
close button only for some tabs in Qt

Hello, I am using Qt for an assignment I have for college, and I want to use QTabWidget to display a chat window much like Pidgin's. I want to make the "group chat" tab always open and impossible to close and the rest of the "private channel" tabs closable. QTabWidget's setTabsClosable(bool) is not helping ... any ideas? ty ...

Which Qt classes use the disk directly?

I'm trying to write a library to separate all the disk activity out into its own thread, but the documentation doesn't really care about such things. What I want to accomplish is that aside from startup, all disk activity is asynchronous, and for that, I need to wrap every class that accesses the disk. Here's what I found so far: QtCor...

How do "professionals" make a GUI in java ?

Thanks for your answers to my previous question about GUI in java. I now wonder what are the solutions chosen by professionals to get a nice GUI, for "real" applications. Do you use swing and JComponents and just change the "look and feel" ? Do you prefer awt or another library ? Sorry if that question sounds weird, I'm a student and I ...

git gui app to show detected renames

Hi. Is there a git gui app (for commiting) that shows detected renames? Git-gui currently shows me a lot of deleted and new files instead of renames. TortoiseGit does not work at all on my system. Intellij's Git somehow does not detect any modifications to commit. TIA. ...

Delphi, how to make independent windows

I have an application that uses tabs like the Chrome browser. Now I want to be able to open more forms and not be limited to only one form. These forms should act the same but if I close main form all forms are closed. How can I make all forms be equal, so no matter which form I close it only closes that form and not exit application bef...

Python Game using pyGame with Window Menu elements

Here's the deal. I'm trying to write an arkanoid clone game and the thing is that I need a window menu like you get in pyGTK. For example File->(Open/Save/Exit) .. something like that and opening an "about" context where the author should be written. I'm already using pyGame for writting the game logic. I've tried pgu to write the GUI ...

Java SWT: apply key events from List to Text field

I am making a component in SWT that contains a text field and a list. Whenever text is entered it filters the list. So far everything is working great and I am just trying to add some nice usability features. What I want to do is listen for any key events in the List field, if it is Enter that is pressed I perform the 'ok' action (alr...

What is this GUI principle called?

"Prefer to design UI that guides the user to provide correct input before submitting a form over presenting an error message when he submits it incorrectly" Is there a canonical link that explains this (similar to KISS)? ...

JavaFX UI freeze hang

My JavaFX app's UI freezes after consecutive times of executing webservice calls. Those process calls are asynchronous. How do I fix this problem? Is there a way to "unfreeze" the UI? Sorry for the newbie question. But I badly need anyone;'s help ...

Retrieve input entered in a JDialog

I extended JDialog to create a custom dialog where the user must fill some fields : How should I retrieve the data entered ? I came up with a solution that works. It mimics JOptionPane but the way I do it looks ugly to me because of the static fields involved... Here is roughly my code : public class FObjectDialog extends JDialog imp...

GUI Text box scrollbar help

1. JTextArea messages = new JTextArea(5, 30); 2. JScrollPane scrollTextBox = new JScrollPane(messages, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED ); 3. Container window; 4. ... 5. messages.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,100)); 6. messages.setLin...

Three-way-merge - different philosophies?

I've been a user of UltraCompare Pro since it first came out, and I think it's a very full-featured compare and merge tool. However, since I have been looking more closely into DVCS, I found that it handles three-way merges differently than (most?) other tools out there. So I wonder why that is, and whether I'm missing something because ...

Supported Layout Managers in Eclipse Visual Editor

I'm evaluating GUI builder tools for Swing. In the Eclipse Visual Editor 1.4 the list of the (natively) supported layout managers seems a bit short to me. Still no support for FormsLayout or TableLayout? The official documentation is a bit vague on the issue. ...

UI to allow 700+ multiple choices

In my desktop .NET application I have written(for internal use) where I need to allow my users to apply diagnosis's to a Member Plan. There are currently 700 in the system and growing. I need to allow them to add multiple diapnosis's at once. I currently am allowing this through a combo check list box. This works but is INSANELY unwe...

Can you suggest me a fast Swing IDE

Hi, Currently I am using Netbeans to develop applications in Swing, but Netbeans is very very slow. Can anyone suggest me a comprehensive Swing development GUI like Netbeans but lightweight Thanks ...

What are some good Mercurial GUI clients for OS X?

question says it all. I really like the Brotherbard GitX fork - is there something along the same lines for Hg? ...

Windows Forms open and save default directories

I'm editing someone else's code that uses Windows Forms: SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = LevelEditorConstants.PATH_TO_DATA_DIR; Somehow, the directory that opens is totally different than the constant value that is assigned to it. How else can this value be set? A text search f...

WinForm-style Invoke() in unmanaged C++

I've been playing with a DataBus-type design for a hobby project, and I ran into an issue. Back-end components need to notify the UI that something has happened. My implementation of the bus delivers the messages synchronously with respect to the sender. In other words, when you call Send(), the method blocks until all the handlers have ...

Android Radial / Pie Menu

I am looking to create a radial menu in a game that I am writing. Is there a class or API included to assist with this or an open source solution? Something like this. Thank you, Jake ...

How to update GUI thread/class from worker thread/class?

First question here so hello everyone. The requirement I'm working on is a small test application that communicates with an external device over a serial port. The communication can take a long time, and the device can return all sorts of errors. The device is nicely abstracted in its own class that the GUI thread starts to run in i...