
How to make some simple GUI controls?

I need to make a DirectX or OpenGL app and i will need a custom GUI for that. I think a button, a input text box, a list box (that will need a scroll bar as there will be more items that can fit on the screen) and a slider control will be enough. I know about CeGUI framework but i just don't like it, way too many XML files for my taste. ...

Creating GUI using XML file in C#

How can I create automatic GUI using XML file in C#? Should I write a parser for the file and define a sort of "protocol" for the file's structure, and after the parse - create the GUI controls manually (respective to the data in the files)? Or is there a better way? Is there a tool, or a built-in code in the .NET environment which can ...

GUI for generating XML

Hello. Does anybody know of GUIs for generating XMLs? This means the user will not be presented with an IDE with support for XML for him to type XML codes. This would be helpful for non-technical people using the system. I know this sounds easy, given many libraries that can help in generating XMLs. The issue here is that the schema is...

Switching main view in WPF

I know it might be silly, I have just started with WPF. I want to switch to a different view when a user clicks on a control, for example showing a detail page after a click on a list. This view would replace the original. In a web application this would be navigating to a different page. What is the local idiom for that? ...

Is there a flash or javascript Solari Board available for use on a webpage?

I'm working on a web page which will display information updated periodically via javascript. I want to have it displayed in a Solari Board, complete with the flipping tiles animation. Is there an existing Flash or Javascript implementation I can use? Here's my super-lousy javascript test for one letter. The solution should take a str...

How to change the icon in the title bar in R?

I just installed R 2.11.0-x64 onto my Windows 7 Professional machine. With my previous installations of R (2.10.1 32 bit was the most recent) the little icon that appeared in the title bar and in the taskbar at the bottom of windows was the R "R." Now however, the icon almost looks like a small windows Task Manager. I know this isn't ...

Java Swing - Problem in JSpinner

I am developing a Java Desktop Application and designing the GUI with the help of Netbeans Swing GUI builder. I want to use a JSpinner in my app. I have dragged and dropped it to a JPanel. Now, I want to set its two properties: First, It should display numbers in the range of 1 to 50. Neither less than 1 nor greater than 50. How can I...

Any complex example project for Java desktop-style GUI?

I'd like to see how the code is organized and how the various GUI design patterns are applied. Anything Java and in desktop gui style is fine: GWT, Swing, SWT. Thanks. ...

Need to replace 3rd party WinForm controls, what's the closet WPF equivalent?

I am tired of Windows Forms...I just am. I am not trying to start a debate on it I am just bored with it. Unfortunately we have become dependent on 4 controls in DevExpress XtraEditors. I have had nothing but difficulties with them and I want to move on. What I need now is what the closet replacement would be for the 4 controls I am ...

How do you slow down the output from a DOS / windows command prompt

I have lots of experience of writing php scripts that are run in the context of a webserver and almost no experience of writing php scripts for CLI or GUI output. I have used the command line for linux but do not have much experience with DOS. Lets say I have php script that is: <?php echo('Hello world'); for ($idx = 0 ; $idx < 100 ;...

How to create a drop down menu in MFC for WINCE

I have the following code in a win32 app that shows a drop down menu on clicking a button. However, this does not work in WinCE as MENUINFO is not defined. Is there any way I can get around this? I need to view a drop down menu on clicking a button, and the name appearing on the button changes depending on the option on the menu. void C...

WinForms button position - not aligned as it should

Adding some gui modifications and I want to have a button which is 10pixels away from the forms left and right border. With this code the right border of the button is around 20-30 pixel outside the form window. Why is that? How can I position my button to be exactly 10pixels away from the form borders ? int margin = 10; meny1 = new Bu...

Custom Windows GUI library

I always wondered how software such as iTunes, Winamp etc is able to create its own UI. How is this accomplished under the Windows platform? Is there any code on the web explaining how one would create their own custom GUI? ...

Where are the really high quality and complex Swing components?

Looking at Swing, I have the feeling that it comes with many useful and reasonable atomic components in its core. And when I look at the Web there are hundrets of quickly plugged together components (among them many date/time pickers, pimped lists and tables), which have in common that I could easily write them on my own, if I needed the...

Simple Win GUI - should I try PowerShell or just stick with HTA?

knowing what PowerShell can do on a command line I have never learned how to write GUIs with it. Should I? Or just go back to the good old HTA / VBScript? ...

Java Swing - How to bind a JComponent in Netbeans?

I am using Netbeans Swing GUI builder to design my app's GUI. I have a JTextField tf and a JCheckBox cb. Now, I want that the tf is enabled only when the cb is both enabled and selected. I am performing the below steps to perform this in Netbeans: Right click on tf >> Properties >> Binding Click on button ... at the right of enabled ...

Best cheap GUI for converting to f4v

Hi, I need to give one client the ability to convert some videos to f4v h264 before loading it up to an AIR app. I normally doing with the Adobe Media Encoder CS4 but that only ships with adobe products (you can't download it as a free standalone app - which, start rant is odd, you'd think they would push the format - Microsoft's compe...

display "value" on edit text matlab

Hello I'm creating a GUI and I want the "Edit text" button to display the name of the file I selected....i've stored the filename and the pathname in a variable called "File_Selected:....but how do i pass the filename only to the EditText function on my GUI ...

Subviews are incorrectly positioned by the amount of the iPad status bar

I have a fullscreen view (768x1004), when I add a fullscreen subview to this view, it is incorrectly positioned by the height of the status bar (20 pixels). So the view will be clipped by 20 pixels at the top. I can't figure out why this is happening. The only way I can fix it is to set the origin to CGPointMake(0, 20) in viewDidLoad. I...

Cross-Platform Language + GUI Toolkit for Prototyping Multimedia Applications

I'm looking for a language + GUI toolkit for rapidly prototyping utility applications for multimedia installations. I've been working with Max/MSP/Jitter for many years, but I'd like to add a text-based language to my 'arsenal' for tasks apart from 'content production'. (When it comes to actual media synthesis, my choices are clear [Su...