documented. Is there also a way to intercept property accesses? When I try to do this by intercepting "getProperty", I still get the error message: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: foo ...

Grails getSomething(int i) method doesn't compile

Can someone tell me why this Grails domain class will not compile (at runtime)? class Person { String name String getSomething(int i) { } } I get this error when I run with grails run-app: 2008-12-27 15:26:33.955::WARN: Failed startup of context org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext@187e184{/asrs2,C:\Steve\asrs2/web-ap...

Reference Groovy domain class from Java class using Eclipse?

How can I reference a Groovy domain class from Java class using Eclipse? I've put my domain class in package: package public class Person { String name int age } Then in my Java class I attempt to reference This works for grails run-app (command line) but not Eclipse. Eclipse can't re...

After grails clean I can't run-app

I did a grails clean and afterwards when I run via grails run-app the app never starts and the following is repeatedly displayed (goes on forever, stuck in some kind of loop). I'm running Grails 1.0.4, Java 1.6 on Windows XP. Grails is somehow stuck in an invalid configuration. Any idea how to restore it? [groovyc] Compiling 3 sourc...

Can't run Groovy unit tests in NetBeans 6.5

There is no new Groovy Unit Test built into NetBeans. And if I create one manually, I can't get it to run in NetBeans. Is it not implemented, or is there something wrong with my installation? ...

Groovy, Netbeans and Java EE

Hello everyone, I want to develop a web application (no frameworks) mixing java with groovy. I am using the IDE Netbeans with the plugin. If I start a new Java SE project and add a groovy class, it works with no problems.. but when I create a new java EE project and add a groovy class it can't compile and shows me the following error: ...

Groovy Mixins?

I'm trying to mix-in a class in my Groovy/Grails app, and I'm using the syntax defined in the docs, but I keep getting an error. I have a domain class that looks like this: class Person { mixin(ImagesMixin) // ... } It compiles fine, but for some reason it won't work. The file containing ImagesMixin is located in my /src/groovy/...

Executing groovy statements in JavaScript sources in Grails

There are essentially 2 places to define JavaScript functions in Grails, directly in a element on the GSP, and within a separate javascript source file under /web-app/js (for example, application.js). We have defined a commonly reused javascript function within application.js, but we also need to be able to generate parts of the functio...

How can fields in Grails represented by a combobox be made optional?

I'm doing my first experiments with Grails and am looking for a way to have fields represented by a combobox (such as one-to-one domain associations and numbers with a narrow range constraint) to be optional, i.e. there should be an empty entry in the combobox. How can this be achieved? I've tried both adding a nullable:true constraint ...

Are there compelling reasons not to use Groovy?

I'm developing a LoB application in Java after a long absence from the platform (having spent the last 8 years or so entrenched in Fortran, C, a smidgin of C++ and latterly .Net). Java, the language, is not much changed from how I remember it. I like it's strengths and I can work around its weaknesses - the platform has grown and decidi...

RESTful Grails: how do I include related entities in my XML?

Let's say I have a class called Store that has many Employees. My RESTful listXML method looks like this: def listXML = { render Store.list() as XML } And the result looks like this: <stores> <store id="1"> <name>My Store</name> <employees> <employee id="1" /> </employees> </store> </store> My question is, how...

Using findAll Collection Closure in Groovy

I have a "Set" that I need to use the findAll closure upon. The Set contains objects, not just primitive values. For instance... I have a Set of Employee objects and I need to iterate and grab elements of that Set of Empolyee Objects by attributes of the Employee. For some reason the findAll closure seems to be just ignore my close and...