
C++ Really basic drawing/GUI

I'm searching for some examples on drawing basic shapes on the screen using only the Win32 API in C++ Do you need other libraries beside the standard Win32 API? Could you give me a very short example on how to, e.g.: draw a single line on the screen? Are there libaries that are easier to use for basic drawing than Win32? ...

How to set color to every widget in GTK

I am BE student.In my BE project i m using GTK.. I want C code for setting color of every widget in GTK . Plase help me out ...

How can I work around the GetParent/EnumChildWindows asymmetry?

I recently inspect a GUI with Microsoft's Spy++ and noticed a strange structure; it looked like this (warning, ASCII art ahead): | + 002004D6 "MyRootWindow1" FooClassName | | | + 001F052C "MyChildWindow" ClassOfChildWindow | \ 001D0A8C "MyRootWindow2" SomeOtherClassName There are two root windows, 002004D6 and 001D0A8c, the...

What is the recommended way for SWT Views (ViewPart) which receive a external event to update a GUI element?

My View is derived from ViewPart, but I have a listener on it which receives Events from non-GUI threads. If something is supposed to happen on within the GUI thread, it has to go through asyncExec(). So far so good. The thing is, the GUI elements are created in createPartControl(), so they can't be final. At the moment I just put th...

wxPython - Drawing an unfilled rectangle with the DC

dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.BLACK, 0)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("C0C0C0")) dc.DrawRectangle(50,50,50,50) This is my best attempt at drawing a 50x50, gray box with no border. However, setting the pen width to 0 doesn't seem to accomplish anything, and setting the brush only changes the fill from pure white to pure black. Here's it in the context o...

What API/SDK to use for this Windows Application?

I'm going to create a utility with GUI that will run on Windows operating systems. It should require minimum (or zero!) amount of additional libraries, files or DLLs to run because it will be executed from an installer. Because of this, i don't want to use .NET for it will require user to install .NET Framework. I know today, most of Wi...

wxPython - PaintDC not refreshing

import wx class TestDraw(wx.Panel): def __init__(self,parent=None,id=-1): wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,id) self.SetBackgroundColour("#FFFFFF") self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT,self.onPaint) def onPaint(self, event): event.Skip() dc=wx.PaintDC(self) dc.BeginDrawing() width=dc.GetS...

How do I show the beach ball in windows mobile using C#?

How do I show the beach ball in windows mobile using C#? ...

How to clear the entry widget in a GUI after a button is pressed in python

I'm trying to clear the entry widget after the user presses a button using tkinter in python. I tried using ent.delete(0,END) but I got an error saying that strings dont have the attribute delete here is my code: I'm getting error on real.delete(0, END). secret = randrange(1,100) print(secret) def res(real, secret): if secret==eval...

How to develop a good touch GUI?

I've always developed application for personal use on command line. Now I have to develop an app for android for a broad audience. If I start now I would make and awful GUI. I need first to educate myself on the matter of building clear, efficient and usable GUI on a touch interface. Any advice? ...

If i develop c++ win32 GUI in xp ,will i have problem to run in it deferent win os's

Hello all i need to develop win32 GUI in c++ (plain win32 windows.h thing ) , I'm developing it in xp os how much problem will i have to port it to vista and windows 7 ? ...

Changing system-level dialogs: TimePicker, DatePicker.

I have HTC Hero, and i see that TimePickerDialog and DatePickerDialog were changed by HTC (they look different than those in the emulator). My question is how can i change such system level dialogs? ...

Tabs in .NET TabControl/TabPage are Ugly

I am creating tabs in C#'s TabControl, and while that is very easy to do, they are extremely ugly. I did some searching around the internet and found a company that sells graphical improvements to various GUI components in .NET, but that costs $400. Given that I am working on a master's project, that is out of the question, does anybod...

connecting to remote database

what is the best architecture to connect to a remote mysqlserver (database) from java swing standalone client app over the internet without using middle server ...

Creating a GUI Calculator in python similar to MS Calculator

I need to write a code that runs similar to normal calculators in such a way that it displays the first number I type in, when i press the operand, the entry widget still displays the first number, but when i press the numbers for my second number, the first one gets replaced. I'm not to the point in writing the whole code yet, but I'm s...

Is there any good Octave GUI/IDE for Windows?

The default GNU Octave installation comes with a CLI. If the same CLI was inside a Windows Forms or WPF or GTK interface it would be much better, as it would allow: White background Normal copy/past Normal window resizing Better fonts There is any better GUI for Octave already available? ...

QtDesigner or doing all of the Qt boilerplate by hand?

When starting up a new project, as a beginner, which would you use? For example, in my situation. I'm going to have a program running on an infinite loop, constantly updating values. I need these values to be represented as a bar graph as they're updating. At the same time, the GUI has to be responsive to user feedback as there wil...

How can I make a rich web application in Perl?

I have a Perl command-line script that I want to convert to a rich. cross-platform desktop GUI application. What's the best method to do it. I want to the internal and the logic code in Perl but the GUI should be rich web application. ...

WPF: How to animate a list of components?

Let's say I have a list of visual objects (CustomControls). They could be inside a StackPanel or be items on a ListView, I think the container is part of the answer to this question. Visually, you can think of these objects as items on a queue. Every time I pop an object from the bottom of this queue, I'd like to animate the whole queue...

UI automation cross-platform (Windows and Mac OS X) open source APIs/frameworks?

Does anyone know of any UI automation cross-platform (Windows and Mac OS X) open source APIs/frameworks available for automating external GUI applications from inside a separate application programmatically? Through searching, I've found a couple commercial cross-platform UI automation products, but obviously they wouldn't allow embeddi...