
How to go about saving images to disk at runtime

I'm creating a basic program (in Java) for a class that helps students study using flashcards, notes, etc. I need a way to allow the user to upload a certain image or video into my program so that it will be available even after they quit and relaunch. I'm thinking of something along the lines of writeObject and readObject and creati...

Want event handler to run only once/ Designing state machine?

I have a web service with two methods: RetrieveFirstLevelOptions() and RetrieveSecondLevelOptions(int levelOneOption). The GUI contains two comboBoxes: FirstLevelOptionsCombo and SecondLevelOptionsCombo. I am having trouble with creating a control flow for the initialization stage when I have to make a request to RetrieveFirstLevelOpt...

DataView hides spawning ComboBox

Hi all, I posted this at the Ext forums a couple of days ago, but no response, so maybe better luck here. I currently have a combo box loading data from php through ajax. Everything works fine except that when my results are returned, the DataView covers the ComboBox (fig 2.) I have included the relevant code below, so any help would b...

what technology would you use to build a webapp that requires the use of a special font?

I'm planning a webapp. I have all the wireframes defined, the interfaces designed in photoshop, data structures etc. It will be built on php and mysql however I've been unable to decide on which technology to use as a GUI. All your insights are welcome. The problem with going the html way is that the GUI makes use of a special font that...

Framework to develop own forms/UI designer

I have application which consumes XML and based on this creates a GUI. Basically this is declarative language in form of XML to design the GUI. Now I want to create a visual GUI designer to edit forms and screens on the screen and output will be that XML. I need a suggestion what can help me in my development, may be there is some kind ...

How to graphically edit the graph of a mathematical function (with python)?

Is there already a python package allowing to graphically edit the graph of a function? ...

Blackberry CheckboxField[] - FieldChangeListener - Stackoverflow error.

Hi, I have an array of CheckboxField[] elements that I need to dynamically initialize. My sample code is - class abc extends MainScreen implements FieldChangeListener { CheckboxField[] boxField; abc() { . . . boxField = new CheckboxField[length]; VerticalFieldManager vfm = new VerticalFie...

Moving from windows programming to Linux Programming

I'm moving from windows programming (By windows programming I mean using Windows API) to Linux Programming. For programming Windows, the option we have is Win32API (MFC is just a C++ wrapper for the same). I want to know if there is something like Linux API (equivalent to WINAPI) that is exposed directly to the programmer? Where can I...

ASP.NET Web UI - Code Generation, Dyanamic Data, Custom Controls?

So the bottom line is that we are working on a large web based project in ASP.NET webforms that is extremely heavy on data editing operations and we are not getting the code reuse that we want out of the presentation layer. We are currently generating a good portion of our DAL and that works great. However, the strategies for standardizi...

Vertical Stacking like GTK in Java Swing?

I want to stack JComponents vertically, similar to a JList, but since the amount of items is very low and I want a highly custom interface - I wanted to try a vertically stacked set of components. ...

Need a secure Cross platform gui language

It may sound like a lot, but I am looking for a language that is cross platform that I can compile into a single stand alone exe. The source code needs to be secure (Not just hidden) and have some sort of gui toolkit. Do any exist? ...

Graphic programming over video playback

I want to make some GUI mockup program for video player, so my idea is just to show some menu pictures over real video being playback. I have working program made with C and SDL just to load pictures and make a slideshow, but i don´t know how to put this over video with transparencies. Do you have a hint? ps. i usually program with pyt...

What should I choose SWT or Swing to program GUI in Java?

I need to create a GUI application in Java. I just realized that I have different optional ways to go (SWT and Swing are among them). I have already found out that there is a lot of discussions about what way is better and I do not want to go to deep into these discussions (I am a newbie). I do not care about all aspects of the dilemma...

How does edit.exe work?

There is an exe in system32 called . It is an old text editor. I'm wondering how they made a console app have a gui, and work with the mouse? Thanks ...

Why my Swing based GUI application is not responding?

I am trying to create my first GUI application using (Java + Eclipse + Swing). This is my code: import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class HelloWorldSwing extends JFrame { JTextArea m_resultArea = new JTextArea(6, 30); //====================================================== constructor public Hell...

How the Swing Hello World application works?

I am trying to figure out how the Swing based Hello World application works. This is the code I have: import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class HelloWorldSwing extends JFrame { JTextArea m_resultArea = new JTextArea(6, 30); //====================================================== constructor publi...

tooltip causing deadlock in swing/netbeans-rcp

Hi I have a netbeans platform based app. It has an outlineview, with several columns. when i have my app maximised. and hover over the right most column to display the tooltip (that has to be adjusted due to end of screen). the application hangs (or rather, eventqueue is blocked). Sometimes it starts running again after a few seconds, ...

Add/Remove items from one set to form a subset

What is it called when you have a box with all of the elements from a set and you have buttons to add/remove those items to form a subset of those items? Apples Cherries Oranges Add-> Watermellon Grapes <-Remove Pears Kiwi ...

Java GUI Design - "Wasted" Inheritance?

I am new to GUI design and am struggling a little to decide whether my intended use of inheritance is acceptable (I am familiar with the general concept of favouring composition). For example, if I have a GUI that will feature 3 JToolBars (two toolbars at the top and a status bar at the bottom) as I see it I have 2 obvious options: Si...

GWT Date Time Component

Is there a GWT Date Time Component? Note: I am already making use of the Date - Calendar component. I want to have time as an additional input. ...