
Have you had problems developing on a Virtual PC?

I use a virtual PC (with remote desktop connection) for my project. The project uses some GDI+ functionality. Now, apparently there is a problem when displaying graphics object on the real and virtual PC. A simple example: public class Form1 : Form { private void Form1_Paint(System.Object sender, S...

When to use layouts and when to use activities?

I'm writing a game for Android. My GUI has the following basic screens (i.e. the information and interactions required on each of these would take up the whole display): Main menu (let you start a new game, enter settings, see high scores, see about screen) Game screen i.e. where the actual game is played. Settings screen. High scores...

How to retain Windows-like appearance of Java GUI in Fedora

Hi all, I'm using Netbeans 6.7.1 on Windows. I created a Java application using Swing. When I run the same application in my Fedora Core OS, the appearance becomes dull, the fonts and the spacing change. How do I avoid this - as the GUI is of prime importance to my application. Please help.. ...

PocketC GUI Code Examples

I'm using PocketC on my Windows CE device, but I want to know where I can find some code examples of GUIs, because I don't know where to get help on this point. Also, I have some specify questions: How to create Buttons, ListBoxes...? What are the controls supported? How to create menus? ...

how to retain windows-like appearance of java GUI in fedora

Hi all, I'm using netbeans 6.7.1 on windows. I created a jframe application . When i run the same application in my fedora core OS , the appearance becomes dull , the fonts and the spacing change.. How to avoid this - as the GUI is of prime importance to my application. Please help.. ...

How should I design my page to allow for dynamic movement of elements on the page?

I'm working on an ASP.NET page where I've got 10 entities. I'll call them Items. An Item can be displayed in one of two modes: Featured or Thumbnail. At any given time there is one Featured Item at the top of the page, and the rest are Thumbnails arranged in a 3x3 grid underneath the featured Item Each item is an ASP usercontrol tha...

Using multiple hyperlinks as submit and input

Need the three "Options" to be hyperlinks that submit the "choice" form. When submitted, I would like the value to be the text of the option selected (i.e. value=Option1, Option2 orOption3) and all three to have the same name. (i.e. name = Options) I saw this and some other posts here, but did not work with my set up - many "hyperlink i...

Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android)

I'm trying to define a GUI layout using XML files in Android. As far as I can find out, there is no way to specify that your widgets should use a custom font (e.g. one you've placed in assets/font/) in XML files and you can only use the system installed fonts. I know that, in the Java code, I could change the font of each widget manuall...

Edit>copy/paste implementation with perl / tk

I'm using Perl/Tk to build the GUI for an application. I plan on adding an edit menu to it with standard cut, copy, and paste options. Right here is where I realized that I've never actually interacted with the clipboard using perl. Can anyone give me a link to information about messing with clipboard in perl? Is there a perl module for...

Open source libraries to design directed graphs

I'm going to need to write a program that takes a list of persons and connects them together in a directed-graph-like manner. The GUI aspect of the whole project is very important. The graph must allow a lot of interaction. Such as selecting several people and hiding the others, moving them around. Additionally, the software will need t...

A GUI which creates and uses a database and installes easily.

I want to create a GUI with C++ (QT4). The GUI should work on Windows and should be able to create a database use the database created by it (I should use an existing DBMS, in order not to worry for querries) database should be specific to the GUI, other sowftwares should not be able to use that database (the database may be for examp...

Additional information added to JMenuItem

Hello, I'm developing a java application and I create a dynamic JMenu by hand (depending on the input data). I add the same action for each menu item of the menu. The problem is that depending on the menu item called I would like to take a different action each time. Is there a simple way of doing this (Something like setData(Object dat...

GUI framework Java

Hello, I am looking for some framework or toolkit (style drag and drop) for creating gui in Java. I need to do quite complex application with dockings, toolbars, tables etc. Which one would be best? ...

Is there a proved performance and memory usage benchmark on the SWT & Swing ?

Hi I want to know about SWT & Swing , memory usage and performance. which one has better performance and which one consumes less memory. Is there a proved benchmark on these measures or everybody with good experience in these fields. thanks ...

WPF Dynamic GUI elements

In WinForms it was relatively easy to swap out Panels at runtime for other panels. In WPF this seems to be rather more complex (especially from XAML). Can anyone provide clear guidance on the 'best practice' way of swapping gui elements at runtime (think pages in a wizard type situation). Many thanks. ...

pyqt QTreeWidget setItemWidget dissapears after drag/drop

I'm trying to keep a widget put into a QTreeWidgetItem after a reparent (drag and drop) using QTreeWidget.setItemWidget() But the result, if you compile the following code - is that the widget inside the QTreeWidgetItem disappears. Any idea why? What code would fix this (repopulate the QTreeWidgetItem with the widget I guess?) from Py...

Styling a BlackBerry Application to Look Like an iPhone

I am porting an application from iPhone to BlackBerry. BlackBerry apps tend not to look as polished as iPhone, but naturally, I would like to maintain as much polish as I can, without breaking any important UI conventions. Are there any UI components that can help with this? NB. I am planning to follow all important UI conventions. For ...

Mac style menus on Windows, system wide

I'm a Mac user and a Windows user (and once upon a time I used to be an Amiga user). I much prefer the menu-bar-at-the-top-of-the-screen approach that Mac (and Amiga) take (/took), and I'd like to write something for Windows that can provide this functionality (and work with existing applications). I know this is a little ambitious, esp...

How to align views at the bottom of the screen?

Here's my layout code; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <TextView android:text="@string/welcome" android:id="@+id/TextView" ...

JavaFX - good or not? I need docking in it.

Hello, I have just explore javaFX. I am now programming modul based application by netBeans platform. I have minimal UI now, but I am going to do quite complex GUI. Is javaFX good for me? And if yes, how I can implement docking in main window? (i think about usage of JFX becouse I want good looking app) ...