
Two Eclipse UI Form sections that grab excess vertical space and fold properly?

I'm trying to create an Eclipse Form that has three foldable sections, one fixed size and two others that should grab all the remaining vertical space in the editor window so, that when one of the bottom sections is folded, the other one would fill all the available space. I have read the forms article, tried many variations of grabExce...

Unexpected index change when adding a control to a FlowLayoutPanel

I have a place in my code where I am dynamically adding controls to a Top-Down arranged FlowLayoutPanel. I need the controls to appear in a certain order so what I am doing everytime is clearing the FlowLayoutPanel.Controls collection and then adding each child control in the order I want them to appear. My code does this: private void ...

Visual C++ GUI Problems when trying to integrate existing C++ Code

I have a fully functioning classes and functions for a program I need to build. I'm using Visual C++ to put together the GUI, and use the existing classes and functions in the event handlers of the GUI to manage the program. The problem is I'm having a really hard time putting together the C++ code with the GUI. For some reason even tho...

Eclipse RCP - Launch editor from file menu

What would be the best approach to launch an editor from the file menu(File>New). Should I encase the editor inside a view and launch the view from a command? ...

Online GUI design tool

Is there somewhere a web based app in which you can make a mockup for program UI? It doesn't have to export to anything meaningful, but it can't hurt. Need to present several UI designs (as much as I can come up with) to a customer, but couldn't find any tool on the web. ...

C# Library to Make a Media Center Type Application?

Hello, I want to make an application with a GUI similar to Windows Media Center or Boxee but I don't know where to start. Some 2D GUI libraries or links to tutorials on how to make such an application would be greatly appreciated. ...

Extract rules that disable a control.

Background Weekly we will get some users calling out for help why thy can't do X on form Y. Because of complex business rules, we often have to revert looking in the code ourselves to know why that particular action is not available at that time. Are there any proven strategies to deal with this? How does one collect all the informa...

Is it possible to dynamically generate decent looking properties dialogs?

I have an application which displays properties dialogs for various GUI-accessible objects. Because there are a huge number of different kinds objects, there are also a huge number of different properties dialogs. Because we are lazy, we didn't want to hand-build each and every properties dialog; additionally, plugins might introduce new...

Check for entered text in WinForm App

I have a WinForm App(.Net 3.5) that we use in house for data entry...ish, like things. Member Plans, Demographics, etc. The App has a Shell Form with all the navigation and then embeds a UserControl based on there navigation choices. I need to be able to tell if they have made any changes in any of the controls so that I may pop up ...

How to convert MigLayouts to XGrid?

How would one code the following using XGrid from JFXtras6? Stage { title: "Mig Centering Test" scene: Scene { width: 200 height: 200 fill: Color.PINK content: MigLayout { fitParent: true layout: "fill" migContent: MigNode { constraints: "center" node: Rectangle { width: 1...

Differences between visual component library(vcl) and WinApi

Is there any difference between using vcl components in Delphi and WinApi functions to create gui application. ...

What layer should a date be formatted?

What layer of a system should a date be formatted? Should the date be formatted when it is selected from the database (data layer) or should it be formatted at the presentation layer? I am thinking that the formatting is a visual preference so I would tend to put it as close to the presentation layer as possible. Where do you store t...

Any language binding for MFC ?

THere are a lot of wrappers for toolkits like Qt, Cocoa or WxWidgets for D, Python, Ruby and other languages. I wonder if anyone has ever written a binding for MFC ? ...

Win32 GUI: tab-sequence for edit controls

Hello, I have a window with 10 child edit controls in it. I would like to move from one edit control to other by pressing the tab key - how do I do this? I mean, even if I could find out whether I pressed the tab-key, how do I find the next edit control to focus into? I hope I do not have to keep track of the edit controls myself as I ...

Win32 GUI: edit control blur

Hello, I have a window with an edit control as its child. The control is in focus. Every time I switch to some other application the control loses the focus (blurs). Do I have to keep track of the focused control in order to manually focus back when returning to the app back again? Or am I doing something wrong? I would expect Windows k...

Disable text selection in QT/WebKit GUI

I'm checking if it would be possible to implement a GUI using HTML through PyQT and WebKit. One of the problem is that using the mouse you can select the text making up the interface. Can this behaviour be disabled? Also, the mouse pointer changes to an insertion caret while over the selectable text. I would like to disable this, withou...

How to make my Java destop application show an image before it starts?

I'm using NetBeans IDE 6.8 (Mac Version). which tool of their GUI builder will assist me in doing this? What I want is is to show the user an image while my application is loading for couple of seconds before I show him the application. How can I do that? initializing ...

Add and remove an icon on a JLabel

hi i have a label that i have set a icon for it, i want to remove this icon after clicking on a button, what is the method for it? ...

Are there any visual tools for Python unit tests?

I'm writing quite a few unit tests and using nosetests to run them. Nose certainly makes it nice and easy to run tests, but the output can be pretty cluttered at the best of times, and a downright mess at others, depending on warnings and errors. I was wondering if there are any visual tools that wrap nose so that the feedback cleaner....

Paradigms in menu bar layout/design

Doing some restructuring on the my applications menu bar. When looking at other applications, there seems to be two different ways of structure. Either the "old school" most common way, the verb/command followed by the subject. I.e. what do you want to do and what do you want to do that on. Like so: File New Foo Bar Open Foo Bar ...