
Start PyGTK cellrenderer edit from code

I have a treeview with an editable CellRendererText: self.renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() self.renderer.set_property('editable', True) But now I need to launch the edition from code instead from user, this is to focus the user attention in the fact he just created a new row and needs to be named. I tried this but does not work: sel...

Highlight certain choices in a combo box

I've got a dropdown box with some items in it that are more popular than others, and I'd like those to have a different background colour (say, Color.Yellow) when the combobox is expanded. I see BackColor but is there a way to apply background colour to just a single item? EDIT: Thanks to Astander's lead, here's how I solved it: D...

Running GUI application in the Windows service mode

I'm writing a server running as a Windows service that by request invokes Firefox to generate a pdf snapshot of a webpage. I know it is a bad idea to run a GUI program in service mode, but the server nature of my program restricts from running it in the user mode. Running a user-level 'proxy' also is not an option, since there might be...

Change size of ImageIcon in a JRadioButton

I simply want to change the size (diameter) of the actual (default) ImageIcon of my JRadioButton. I've changed the size of the font displayed in the widget, so it really looks silly with such a large radiobutton. JRadioButton button = new JRadioButton("Button"); button.setFont(new Font("Lucida Grande",Font.PLAIN, 11)); gives me this g...

delay ring between two font style changing

Hi I want to change font style of a control , for a short time. for example 2 secounds. I do like : label1.Font = new Font(label1.Font, label1.Font.Style | FontStyle.Bold); for(int i=0,i<4000000,i++); label1.Font = new Font(label1.Font, label1.Font.Style | FontStyle.Regular); but it doesn't work. what is the problem? ...

In terms of User Interface Design and methodologies what areas of research stand out the most?

Hi I'm pretty new to UI designing and was wondering what methodologies/ stuff to think about etc stand out as being useful. I'm interested in common design principles, laws that apply for human computer interaction, i've heard of one that applies to the spacing of buttons and other GUI objects etc. Thanks for any replies. ...

How can I enable Vista/Win 7 theming/style for a ToolTip control?

In Windows Vista and Windows 7, ToolTips have a new visual style or theme, they are shiny grey metallic. How can I enable the new style for a ToolTip control? Some controls, like ListViews and ToolBars, use the new tooltips automatically, but other tooltips are rendered with the old yellow XP style. I've tried sending an TTM_SETWINDOW...

How to visually represent file size

This will be a bit subjective, I'm afraid, but I'd value the advice of the Collective. Our web application lists documents that users can download; standard file navigator stuff: Type Name Created Size ----------------------------------- PDF Doc 1 01/04/2010 15 KB PDF Doc 2 01/04/2010 15 MB Currently we...

Cross-platform high-level widget toolkits for C

Are there any high-level, cross-platform, and abstracted (simple to use) widget toolkits for C that are either very lightweight and fast or can be compiled for other toolkits, such as Qt and GTK+? EDIT: Most C++ libraries lack C bindings, so they will be of little (or no) help. ...

Function testing on Netbeans 6.8

While not a torrent, but some articles can be found on the net about function testing (particularly However the tools mentioned by them do not seem to be maintained, or don't have a plugin working with the most recent version of Netbeans (6.8). Do you have any function te...

UI Design Choices and How to Implement Them

I am making an application that is a dashboard/widget host. This is an app I will release online to kickstart a content based website I am making. I am using MEF to load the plugins and I have a ui Concept Idea like this: Is this a good design choice? How would I implement the Navigation? 3. Is there ...

Coupling between controller and view

The litmus test for me for a good MVC implementation is how easy it is to swap out the view. I've always done this really badly due to being lazy but now I want to do it right. This is in C++ but it should apply equally to non-desktop applications, if I am to believe the hype. Here is one example: the application controller has to check...

SVN explorer for linux

Hi Guys, I'm looking for GUI explorer for linux. Like Kafana: CLI is fine but i would like to know if there is something GUI for as :) regards ...

Swing: what to do when a JTree update takes too long and freezes other GUI elements?

Hello, everyone! I know that GUI code in Java Swing must be put inside SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait or SwingUtilities.invokeLater. This way threading works fine. Sadly, in my situation, the GUI update it that thing which takes much longer than background thread(s). More specific: I update a JTree with about just 400 entries, nesting de...

How can I make a GUI frontend to a command line tool in OSX?

I'm dying to know how I can make a GUI for ffmpeg and jhead in OSX. I've been looking for a solution for a while and thought you, stackoverflow's users, could help me. Maybe you know some document I haven't come across of or, better, a tutorial to make a GUI. I love those two tools but I like the simplicity of drag/drop operations. Not...

What are the disadvantages of the Perl Tk module?

What are the disadvantages of the Tk module compared to other solutions to create a GUI in Perl? ...

How far should I go with "the opposite of Fitts' Law"?

After reading Jeff's blog post and being fairly new to GUI programming, I'm wondering what the limits are on applying the "opposite of Fitt's Law." For example, is it a good idea to separate "Yes" and "No" on a dialog screen, or would that conflict with another programming rule? E.g. and ...

Delegating code to run from main thread for handling gui from main thread

I have some code which is been running by a backgroundworker I'd like some specific code which shows some GUI to run in the main thread context (2 reasons 1. it should be blocking 2.I know it's problematic to handle gui controls from a background worker) I raise an event pass the class and listen to the event in the mainForm from there I...

SVN checkout browser

I've been looking all over for a SVN browser. Now I'm not talking about anything like WebSVN or TRAC, I don't want to browse the repository; I want to browse the checkout. I'm looking for a program that lets me browse the checkout (working copy) and shows me the info I'd normally need to SSH for. So I could mark specific files or fold...

C/C++ GUI framework to create distinctive window style

Hi! Can someone please tell me a GUI framework (for Windows. doesn't need to be cross platform) that allows me to specify the design of the UI elements very precisely? For example, the Windows and UI elements of Adobe products look different than other Windows applications. I'm looking for a framework that would allow me to create a G...