
How do I set the selected state of an image button with xml

I have an image button as defined below. <ImageButton android:text="Play" android:src="@drawable/playpause" android:background="@drawable/opaque" android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:id="@+id/player_ctrl_btn" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:padding="0px" android:layout_height="wrap_...

GUI Framework/Lib for C++ under Windows

Hi! I was wondering is there an Microsoft alternative to MFC, except WinForms in GUI programming for Windows operating system ? I dont want to use thirdparty (Borland/Qt/wxWindows) libraries. WinForms require .NET which is major problem (can't install .NET in destination machines) and MFC is traumatic to me... Any alternative which w...

Win32 GUI: resize a dialog

Hello, I have a basic Win32 dialog-based application. How do I make it resize? If it was a window this would be possible by default (and it would fire WM_SIZE). I'm new to dialogs and I'm not able to figure out how to: 1. when mouse cursor hovers over the edge, it should change to IDC_SIZEWE or IDC_SIZENS, 2. just resize the dialog, I ...

Win32 GUI: sizing status bar in dialog-based app

Hello, I have simple dialog-based application with a status bar: InitCommonControls(); HWND hStatus = CreateWindowEx(...); SendMessage(hStatus, SB_SETPARTS, ...); I would like it to remain always at the bottom of the dialog, even if the dialog gets resized. I tried SendMessage(hStatus, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); in WM_SIZE of the dialog procedu...

What has your experience been like developing for the Netbeans platform for cross platform development?

I am familiar with the Netbeans IDE, but I want to know about people's experience with using Netbeans as a development platform (i.e. using its prebuilt modules for fast gui development). I have a program that I want to write, and I am thinking about using this platform. ...

linux language to use to mirror iphone development

I want to create a gui program in linux which I eventually might move to the iphone. What programming language and GUI framework should I use to make this easiest? I'd assume using Objective-C would be best, since gcc will compile that, but are there GUI frameworks that work with Objective-C that are similar to Cocoa and won't require ...

Qt 4.6 - How to drag and drop into a QGraphicsView in QtCreator?

Hello, I've been trying to figure out how to drag and drop an image into a QGraphicsView using Qt and the QtCreator IDE. I have read the documentation here: This documentation is too general for me to understand. Can anyone give me an example that works? I also found a ...

general purpose file preview component

Is anyone aware of a good, general purpose file preview component for linux/Qt/GTK/c/C++ applications? Specifically, I'm looking for a component that I could embed in my application that would allow a broad range of file types (text files, multimedia, etc.) to be previewed without the need for original applications to be installed. The ...

Win32 GUI: dialog in dialog

Hello, I just started to use dialogs and I really like the possibility to define the layout in resource file. But is it possible to set up one dialog and embed it into another (i.e., no floating dialogs)? With plain windows, I created the main window with one child window. Then, I created even more windows (like "edit", "static", ...) ...

How to inherit base Textbox to provide colored borders

I have a winform app that we use in house. It has many individual controls on each of it's 25 "pages"(usercontrols). Our user base prefers very technicolor apps...they want a TextBox to be outlined Blue if it is a required field (color should go away if data entered). They want a TextBox to change to outlined Green if data has been ch...

how to do this in c++gui

I want to write a program for UNIX in C++ with GUI (planning it to be Qt). I haven't learned the Qt library yet btw. I want the program to be like a world map that will be divided into many cells like a grid(the grid shouldn't be visible) and when i start to ping some IP it will show me that IP location on the world map (select it like a...

What's the best way to replicate the functionality of a Windows Explorer folder UI in WPF?

So I'm using FileSystemWatcher to populate and update a playlist. I want to replicate many features of Windows Explorer, most importantly: * inline rename * slow double click to rename I'm having quite a hassle doing this, so I thought, maybe there's an easier way than reimplementing the wheel? Maybe I can somehow host a Windows Explo...

Database to GUI or Database to Object to GUI

I am making kind of CRUD application (Java GUI , MYSQL) Should I : load data from database to List (for example) and then List to GUI load data from database to Object(with attributes like SQL table) and Object to GUI Am I just paranoid or is another object really needed? ...

IsDirty implementation for WPF

Hello Does anyone have an IsDirty implementation they find particularly useful? Ideally I'd like to support Undo but not have to lug a framework like CSLA in. I'd also prefer an implementation that favors composition over inheritance. I'm working with WPF with a ViewModel slant right now (INotifyPropertyChanged). The last SO question I...

How to track common UI element placement?

For common elements, such as a logout button on a website, save button in an application, need to be presented to users in an standard, easily discoverable way. How do you go about deciding where in your application to place these elements? Do you research similar apps and try to follow convention? Is there any database that attempts to ...

What design pattern do I use to synchronize changes in the object model state to the GUI's state?

I'm commonly working on GUIs where I want to directly prevent a user from doing things they should not be able to do by disabling controls on a form. For example maybe I don't want the "Process Widgets" button to be enabled unless the user currently has a "Widget Project" open in the application? Or the "Cancel Processing" button only be...

GUI framework for automatic resizing

I want to build a desktop app where the size of both the window and the content is resized automaticly according to the resolution of the monitor. I know it can be done easily with the docking features of .NET Forms, but my customer insists on going with Linux so I can't use it. I tried Flex & Air, but the content is not resized automat...

How to draw vertical text in Windows GUI?

I need to draw a column of vertical text (in Japanese language - it is drawn top-to-bottom instead of left-to-right) in my native C++ Win32 GUI application. I've looked through MSDN and only found how to draw right-to-left text. How do I output top-to-bottom text except drawing each character separately? ...

Examples of fast .NET WPF/WinForms apps?

I am currently investigating whether to build a windows application using unmanaged C/C++ or in .NET and would like to know of the kind of performance and responsiveness that is capable with a managed C#/.NET GUI app? Not surprisingly it looks like the fastest most responsive applications (e.g. chrome, spotify, etc) are written in unman...

Setting CTreeCtrl item's checkbox to partial state

First I add TVS_EX_PARTIALCHECKBOXES to the CTreeCtrl's extended styles: TreeView_SetExtendedStyle(tree->GetSafeHwnd(), TVS_EX_PARTIALCHECKBOXES, TVS_EX_PARTIALCHECKBOXES); Now how do I actually set any item to this state? There doesn't appear to be any documentation about that. I guessed that since checking and unchecking works by ch...