
How can I close a JFrame by click on a button?

I would like to have a button in my window such that if I click it (button) the window is closed. I found out that I can close a window in the following way: referenceToTheFrame.hide(); //hides the frame from view refToTheFrame.dispose(); //disposes the frame from memory But if I do this way, compiler complains: Note:

Effel: EiffelVision2 changing widget style

Hi! I'm joining an Eiffel project that has a horribly outdated GUI design. The GUI is built with EiffelVision2 and the application is Windows platform only. how can I change the look/design of the widgets, like defining shape and color of scrollbars, buttons, window borders and so on? thank you! ...

How can I stop my application?

I have the main thread from which I start a window using invokeLater. I run my application from command line. So, when application is running I see the window and my command line is "blocked" by the application. I can stop the application either by closing the window (as a result the command line is unblocked) or by typing Ctrl-C in the...

Drag and drop + custom drawing in Android

I am working on something that needed custom drag-and-drop functionality, so I have been subclassing View, doing a bunch of math in response to touch events, and then rendering everything manually through code on the canvas in onDraw. Now, the more functionality I add, the more the code is growing out of control and I find myself writin...

GUI and non gui difference

hi guys as i know we have gui and non gui application today. but remember back in the old days there were many application thats kinda like half gui half not . the applications are text based and it has no GUI like what we have now if we were to use java swing library or etc. but you could pretty much select the area that you want ...

Windows API GUI programming

Hi! I'm working on a Project with outdated, very old looking GUI (the used GUI framework is more than 10 years old) Since the used programming language is Eiffel, there are almost no good libraries for GUI development. Although Wrappers for C libraries exist, it's not that easy to wrap something like Qt with them. The current GUI frame...

GUI Design - Roleselection with two lists, selected roles on the right, or left list?

Hi, image two lists for selecting roles for a new user creation in an administrator frontend. One list has all available roles in it and another has the selected roles in it. Between those lists are buttons to move elements from one list to another. Thus the layout is horizontal with [List] [Buttons] [List]. Now to the question: Should...

Concept of GUI's - Centralized or decentralized

Hello all, Since a few months I've been learning Erlang, and now it was time to do some basic GUI. After some quick research I saw there was an interesting library called 'wxi' (based on Fudgets of Haskell) which uses a different approach on GUI's. No central loop, every widget processes it's own events and handles it's own data. What...

BlackBerry - TouchEvent on multiple managers

Hi all i am new to blackberry application development here is my question i am using two verticalfieldmanager "layout" and "manager" in my application. layout has three custom button field and layout is inside manager. i am not able to implement touch event , here is my code: public class MenuScreen extends MainScreen { public M...

Multiline TextField in a Xul "Box" Element

I need to put something like a Textarea into a "box" element in Xul. It needs to be multiline. It's for an explanation frame. Is that possible? I can't find anything on the MDC official site. ...

How to fix weird scrolling/alignment behavior when using keyboard in MenuStrip?

I started noticing strange behavior when navigating the main toolbar of my Winforms application, and I don't know how to fix it. When I initially open the dropdown of the File menu, it looks like this: I begin to scroll down each item with the arrow keys, and everything is fine until I reach "Exit". As soon as I hit the down arrow key...

Qt : what is the difference between layout and widget?

I thought that layout is just a widget that keeps more widgets inside. But now I find that I can't add it to other widgets using addWidget. For instance how to add a layout to QSplitter? ...

Delphi: How to diagnose sluggish UI?

i have a form, which you can pretend is laid out like Windows Explorer: panel on the left splitter client panel +------------+#+-----------------------+ | |#| | | |#| | | |#| | | |#| | | Left |#| ...

How to design a command line program reusable for a future development of a GUI?

What are some best practices to keep in mind when developing a script program that could be integrated with a GUI, probably by somebody else, in the future? Possible scenario: i develop a fancy python CLI program that scrapes every unicorn images from the web i decide to publish it on github a unicorn fan programmer decides to take t...

Netbeans GUI building on pre-defined code

I am supposed edit some code for an assignment, and he gave us the framework and wants us to implement code for it. I load the project into netbeans and can't figure out how I'm supposed to edit the swing components. I don't see how to edit source vs. design. import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; import*; public class Cu...

How can I blit a pgu gui object in pygame

I have image.I am trying to load a button on it.The image I'm loading using pygame.image.load function.I'm using pgu gui library with pygame to create a gui.button.Now I have to blit this button on the image. ...

How to use a linkedList and multiple classes with my Java GUI

How should I use a linked list with my GUI program? The program is supposed to have blocks (a block being a JPanel) with textareas and dropdown menus. The number of blocks depends on the number of times the user presses a button. It's supposed to be possible to put blocks within blocks. I want to store the information created, using a li...

How can two programs talk to each other in Java?

I want to ‪reduce‬ the CPU usage/ROM usage/RAM usage - generally‬, all system resources that my app uses - who doesn't? :) For this reason I want to split the preferences window from the rest of the application, and let the preferences window to run as ‪independent‬ program. The preferences program ‪should‬ write to a Property file(not...

[android] How to center buttons on screen horizontally and vertically plus equidistant apart?

I've been racking my brain (android newbie here, so not hard to do) for awhile trying to figure out how to accomplish this: Desired Layout using a RelativeLayout or something other than AbsoluteLayout which is what this was created with. I'm coming from a Windows programming background where the device adjusts the 'absolute' positioning...

I'm tired of JButtons, how can I make a nicer GUI in java ?

So far I've only built "small" graphical applications, using swing and JComponents as I learned at school. Yet I can't bear ugly JButtons anymore. I've tried to play with the different JButton methods, like changing colors, putting icons etc. but I'm still not satisfied. How do you make a nicer GUI in java ? I'm looking for not-too-hea...