
What's the best way to add a GUI to a pygame application?

Are there any good GUIs that support pygame surfaces as a widget within the application? If this isn't possible or practical, what GUI toolkit has the best graphics component? I'm looking to keep the speedy rendering made possible by a SDL wrapper. ...

Qt4: QAbstractTableModel Drag and Drop w/o MIME

I have a class which inherits QAbstractTableModel, and holds some complex structs in a QMap. The QVariant data(QModelIndex index, ...) method just returns an enum which describes how a custom item delegate should draw the contents of a cell. I would like to implement drag and drop functionality in this model so that users can reorder th...

Qt4: QTableView mouse button events not caught

I have a QTableView in which I am displaying a custom model. I would like to catch right mouse clicks so that I can open a contextual drop down menu on the underlying table data: MainWindow::MainWindow() { QTableView * itsView = new QTableView; itsView->installEventFilter(this); ... //Add other widgets and display them all } ...

Can I use a QTimer to periodically refresh a form while still letting user edit some of the fields?

I have a form in which I want to periodically refresh its values(mostly labels but 2 comboboxes and 1 spinboxe). I have done this before with a QThread but this time I would like to do it with a QTimer. Would that be ok or would it potentially create problems like freezing the GUI. There are a couple of fields in the form that are bo...

BlackBerry - Invoke a click event on bitmap Field

Hello .... can anyone help me for solving the below question. I am making an application for blackberry in that from one bitmapField i have to invoke a new screen by clicking on the bitmapField. I want the code for the same... how to invoke a new screen by clicking on a bitmapField... and i am using blackberry JDE 4.7 ...

C# GUI macro libraries or general approaches?

In a C# WinForms application (on .NET 3.5, probably 4.0 soonish), how would you go about allowing the user to define their own macros? For instance, a user could want the key press CTRL+K to mean clicking a certain item in the menu, and entering some text in the dialog opened by the menu, before pressing "Ok" to close the dialog. Ideall...

How can I set I checkbox to true in a MATLAB gui?

I need a checkbox to be checked by default on creation of the gui. How can this be done in MATLAB? I looked through the uicontrol inspector without any luck. ...

pygtk: determine key is a modifier

I've got key-press-event handler and i need to determine which kind of key was pressed: modifier or not? It's not in event.state, because this field works only when modifier was pressed with something else, but i need this for single key (i.e. simply pressing control or alt, ...). ...

How do you handle a QSpinBox that can be edited by both the user and the program?

my Form has a spinBox who's value can sometimes be refreshed by the program in the background but can also be edit by user. How should I handle this? ...

Should I use QCoreApplication::processEvents() or QApplication::processEvents()?

I have a method which is called from both QThreads and the main thread. this method can sometimes take a long time to do its computations in a loop so I put QCoreApplication::processEvents() and this prevents the GUI from freezing. At some point I had changed QCoreApplication::processEvents() for QApplication::processEvents() but that ...

netbeans gui designer (autogenerate controls)

Hello, I am coding a small GUI with netbeans and I am using objects from the Palette Manager. I have created a very simple application. Just a JLabel and a JTextArea. A small image here (one image better than 1000 lines of code) I am looking for a "meta programming" idea for my G...

Qt4: Read Default mimeData from QAbstractTableModel

By default, the QAbstractTableModel class has a mimeData() function that returns a QMimeData object which has it's data set as an encoded QModelIndexList (see here). I would like to unpack this data in an overloaded dropMimeData() function, but can't figure out how to convert this QMimeData back into a QModelIndexList. I tried the obviou...

How do I create a "closed" Flex Accordian control?

I'm trying to create a navigation panel based on the Flex Accordion control. The 2 things I'm trying to figure out are how to: modify the Accordion so that all of the of "panels" are closed by default. (normally one of the panels is open by default) treat some of the Accordian headers as just simple buttons (ie you click and an event ...

C# question on how to prevent GUI from freezing, but still stay in a blocked state.

Hello all, I am trying to create a login form. The problem that I am having is that the login process is taking too long and is locking up my GUI. I have read up on background worker, but I am still uncertain on how to have my program wait for the login process but not freeze my GUI. Here is my code to help explain it more. Login.cs ...

Writing a web application gui. Which technology should I use?

Hi, I would like to write a somewhat complex web gui application. It will be used to edit certain content by displaying panels and allowing the user to drag items to edit the content. The explanation is somewhat abstract, but the point is that i'm looking for a modern gui writing technology, the more standard it is the better odds of m...

WinForms: Autocomplete in multiline textbox

Does anybody know of any solution how to provide autocompletion suggestions (say to help input keywords from a list) for a multiline WinForms TextBox/RichTextBox? For a single line textbox, this is very easy. Multiline is obviously not implemented directly by Winforms. ...

Swing JPanel wont repaint

Hi, I have a simple object which extends JPanel, when the update() method is called on this object it it meant to add some labels to the panel and then repaint. However the labels do not show up after the update method is called, below is the code for update: public void update(){ GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagCons...

Data Structures to store complex option relationships in a GUI

I'm not generally a GUI programmer but as luck has it, I'm stuck building a GUI for a project. The language is java although my question is general. My question is this: I have a GUI with many enabled/disabled options, check boxes. The relationship between what options are currently selected and what option are allowed to be select...

Can I create a JFrame with multiple images?

Here is my problem: I have an application that every iteration it returns to me a list of images. The imagens have different sizes and the number of images to be shown varies every time. Is there a way to show in a jFrame all the images without knowing the number of jPanels to create? Is there an easy way to do that? Obs.: The images ...

Visualizing multiple simultaneous progress bars

My application framework provides a progress reporting service to plugins. Each plugin can request any number of task monitors and is then responsible for updating the status includes a textual message, percentage progress (or indeterminate). Process monitors are free to switch from discrete percentage / indeterminate at any time. What ...