
How do I push grouped tables down in the view on the Iphone?

Below shows the default position when you add a grouped table to a view? How do I push the entire grouped table down in the view? ...

How do I detect when no UITableView table cell has been selected?

I have a start date/end date feature in my iPhone application. It is similar to that in the iPhone's native Calendar application, except there's no "All-day" option. That is, all the user can do is enter a start time/date and an end time/date. The interface is a simple grouped UITableView with two cells. The user selects either the Sta...

[iPhone] Performance issues of grouped UITableView on Device

Hey guys, I am quite new to iPhone development but I am trying to build a small medical app. The app consists of tab bar controller and in the first item is a navigation controller and a grouped UITableView. The problem is that scrolling the table on my iPhone 3G is pretty slow. It is not so smooth like in the Settings app. The perform...

[iPhone]How to customize header of Section in grouped TableView?

To customize cell, we implement class inherit UITableViewCell. Now, to customize header of Section in grouped UITableView (same to below picture), how to do? Please guide to me! ...

iPhone -- customizing a grouped table view in Interface Builder

I am writing an iPhone app. According to the design, it is supposed to contain a lot of grouped table views. In these views, the rows are frequently not similar to each other. For example, on one screen, one row is the name of a task, another is its owner, another is its description, yet another is its history (which is supposed to be...

Changing text color upon selection of a specific cell/row in a UITableView on Iphone?

Hi! I have a simple grouped UITableView fed from a couple of arrays. Changing the selected text color is no issue, using the cell.selectedTextColor method. But this results in the same color being applied no matter which cell I select. I would, for example, want the text in cell 2 to turn green upon selection, while the text of all th...

How to change the alpha value of the first table in grouped table in iphone?

I am new to iphone development. I am displaying my content in grouped table view. I want to change the alpha value of the first group of my table only. How can i achieve that. Please help me out. Thanks. ...

To display Headerview with image and labels in the viewcontroller

I am new to iphone development i have created one view controller and i used grouped table view. Now i want to display the header view in my viewcontroller with image and labels. please guide me and help me out in this problem. Thanks. ...

Frame of viewForHeaderInSection is always the same size

- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section { if(section != 0) { UIView *view = [[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 10, 100, 30)] autorelease]; view.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; return view; } else { return tableView.tableHeaderView; } } This is my impleme...

Height of tableHeaderView seems to be 0

I tried to override the second tableHeaderView. But it seems that the height of it in the method heightForHeaderInSection seems to be 0. Can't explain it, do I have to put it in a iVar because in the viewForHeaderInSection I can set the view without any problems. - (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView titleForHeaderInSection...

Change table view ( tableview style grouped ) background color ?

Hi all, I am developing an iPad application in which I need a table view ( style grouped ) having background color as clearColor. My problem is [self.tableView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]]; works well if the table view style is plain but when I switch to group table view the background color does not changes it stays gr...

iPhone: Cells order changes in UITableView Section After Call to reloadSections: Method

I have a table with two sections. A segmented control in first sections changes which rows are displayed in the second section. My problem is that the order of the rows and which row are displayed in the second section shifts improperly upon each subsequent press of a button in the segmented control. I allow a user to add a product to ...

iPhone grouped table view cell reuse

My iPhone programs frequently contain grouped table views. A typical use might be for settings. The number of rows in these table views can run anywhere from roughly 2 to 20. The cells typically don't have a lot of uniformity. Should I be trying to reuse the cells? If so, how much commonality do cells need to have to get a shared id...

iPhone: Grouped tables and navigation controller issues

Hi there, I've set up a grouped table on my app, and pushing to new views works fine. Except for one thing. The titles and stack layout are all weird. Here's the breakdown: I have two sections in my table. When I tap on the first row in the first section, it takes me to the correct view, but the title of the new view is the name of th...

iPhone : form like new contact

Hello everyone. I have some questions about the Apple iPhone Contact App. I want to use the same methode to create and modify information. Here's two pics : So we have the creation and the edition. The form looks like an UITableView with a groupedStyle but I don't know how to re-creat all of this. Have you got an idea or a tutori...

Section on top of section iphone table help

Hello, i am building a sectioned table, and it is showing up with what looks to be a section on top of a section. You can see on the image that there is a white line under each section. The image Here is the code i have to build the table: - (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView { return [alertList c...

iPhone Grouped table end caps.

I'm currently working on an application in which I'm using grouped UITableViews. The design calls for a gradient background when the cells are in a selected state. I've achieved this by using an image that was created with the proper gradient. This works perfectly when it's in the middle cells however, when it's the top and bottom cel...

How can I adjust the space between sections in a grouped Table View?

I have a tableview that is basically four sections in length, designed for user input. I am not using headers or footers as of now. Section 0 has 4 rows. Section 1 has 2 rows. Section 2 has 1 row. Section 3 has 1 row. I want to have section 2 and 3 a little closer together and sections 0 and 1 a little closer together - basically co...

iphone uitableview set description by code

hi all! I have my uitableview created with grouped style.. I wish from my code set the description for the sections of my table.. thanks! ...

Reordering Rows In Grouped UITable while maintaing the number of rows in each group

I have a grouped table that I want the user to be able to reorder. I would like to have two groups. When I move a row from group A, to group B, I would like the top row from group B to be moved to the bottom of group A. When I move a row from group B to group A, I would like the bottom row of group A to be moved to the top of Group B....