
Windows GUIs for git (Updated)

I am aware of this question, but it is a bit old now, and some of the answers seem outdated. Question: please write one answer per GUI you have used, including pros and cons (for example, as far as I can tell, with git gui, you can't manage the stash). ...

Library/component to visualize modeling environment?

Hi I am looking for a COTS library to visualize a custom modeling language to be used for the configuration of a dynamic system. The non-programmer users need to drag, drop some blocks with ports, connect them using specific connectors like using Matlab Simulink. The library might include only widgets or widgets plus some framework for ...

Pass variable and its contents from workspace to GUI function in MATLAB

I have a variable in the MATLAB workspace and I want to pass the variable name and its contents to a function in my GUI. How do I achieve this task? ...

Choosing Cross-Platform GUI Desktop App With Webservices

For a current project, we're designing a client desktop application that parses text files and interfaces with a web based database. So far we've split the project into parts: (Third-Party Program) -> (Our Desktop Client) -> (Our Parsing Library #1 and #2) -> (Our Web Server) -> (Our Verification Library) -> (Our Database) We've hit c...

Blackberry - Listfield layout question

I'm having an interesting anomaly when displaying a listfield on the blackberry simulator: The top item is the height of a single line of text (about 12 pixels) while the rest are fine. Does anyone know why only the top item is being drawn this way? Also, when I add an empty venue in position 0, it still displays the first actual venue...

Uiimport does not save variable to base workspace

I tried using uiimport to load a file to the base workspace.....It worked first time....but after trying again after a while...I wasnt seeing the variable in the base work space. I used the default variable name which is given by 'uiimport". This was the command I used: uiimport(filename) And two variables where created by default.....

Is it possible that GUI event interrupts running code from the GUI thread to execute its own event handler method?

Hello folk, I have a weird behavior in my GUI code. If the user produces a lot of events in a short time, it happens that a running event handler method gets interrupted by another event handler method. Since everything runs in the same thread (GUI thread) everything should run sequential and an interruption should not be possible, or d...

Does anybody know of a GUI DSL for Scala?

hi all does anybody knows a scala dsl on gui programming. regards. kula ...

VB.NET: what does the 'friend' modifier do?

What does the 'friend' modifier do in VB.NET? Why is it the default modifier for GUI components in Visual Studio? ...

Does using wxWidgets only for easier Win32 Programming make sense?

I'm writing a GUI Applikation which needs to use native Windows Controls. I'm also using a very exotic programming language with an otherwise complete runtime library. This means i have to write a GUI toolkit language binding anyway. Without the benefits of being cross platform, C++ and having a lot of other non GUI stuff is it worth u...

ApplicationShell presentation pattern

Neither Build Your Own CAB series, nor the Presentation Patterns Wiki got to ApplicationShell. Is there any other place where it is well described? ...

XAML ToolTip + IsHitTestVisible="False"

We need to have mouse clicks and drags "ignored" by our View1 but the ToolTip must still function in that view. The reason is View1 is above View2 in Z-Order, so View1 can tint View2 a red color and show a warning via ToolTip; however the ToolTip accompanying View1 will not work if IsHitTestVisible="False". Anyone know a work around so...

Good looking programs that are built using wxPython for their UI

I need inspiration and motivation so I'm trying to find examples of different programs that have interesting and attractive UI's created free using wxPython. My searches have been slow to find results. I'm hoping you guys know of some of the best ones out there. btw, I've seen these: and the l...

How can I diff against a revision of a single file using only the default Git GUI tools?

I want to view the history of a single file, and then compare a single revision from that history against the current version. On the command line, this is easy: Run: git log -- <filename> Locate the version you want to compare, Run: git diff <commitid> -- <filename> But how can this be done using only the default Git gui tools,...

Refactoring thick client legacy application

I am working on a fat client legacy C++ application which has a lot of business logic mixed in with the presentation side of things. I want to clean things out and refactor the code out completely, so there is a clear seperation of concerns. I am looking at MVC or some other suitable design pattern in order to achieve this. I would like...

How start with XUL development?

Hi everyone. First of all I need to say that my english is not good. So I sorry for errors in this post. Second, I`m a professional programmer for 2 years. Main programming language is (that I find somewhat limited when speaking about User Interfaces). I love user interfaces and I really want to be able to create software in...

i have installed oracle 64 bit client on my laptop ..toad isn't working ..and is there a utility like SQL*Plus the older version?

sqlplus command line utility is working fine but i need to copy commands edit them rerun them command prompt is little bit of a hindrance for that matter ..i have downloaded the sql instant client 32 bit and don't know how to proceed further in the installation of it. ...

Need a good SQL Server Management GUI Tool?

Hi, Is there any options as a GUI to manage Microsoft SQL Server 2005 express except Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express. Winxp used. Thanks. ...

Which IDE is the best in terms of generating gui codes? JBuilder or Netbeans ?

which of these great IDEs? ...

Setting minimum size limit for a window in java swing

I have a JFrame which has 3 JPanels in GridBagLayout.. Now, when I minimize a windows, after a certain limit, the third JPanel tends to disappear. I tried setting minimizing size of JFrame using setMinimumSize(new Dimension(int,int)) but no success. The windows can still be minimized. So, I actually want to make a threshhold, that ...