
How to add Tabs dynamically in vaadin?

Hi, I want to know how to add tab dynamically in vaadin tabsheet. I am having TabSheet which consists of two tabs. First tab has one button.If we click that button then another tab should add dynamically in the tabsheet.Can anyone tell me how to achieve this. ...

Find owner thread of GUI control

Working on a .NET app, I've run in a 'cross-thread operation not valid' exception, only it seems to happen in the correct thread. Is there a way to find out which thread is the one where a specific control has been created? What I've found so far: The 'InvokeRequired' operation only tells IF the current thread is the "owner thread"......

Use popup or dynamic C# winform screen (or other solution)?

On C# winforms project, I have a small table, a filter box, an Add button and a Done button grouped together, and they all fit together within 250x250 pixels. I only need to show these elements to the user when they press a button. I figured this could be done using a pop up modal screen or by making room on the main screen until the u...

Add a row to a jTable each pass through a loop??

I have a jTable and a jButton. When clicked, the button's actionPerformed method calls another method that contains a while loop and adds a row to the table's model (DefaultTableModel) each time though the loop. The while loop can run for a few minutes so I want it to show in the GUI the rows being added to the table each time, one by on...

Consistent appearance for Windows Forms applications

Is there a way to apply consistent visual appearance for multiple Windows Forms applications? So that the same color scheme is used, etc? Or you have to do it manually? (I apologize for this question, but I have googled it without any real answer - a couple of pointers in the right direction or a few links would be enough. I have also s...

How can I make a banner in QT, like the news banner of CNN/FOX?

Hi, as the title says, I want to add my main window a banner in the bottom of the window that shows text that runs from left to right, just like you can see in your TV when watching fox/CNN... I'm using QT 4.5.2 Thanks a lot :) ...

Writing GUI frontend for commandline application in Mac OS X

Hello, I am wondering if there is a source of information on how to develop a GUI frontend application for a commandline one in Mac OS X in, but not necessarily, Xcode? Specifically, I would love a GUI frontend that lets me specify arguments to pass to the commandline program. Thank you very much. ...

GUI declarative language implementation

I've recently begun working on a project regarding GUI building using some form of declarative language. What i mean is that i need to describe an hierarchy of objects, without specifying the type of GUI widgets that will be used to "show" that hierarchy. For example, for some existing hierarchy H, using JSON notation (or something like ...

Use SwingWorker to add rows to jTable and update the GUI

I'm trying to create a jTable that, once a button is clicked, adds rows one at a time with just a number starting at zero and continues adding rows until it gets to row 1000000. I'm using a SwingWorker's doInBackground, publish and process methods to increment the row counter and and add each row, which means the gui doesn't freeze while...

Cross-platform UI toolkit

I need to write cross-platform GUI application, what toolkit can I use? Currently I am working in Windows, MSVC, and Linux, gcc. ...

Put a GUI control on a different thread?

I'm assuming it's possibly to do so as programs like google chrome have gone one better and put each tab on a separate process. So how can i put a GUI control such as a datagridview on a separate thread? ...

Is there a UI builder for Ext Js?

Any good UI builder for Ext Js out there? ...

Flex GUI for C++ application, how to do it?

What is the method to create a flex GUI for a c++ API and connect them? what is the procedure to do that? If any one can give me a helloworld example or some example it would be very easy to understand!! Thanks in advance. ...

BlackBerry - Show typing mode indicator programmatically

Hi! Do you know some way to programmaticaly show different typing indicators on the screen? I know I can simply draw bitmap but I'd like to do it universally for any RIM OS version. Also, there is a setMode(int) function in 4.2.1 but in 4.3 it's already deprecated... Any suggestions will be helpful, thanks! ...

Processing grid input in .net 2.0

I am building the UI to an application that uses Syncfusion grids to display data to the user. I'm using C#/.NET 2.0. There are many users using the application and many different ways in which a user can change the grid's appearance. I need to process each grid change and save the result down to the server in an orderly fashion. For exa...

creative ways of inputting date and time

i am working on a small experimental app where part of the form will be users entering date and time. Apart from the calendars ...are there any creative ways of inputting date and time that you have come across? maybe have a text field with analog clock on top. when data is inputted in text fields and tabbed out the analog clock would...

is Tkinter worth learning?

I generally make my desktop interfaces with Qt, but some recent TK screenshots convince me Tk isn't just ugly motif any more. Additionally Tkinter comes bundled with Python, which makes distribution easier. So is it worth learning or should I stick with Qt? ...

Java Swing: Can I set a button mnemonic that doesn't require pressing alt?

For example, say I have a series of toolbar-style buttons across the top of my application's main window. I want to attach a mnemonic to one of these that's just a single keypress, like F3. When you set the mnemonic to KeyEvent.VK_F3, the user has to press Alt+F3. If you have a menu item, you can set an accelerator, rather than a mnem...

C#: Automating the InvokeRequired code pattern

I have become painfully aware of just how often one needs to write the following code pattern in event-driven GUI code, where private void DoGUISwitch() { // cruisin for a bruisin' through exception city object1.Visible = true; object2.Visible = false; } becomes private void DoGUISwitch() { if (object1.InvokeRequir...

Migrating to Visual Basic to perl - working with user interfaces

I've been around Visual Basic for years in high school, and I've grown up with the IDE supplied by Microsoft. It'd wonderful, but the educational and "working-model" editions of VB available to me through school don't allow me to redistribute software, as part of the EULA with Microsoft. I instead find myself working in perl to design p...