
Blackberry - Custom EditField Cursor

Hi, I am new to Blackberry Development.This is my first Question for you people. I am creating a search box for my project. But it looks like blackberry doesn't have an internal api for creating single line Edit field. I have created a Custom Field by extending BasciEditField overriding methods like layout, paint. In paint i am drawing a...

Gui's with Win32 API

I'm wondering what the correct way of creating Gui's in with Win32 API. Right now I just call the CreateWindowEx in my WM_CREATE event, but I don't think this is the right way to do it. Just as an example, what would be the correct way of adding a 100x20 EditField and getting text from it? Would you create it on WM_Create then use GetTex...

How to change method signature in Netbeans Form Editor?

I create GUI in Netbeans Form Editor and want to change an auto-generated signature of one method, namely to add throws to it. How to do it? For instance, I have private void btOpenFileActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {} And want to make it private void btOpenFileActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) th...

Load any file type into matlab

I have a matlab GUI....I'd like to load ANY file type(doc,txt,dat,xls) into matlab as a matrix through the GUI...I'd appreciate any help I can get!! ...

Graphical designer for controls.

Hi, I'm searching a graphical designer, better than visual studio designer for typical and ajax controls. Visual studio designer (VS 2010 B2) very often don't handle with html code and shows nothing. Is there any better tool for writing code behind and design graphically controls for web sites? ...

SOM Algorithm Matlab HELP

I'm trying to pass a txt file to som_read_data from a GUI......i created a function that takes a txt file from the GUI and then passes it to som_read_data..but i'm getting some are a list of some of the errors.....any one with ideas? ??? Error using ==> ftell Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file ide...

Java GUI, need to pause a method without freezing GUI aswell

I know that this problem is caused by the sleep or wait calling on the main thread and that the answer on how to solve this will be to put the method into a seperate thread and then make that thread sleep. But the code is a mess and don't really have the time to sort it out and split it up into separate threads and was wondering if there...

Python Glade could not create GladeXML Object

Hey, I've created a simple window GUI in Glade 3.6.7 and I am trying to import it into Python. Every time I try to do so I get the following error: ( libglade-WARNING **: Expected <glade-interface>. Got <interface>. ( libglade-WARNING **: did not finish in PARSER_F...

Equivalent to Android's Toast or Mac OSX Growl in Java Swing?

Hi all, Looking for a means of displaying transient, non-modal dialogs in a Swing application. In other words, I'd like to pop up a semi-transparent box with some text in it that can be immediately dismissed, or will fade away in a set amount of time. Is there a library to do this? I don't want to reinvent the wheel if it already exi...

Swing: Scroll to bottom of JScrollPane, conditional on current viewport location

Hi all, I am attempting to mimic the functionality of Adium and most other chat clients I've seen, wherein the scrollbars advance to the bottom when new messages come in, but only if you're already there. In other words, if you've scrolled a few lines up and are reading, when a new message comes in it won't jump your position to the bo...

Blackberry invalidate field not causing a repaint

I'm writing a Blackberry app. I have a custom list field where I can select an item in the list which pushes the edit screen onto the stack. I edit the item and save, and when I pop that screen off so I am back on my list screen, I want to view the update I just made reflected in the list. I have done this on other screens which just had...

Java-Swing: Change getSource() in ActionListener

I have a class that contains a JButton. This can't be changed. The problem is this: The actionListener calls getSource() and gets the JButton, not the container class. Can I change what getSource retrieves, before the actionListener is added? OR can JButtons have a variable reference to its container? I can't make a class extend a JBu...

Is functional GUI programming possible?

I've recently caught the FP bug (trying to learn Haskell), and I've been really impressed with what I've seen so far (first-class functions, lazy evaluation, and all the other goodies). I'm no expert yet, but I've already begun to find it easier to reason "functionally" than imperatively for basic algorithms (and I'm having trouble goin...

GUI testing with Instrumentation in Android

I want to test my Android applications UI, with keyevents and pressed buttons and so on. I've read som documentation that Instrumentation would be able to use for this purpose. Anyone with expericence with using Instrumentation for UI testing? ...

Blackberry: How to properly handle focus traversal in custom field?

I am writing an app for Blackberry and I have the following problem: I have implemented a custom field by extending the Manager class. The field is quite simple, it consists of a label and two check boxes, yes and no. The fields are laid out so that the label is on the left and uses as much space as it can while still allowing room for...

Why doesn't ForceRefresh() work with wx.grid.Grid() subclasses?

My TweetGrid class is implemented as: class TweetGrid(wx.grid.Grid): __init__(self, parent, statuses): wx.grid.Grid__init(self, parent, -1) self.SetTable(TweetGridTable(statuses) Where TweetGridTable is a subclass of wx.grid.PyGridTableBase. if foo is an instance of TweetGrid and I call: foo.ForceRefresh() I ge...

Random GUI errors using C# Mono on Mac OS X

I'm developing an application in C# (Windows Forms), which uses Mono to run on Mac OS X. It contains some dynamic controls, for example a custom groupbox which contains some labels and textboxes, a button, etc.These boxes can both be added and removed dynamically. My CustomGrpBx inherits from GroupBox and this is the contructor I use: ...

Multi-value JSlider component?

I need a multi-value JSlider (or a similar component) for an analysis application. The two features missing from the regular JSlider are the ability to have more than one knob and also the ability to add or remove knobs on the fly. The reason for this is that they will be used to partition the 0..100% range for a particular factor into t...

SOM Algorithm Customization Matlab

I'm designing a GUI to implement SOM algorithm in MATLAB, but i'd want the user to be able to input the "No of iterations", "Initial and Final Neighborhood size" and "Initial and Final Learning Rates"....i'm using the SOM toolbox, how do i use these inputs gotten from the user to achieve my goal......any help please...rmbr files from the...

Is there a rule of thumb when porting iPhone graphics to Android?

I'd like to port my iPhone app to Android. The interface is constructed with artwork designed for 320x480 resolution. What steps do I need to take when I'm constructing the XML interface for the Android so that my GUI will be compatible with the different screen sizes (or at least the most popular ones...)? ...