
How to call an event when the user "finally" selects an item in a list?

When a user clicks once on an item in a Grid or a ListBox, that item is usually selected, hence most UI frameworks have a onSelected event or the like for that. However, how can we generally call the next step when a user "finally" selects an item by e.g. double clicking an entry? You know when some popup might appear in the context of ...

Keep PyGTK Button from Resizing on Label Change

I'm working on a PyGTK app with some Buttons that, when clicked, give a text entry dialog, then set the text on the button to whatever was entered in the box. The problem is that if the text is longer than the button can show, the button changes size to accomodate. How do I keep GTK Buttons from resizing when the text changes? ...

How to detect missing font characters

Is there a way to detect that all characters are displayed properly with the current font? In some environments and fonts certain characters are replaced with a square symbol. I'd like to automatically verify that all characters used in the GUI are supported by the current font. ...

C# says this.Controls is null, why?

Earlier my code was running nicely.. then I edited some .. did not touch the designer code. Why this error is being shown? ...

What is GUI Anchor? Its related to graphical user interface control with the person working on it.

What is GUI anchor? All i have heard is that a person can hold a lock on the GUI for some lenght of time , say 2 hours, and in that peiord no otherr person can access that GUI, beacause if allowed access there can be discrepancy..... ...

Web browsers layout engines, question about API

I'm a little new to GUI things, but I read about Webkit, Presto etc.. all these layout rendering things. How do they for example draw HTML etc. on my Windows form? Take Opera, I've this window form... all that flash, and images, text. Is that all GDI for example? Or have they created their own API for that? And that API, who does that ta...

Coming from a class diagram to a dialog window

Hello, I have a class diagram ("Customer") with some private and public attributes as well as some operations. Now I want to model a dialog (GUI) for editing this customer. The window represents the class Customer and some drop downs and checkboxes the attributes. The operations ("save", "refresh") are represented by buttons. Design Qu...

Is there a way to bring an application's GUI to the current desktop?

Background: Started a fair amount of work before realizing that a Windows Service cannot start an app with a GUI that displays without potential problems. The proper solution of separating the GUI of the app to be started is non-trivial, so I'm trying to think of alternative solutions. There is a GUI to manage the service that is a se...

How can I add an Items-like property to my User Control?

It's pretty straightforward to add simple properties to a User Control that will appear in the desired categories in the Windows Forms designer, e.g.: [Category("Appearance")] public Color BackColor { get { return _textBox.BackColor; } set { _textBox.BackColor = value; } } What if I want to expose a more complex property, such...

Iphone Question: Multi-colored Textbox

Hello I'm stuck at this: How to implement a multi-colored textbox without using a WebView Obj? I want the textcolor updated in each key event and if I use a WebView The app will surely lag a little(touch 1g). I'm finishing up a app that teaches basic english, everything is up and running perfectly, but then I realized that a multi-color...

How to create a Windows GUI with a file explorer window, allowing users to choose files?

Here's what I want to do. I want to present a file explorer, and allow the user to select files, and list the selected files below. (I then want to process those files but that's the next part) For example, the way CD Burning softwares work. I have created a mock up here As you can see, the ...

Which MS technologies would be suited for a data intensive application?

I'm a junior developer with little application design knowledge. I've been reading a lot of material online regarding different design patterns, frameworks, and methodologies. It's become a bit confusing for me. Right now I'm trying to decide on what language would be best suited to convert an existing VB6 application (with SQL...

Should app using VCL migrate?

Is VCL dead, or does it have a future as a GUI library? As CLX ended, is there any chance for cross-platform support in future releases? I've had to do some work with legacy app that uses Borland's VCL(BCB6). Now that new features have to be implemented, it's necessary to revalue alternatives. Whether to stick with VCL or migrate to som...

What is the difference between the Control.Enter and Control.GotFocus events?

This may be a basic question, but I have to admit I've never truly understood what the difference between the Control.Enter and Control.GotFocus events is. Is it a differenti...

What is the easiest way to create a clickable grid for a game in C++?

I haven't used C++ in a while, so I decided to take on a small project to become familiar with it again. I am trying to make a chinese checkers game, but I have no experience with GUI design in C++. Is there a real simple way to just make grid (i.e. bitmap hexagons or something) that when clicked on, will give me the index number of the ...

References To Develop GUI Using PPCompiler

I'm starting to play around with PPCompiler, that is a onboard Pascal compiler for Palm OS, but I want to know where could I get some reference to build GUI applications, with textboxes and these things. Reference = Like those help files with many resources and examples ...

Creating GUI desktop applications that call into either OCaml or Haskell -- Is it a fool's errand?

In both Haskell and OCaml, it's possible to call into the language from C programs. How feasible would it be to create Native applications for either Windows, Mac, or Linux which made extensive use of this technique? (I know that there are GUI libraries like wxHaskell, but suppose one wanted to just have a portion of your application l...

How I can get output from 1st frame textfield input text to 2nd frame textArea

Here is my 1st frame - I want went I input text in textfield example name then click button report will display output to 2nd frame using textArea... please help me import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; public class Order extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private J...

Put `stdout` in an `NSTextView` while running the a command

I'm creating a Cocoa Application, which will need to run the rails command. This command generates an output, and streams it to stdout. I want to show this output to the user in an NSTextView (so basicly stream the stdout to the NSTextView). My application should not 'hang' when the command is running (e.g. the git command takes a long t...

Free GUI-like web design tool for Java?

Our company needs to build web solution and we're somewhat short on time. We use Java and do not have a design yet. We're looking for some tools/plugins for: GUI-like web design (drag and drop components) WYSIWYG The tools must be *free We like GWT but any other UI framework is fine. Plugins for NetBeans or Eclipse would be great. A...