
How do you get a responsive GUI if your codebehind is running an infinte loop? PyQT

If you have a function consistently running an infinite loop in the background, how will your GUI ever be responsive? It is waiting for the loop to finish and this renders the interface useless. How is this solved in PyQT? ...

Changing menu font

I have a handle to a Menu . I can change the text of each menu item by using API SetMenuItemInfo Now some of the menu's are in bold. I want to change their font to regular. What is the best way to do that? ...

Blackberry - How to grey out menu items?

I want to grey out some menu items, so thay will be visible but disabled. How to do this in blackberry? ...

How do I create a non managed Windows GUI in Visual C++?

When I create a 'Windows Forms Application', the resultant program is a managed one. Creating a 'Win32 Application' results in a native one, but when I try to add a form I'm informed that the project will be converted to CLI if I continue. How do I design a native Windows GUI with Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition? I'm probably being very ...

C++ GUI Tutorial: undefined reference to TextOut

So after a bit of searching for Win32 GUI tutorials (I decided a tutorial on making GUIs might make me more active in making C++ applications and therefore stronger at programming in C++ in general,) I came across a rohitab tutorial. There are two parts that I have been able to find. Part 1 worked fine, and I'm now working on Part 2, how...

Web UI for inputting a function from the reals to the reals, such as a probability distribution.

I would like a web interface for a user to describe a one-dimensional real-valued function. I'm imagining the user being presented with a blank pair of axes and they can click anywhere to create points that are thick and draggable. Double-clicking a point, let's say, makes it disappear. The actual function should be shown in real time...

JFrame not working after first instantiation?

As part of a larger application, I am writing a settings class, which collects and stores user-defined settings. This class is a singleton, and is instantiated during application startup. In order to accept user input, two different GUI frames are insantiated from within, from a public static method, selectSettings(...

Howto keep Delphi App Responsive during GUI Updates?

This question is about keeping the GUI responsive during longer-running tasks (a few seconds in most cases). I extensively use threads and a task pattern to execute expensive task in a background thread. But what about GUI updates that takes some time? For example, filling a large string grid or tree view? A thread does not help here be...

How to create dynamic UI?

Recently, I got a application to build for various mobile phones. Basically the Windows Mobile 6.x phones. After thinking a little a bit about the application I stuck at one place. How one can build a portable application that work with different resolution and different screen size phones. So that UI is visible correctly on all the phon...

Need help in BAL Class logic

Hi all, In my sales detail software i want to calculate TotalCost, Discount, NettotalCost. Once enter Quanity and rate from textbox, all the values should be filled automitically. In my program its able to show the TotalCost and NetTotal but not showing the Discount Value, its always showing 0 only. Here is my code, pls somebody modify i...

A method of creating simple game GUI

I have been able to find a lot of information on actual logic development for games. I would really like to make a card game, but I just dont understand how, based on the mouse position, an object can be selected (or atleast the proper way) First I thought of bounding box checking but not all my bitmaps are rectangles. Then I thought f m...

Dock a control in native C++

I know how to do this in .Net but in native Win32, how does one dock a control. I'm trying to dock a trackbar I made like vlc's trackbar. Thanks dock it to the bottom of its parent window ...

List of notices, which control is best choice?

I want to use a control to notice users what are happening and what've done. It's like a multiline textbox, each line contains a notice, such as: Connecting to database...done Current datetime: Inserting data into database 10/1000...done Inserting data into database 20/1000...done ... Inserted data into database Current datetime: I t...

How to write a GUI for a large cross-platform C++ project?

I have a large cross-platform (Linux and Windows) C++ project, for which I want to create a GUI. I have few very general questions about the basic principles of GUI for such project: Should the GUI be separated from the application's logic? If it is separated, how should the logic and the GUI communicate? Are TCP/IP sockets a good opt...

How to get caption of ListBox control

How can I get the caption of ListBox control. I have handle to Listbox control. I tried with following , but it returned empty string SendMessage(hListBox,WM_GETTEXT,MAX_PATH,(LPARAM)wszCaption); Any suggestion of how to get the caption associated with ListBox. ...

Automated Windows UI Testing Approach

We are looking to set up automated UI tests and were wondering what the best approach is, what are the potential pitfalls, is it expensive to set up? Thanks in advance. B ...

Silverlight image Uploader -- help!!

The following is the main body of code for an image resizer/compressor/uploader. This is my first silverlight project, and I am having trouble with the threading and gui updating as well as the webclient part, which does not function.The resizing and resampling seem to perform to my knowledge. The problem is the gui updating and uploadin...

BoxLayout stretches component to fit parent panel

Hi I am using a BoxLayout to stack JPanels on top of each other (BoxLayout.Y_AXIS), for example if my parent JPanel is of height 500 pixels and I add two child panels to it both of height 100 pixels. The BoxLayout stretches them so that together they occupy the the 500px space. Does anyone know how to disable this feature? Thanks ...

How do you display something from a function onto a display window in a GUI in MATLAB?

I have a function sumsurface that I use in the following code to display certain values in the command window: if sumsurface(i) < .01 && sumsurface(i) > -.01 disp(sumsurface(i)); disp(pH(i)); end However, I instead want to display sumsurface(i) and pH(i) on a display window in a GUI. How can I do this? ...

User Interface functionality modelling languages?

I am looking for a UI functionality modelling language (UML-alike "thing", but for user interfaces) that is already accepted and maybe has its design patterns and handles the problem better than state or activity diagram. (If there is no such thing I'm planning to develop that BTW :)) This question came to mind as a result of a discove...