
Which language should i use for next project?

Hi, my parents asked me what if I could do a simple program for accounting. The thing is, I can not decide which programming language to choose. I know Java quite well but don't like messing with GUI, so I'm leaning towards C#/C++/Delphi because there you can make the gui in no time. The only problem I have I don't know how I would prin...

Has anybody used SIKULI for testing their GUI-based apps?

SIKULI seems to have an enormous amount of potential. Has anybody tried to use this as a tool for testing? Or would it be better suited for automating actions for users? ...

Create Square Window C++

Hi everyone, Stuck on a little fiddly problem. I'm creating a GUI in C++ using XP and VS C++ using the command CreateWindow(). My question is, how do I make the inside paintable region a perfect square. When passing in the size of the window to create, some of this is deducted for the menu bar at the top, border all around etc. Are ther...

Common Web UI Styles

I have to present a prototype of an web app in the following days to one of my clients, the thing is I'm not so good at CSS and worst of all I'm almost never happy with the results I get. Coding the business logic poses no challenge to me, the UI design however takes more than 80% of my time. I don't need nothing breathtaking, just a cl...

Java Swing architecture problem?

Till now, I have developed simple swing applications so there was no need to break the GUI code into diff. classes but as this application is going to be very large, I decided to break the code into diff. classes so as to make the code more manageable. But before proceeding, I have some doubts in my mind which are as follows: Brief des...

iphone UI opinion - what would be the best way to link to a contact in an address book.

Hi guys, slightly different type of question. I am linking from a UITableView item to a contact item. What would be the groups thoughts on the two below concepts: 1. Use of an accessory on the MainTableView to directly link to the contact page: You Click the Blue Arrow on the RHS to goto the contact 2. Use of an icon inside a Detail...

Application to help explain a GUI

When a graphical user interface is documented, it usually include a screenshot. In the screenshot different buttons and interactive objects are marked with a letter and below, in a list, its explained what the "button marked with a red A" actually does. I currently do this myself in Paint .Net, its really hard to make it look even decen...

creating a nice GUI in WPF

Hi, I need to create a desktop CAD application which essentially should have a nice modern GUI. I am thinking of creating a WPF application so that I can have a rich user interface. Could some one suggest me a well designed desktop application GUI framework in WPF, please? I found some cool GUI in this video

How do you do transition effects using the Frame control in WPF?

I thought this would be easy but I guess not. I have 2 pages that load in my frame control. I want to be able to either have a nice slide effect from one page to the next or just a simple fade-In effect. Can't seem to find this anywhere on the internets. Update 1 The accepted answer is good, but I found an even better one here. http:/...

How to create something like firefox's bookmark sidebard in Visual Studio 2008 C++ project?

I have visual studio 2008, and want to build an GUI application that on the left side has a frame that can be minimized like the firefox bookmark sidebar. So my questions are: 1) What type of project do I need? 2) What controls actually make up the sidebar. 3) What do I make the main frame so that I can resize it when the sidebar is op...

GUI for Berkeley DB

Hi all, I'm using Berkeley DB Java edition, via the DPL interface. I want to ask if someone knows about any GUI library that could make it easy to browse the data saved in the database. I know that BDB documentation says that the metadata about the stored entities is not saved in any place and therefore only the person who have wri...

GUI for Fossil SCM

Are there any GUIs for fossil? I've been getting used to the idea of source control for solo projects, and having an interface for the commands in fossil would help. Something simple that helps browse for files, or open + close. Google has turned up nothing except the web GUI that works within the projects themselves. ...

What's the best guess for "highlight color" in Java Swing?

Hi everyone, I'm writing a program that lets people highlight surfaces by dragging the mouse. (Just like the highlighted rectangles you can do make in most operating systems on the desktop). Trouble is, what color should I use? I don't know of any color in UIDefaults that corresponds to the highlight color. SystemColor.controlHighlight ...

Is there an easy way to navigate a List<t> object?

I have a WPF form that shows a contact (Name, Address and State). The GUI is bound to a CurrentContact object and they are stored in a List<Contact>. I would like to add buttons to the bottom: +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ | << | | < | | > | | >> | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ Meaning first, previous, next an...

What is the best way to model a richly interactive GUI (using use-cases or other approaches)?

My company develops a rich GUI from a detailed specification document, written as 100+ Use-cases (UC's). These detailed UC's drive the development. They are written as tables with actor and description columns. We (me and others) have mangled real UC prose style to support the interactive nature of our application. We also use the spec...

How to separate model from gui ?

Hello I hope this is not something very trivial and obvious. I have some similar programs that I am working at. In each program I have to implement future about saving projects. I came with following design : Project -- Program1Project -- Program2Project The base class Project : class Project { public: void NewProject(); vo...

JPanel with background image, with other panels overlayed

I want to have a JPanel which uses an image as a background, with this I want to add new panels to this panels so that they sit on top of this background image. I have tried the following: Image background; public Table(){ super(); ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("pokerTable.png")); background = ii....

GridBagLayout padding

I am using a GridBagLayout to (currently) display two rows. I am aware this layout is overkill for this task, but am trying to learn how to use it. The problem is that I have added the two panels to the two separate rows and there is a huge gap around the content (see image and code below): Image background; public Table(){ ...

A pretty and feature rich git GUI for Linux

I was checking out for a rich GUI for Git on Linux. Of late I have started using it a lot and find that even though command-line is very useful, I would still want a GUI at my disposal since I am not still very much aware with the advanced features. I came across this question on SO before, but I still have to ask this question again, a...

Retrieving text from password field [python][pyqt4]

def welcomeStage (self): self.test = QtGui.QLineEdit (self) self.test.move (50, 150) QtCore.QObject.connect (self.test, QtCore.SIGNAL ('returnPressed()'), self.passwordStage) def passwordStage (self): = self.test.text() self.test.clear() self.test.setEchoMode (QtGui.QLineEdit.Password) QtC...