
How do i .ignore files with Git GUI?

i have created a .gitignore file inn the same folder that the with the .git folder. but i still get the files i'm trying to ignore when doing a rescan of the repository. this is the content of the file. # Ignored files *.suo *.user bin obj *.pdb *.cache *_svn *.svn *.suo *.user *.build-res TestResults _ReSharper* what am ...

java / gwt UI coding - clean code

i've started on some basic java coding with gwt, and im getting a bit concerned about the heft of my main class. For instance - how does one compartmentalize the keyhandlers, since they trigger a number of changes to the UI, how could i move this into a separate .class file and still be able to access all the various widgets in the main...

Java Dimension for JFrame. setSize(new Dimension(x,y));

I have a question. When I'm setting the size of a JFrame and I add a new dimension. Is that number millimeter or pixels? I want to set the size to 3in by 3in. So I'm using (300, 300) but it seems a little big. How do I set the size in inches? Cool this is how I solved it in case someone wants to know: // Get a Toolkit instance. Toolki...

How to draw a (star) topology in Java, dynamically?

Hi, I need to dynamically draw (star) topologies in a Java GUI application. By star topology, I mean something like this: It doesn't need to be over-fancy, but I don't want to do it too ugly and crude. By dynamically I mean that the topology changes infrequently over time, but as the number of nodes is very small, a complete repaint ...

Resize Image in Java. How to resize

I am trying to display an image on a Frame, however the image doesn't fit exactly on the frame. How can I resize the image? I cannot resize the frame. I need it to stay the same size all the time. // Override paint(): public void paint (Graphics g) { Dimension dimension = this.getSize(); Insets I = this.getInsets(); ...

Netbean does not refresh JPanel after adding new components

Hi, this title may not best describe my problem. I'm using Netbean GUI builder to create a JFrame and several JPanels. I create each JPanel in a seperate class, then I drag the JPanel class to JFrame. The problem is after dragging the JPanel to JFrame, if I add components to JPanel, it does not show the additional components in the JPane...

A better design of this SQL query builder UI.

I'm in the process of redesigning a SQL query builder UI for a application that I use, well it's a third party app but has a plugin model so I writing my own to replace the standard one. One area I am not very good at when it comes to application design is the UI. I would be really interested to see/hear how other people would layout t...

How to make my app more shiny?

Hey, im writing a litte iPhone App and are now searching for some styling Guides to make my App a little more shiny :) For example add rounded rectangles to group Informations. Style my cells, e.g. add a little border to my images I display in the cells. Is there a guide / tutorial i can read? What can be done with Interface Builder...

How do I style Windows.Forms.Datagrid numbers to show like Excel?

I want my datacolumns in my Windows.Forms.Datagrid to show like Excel, red for negative numbers in brackets, and black for positive numbers. Also i want to right align the cells, but left align the header. Is this possible? ...

XAML how to call GUI

Hi, How can I call the UI for an XAML from another class please? Thanks. :) ...

Prevent selection change in NSOutlineView when NSActionCell clicked

I have a custom NSActionCell used to render some parts of some of the rows in my NSOutlineView. I can receive and respond to clicks on the NSActionCell, but the selection also changes when that cell is clicked. I'd like to prevent the selection from changing if one of my custom NSActionCells are clicked. Is there an easy way to do this?...

mouse pointer and thumb nail for selection

What would be the appropriate way for selecting a particular row in a paginated view. For example, while trying to select a particular row in Yahoo Inbox you can use the pointer to select the check box and if you try to click beyond the check box, no action is taken. But while trying to select a particular row in GMail Inbox you can us...

What's the Best UI Design pattern for designing large-scale application ?

We have a large M.I.S system which contain 12 sub systems. Version 1.0 is completly finished and We decide to change the User Interface in Version 2.0. So We are looking for some good UI design pattern for large-scale web based system. If you know any good UI Design Patterns, please let us know ? Also if you think we should consider so...

Trying to get the files from a directory using list() or listFiles() in java

I am working on a small basic GUI program that gets the files from my resources and gets the names of the files and places them in a combo box. for example i just have a file inside the same package called images and trying to get the files names. the way I get the file is by using the getResoure() like so url = FileDemo.c...

How to make a LabVIEW front panel element invisible non-programmatically?

When designing the front panel of a LabVIEW application, there's no way to render controls invisible except programmatically: connecting a False constant to a "Visible" property node somewhere on the block diagram where it gets run before anything else. Isn't there any way to do it from the front panel designer? ...

Which UI Design is better for iPhone?

I have a PickerView for choosing time. For example, the user can choose 5 hours and 10 minutes. I should use one picker view to display two row... or I should separate to two picker view, in the middle, I use a label "hour", and "minute". Which UI design is better? and why? thx you. ...

GUI guidelines for swing

Is there a resource where GUI design for swing is explained? Like best practices and such. ...

Is DxScene the "WPF for Delphi"? Anyone used it?

I am playing with DxScene and VxScene: It looks very nice and powerful: 3d accelerated vector graphics, cross plaform, nice effects, many 2d GUI controls (vector based), good scaling, transparency, rotating (x, y, z), 3d models, etc. Even with many effects, the CPU stays very low (0%)! http://www....

Does GUI program need Standard Streams?

I read about standard streams. My understanding is old fashioned programs that don't have GUI need some kind of user interface, too. So Operating System provide each of them with a console window, and the console window's out/input/err stream was mapped to the program's standard input/output/error stream. And thus these programs are call...

Removing Icon from a WPF window

I am able to remove the window icon from WPF window using WinApi's, however I get the icon again in the application window when I run just the executable of the WPF project. How do I remove the icon? ...