
how to test Asp.Net frontend?

Hi Does someone know a good way to automate the gui testing based on an Asp.Net frontend? (instead of always run the pages and test the inputs and outputs of a control by hand) Are there any references or framework to support these tests? Thanks ...

What books or resources are available online for free, for learning Visual C++ ?

Where can I find books that help me build GUIs with Visual C++? ...

Recommended resources for learning MS Expression Blend

I've been designing applications using C# for some time now but I have the need to create a more custom application and Expression Blend was recommended to me. I've downloaded the free trial but it's a little fancier than I expected. I'm not a graphic designer and can't use photoshop to save my life, however I do have images provided b...

At what point is it worth using a database?

I have a question relating to databases and at what point is worth diving into one. I am primarily an embedded engineer, but I am writing an application using Qt to interface with our controller. We are at an odd point where we have enough data that it would be feasible to implement a database (around 700+ items and growing) to manage...

Can a native-looking GUI be made with Python

I haven't gotten far enough into Python to make GUIs yet, so I thought I'd ask here. Can a python app be made with the windows default style GUI, or will it have its own style? The only screenshots I've seen of a python app running with a GUI had this ugly win95 look to it. ...

Is there a GUI framework that uses HTML and CSS to build GUIs?

I mean, other than a browser, of course -- I'm talking about building native applications with HTML and CSS -- not web applications, but real native GUIs. I wonder if such a thing exists? And what do you think of such a beast? What would the pros/cons of such a system be? ...

Starting one BlackBerry screen from another.

I've recently run into a snag while putting on the finishing touches for my BlackBerry app. I'm building a login screen which, if the user is successful in logging in, goes to a data loading screen, and then to a home screen. From the home screen, you can use the app. Everything works great but one thing, I can't seamlessly move from ...

Web GUI frameworks for Phone development

I looked already and could't find anyting good. So a question is, are there any good web frameworks that would allow to easily develop GUI for the majority of high end phones? By this I mean It would have to work "the same" on majority of high end phones (forget the low cost ones) It would have to simplify the development and hide th...

Picker view displaying and populated correctly but not interactive

Hi, I have created a Picker view in objective C and populated it with an NSArray and that all works fine, it compiles and shows on screen but the picker doesn't do anything. I'd like to turn as the user drags their finger across like you'd expect but it doesn't react in anyway. 'lil Help? The code I used for the picker comes from "Begi...

Swing - how to mix JTextField and JTextAreas and have same visual appearance?

I am using miglayout to create a form in which there are JTextFields (short input answers) as well as JTextAreas (Longer answers). The problem is twofold. The border placed around a Scrollpane wrapped text area does not match that of a Text Field. The width and placement of the textarea/textfield differ, causing them not to line u...

How to allow resizing of QMessageBox in PyQt4

I'm using the nice feature in QMessageBox to optionally show detailed text to the user. However, the window after expansion is still fairly small, and one immediately tries to resize the window so more of the details are visible. Even after setting what I think are the proper settings it won't allow resizing. Here's the relevant snippet...

MATLAB date selection popup calendar for gui

Does anyone know of a method to display a popup date selection calendar in a MATLAB gui? I know the financial toolbox has a uicalendar function, but unfortunately I don't have that toolbox. I have a hunch I'm going to have to use some Java or some other language for this one, which I know nothing about. I'm looking for something simila...

iPhone OS: Rotate just the button images, not the views

Hi, I am developing an iPad application which is basically a big drawing canvas with a couple of button at the side. (Doesn't sound very original, does it? :P) No matter how the user holds the device, the canvas should remain in place and should not be rotated. The simplest way to achieve this would be to support just one orientation. ...

Learning WPF GUI design

Possible Duplicate: What WPF books would you recommend? GUI's written using WPF seem to be closer to a Web 2.0 feel than older Winforms development has been; do you know of any good quality references online or books which give a general overview of how to design nice WPF applications? I saw this StackOverflow question wher...

BlackBerry - Custom menu toolbar

Hi I'm a beginner in BlackBerry programming, I need to replace in my application the default menu (when you press the menu button) by a custom menu, horizontal. The best to describe is I want the same result as the WeatherEye application for BlackBerry... I know how to create the default menu, but this one I have no idea! Thank you,...

"IronPython + .NET" vs "Python + PyQt". Which one is better for Windows App development?

Hi, I'm new in using Python. I would like to develop Windows GUI Application using Python. After some research, I found that I have 2 options:- IronPython + .NET Framework Python + PyQt May I know which one is better for Windows Application development? Which option has more features (e.g. database support, etc)? Other than the .NE...

What is the best way to design GUI Applications with C?

I always find good tutorials on the subject, but it almost always is C++. Is it hard or just doesn't make sense to make GUI applications with C? A good book, guide or a tutorial is fine. Platform: Linux Thanks ...

Python Tkinter - Edit external object within event handler?

Hey all, As the title says, I'm grabbing the cursor location within a motion triggered event handler in Tkinter. I'd like to update an existing label widget with the location, however I cannot for the life of me figure out how to edit the label's text field (or any external object for that matter) within the event handler. From what I u...

Best way to implement refusing a value change by the user in Swing?

I have a JCheckBox that should not be checked by the user when a certain other field is empty. So now I want to have an error popup and then reset the checkbox (I've considered disabling the checkbox, but the connection to the other field is non-obvious, and a tooltip text IMO not visible enough). What's the correct way to do that in S...

Is there a free (LGPL compatible) Grid plugin for jQuery that has similiar capabilities to the Ext-JS Grid?

One of the most appealing features of Ext-JS is the Grid control in my opinion. I was searching for something free that does something close and have set my hopes on jQuery. I haven't found a jQuery (or other LGPL compatible) Table / Grid plugin that allows to: Reorder columns by dragging Resize columns by dragging Add or Remove colum...